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Everything posted by plowmanplow

  1. You want to "try out" a hacked client. Sure. Right. You'll get no traction with that here.
  2. Always provide a link to the API URL or the Platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance The first line in that crash indicates that you have an enchantment ID conflict between EvilCraft and AM2 for ID 101.
  3. Always provide the API URL or a link to the Platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance. Always use a pastebin service for log/crash data so as not to pollute the thread. Your modpack archive is in 7zip (7z) format. All archive files intended for use in the Platform must be in ZIP format only. Your /bin/modpack.jar file is also in 7zip format. Additionally, the contents of the modpack.jar file are in a subfolder called "modpack" inside the archive file. You should not be messing with this file in any way. Simply download the correct version of the Forge universal binary JAR and rename it to modpack.jar. Don't extract it, don't edit it, don't add anything to it, and don't recompress it. Simply rename it. You have some absolutely ancient mods in your /mods/ folder. For example, you are more than 800 builds/versions out of date with Biomes O' Plenty. Some of your mods are not in the correct location. bspkrsCore belongs in the /mods/1.7.10/ folder. There may be others. It looks like you have a version of Weather mod for MC/Forge 1.8.9 instead of 1.7.10. This will need to be fixed. Thaumcraft (at least) as well. Some of your mods look like they are from illegitimate sources. Any mod with a name in the format of "ModName-1.7.10.jar" or "ModName-Mod-1.7.10 is highly suspect (such as NEI and Hats for example). Always get your mods directly from the author's preferred distribution channels so that you are supporting them, that you get the correct versions of the mods, and that you know when you need dependencies (see next bullet). You have the Hats mod but not the required dependency mod iChunUtil. I'm going to stop here. The pack needs a lot of work. Please address the above issues and provide the requested links in your next post if you need additional assistance. You may benefit from using a better pack development environment such as my BareBonesPack.
  4. URLs starting with https:// should work fine provided your certificates are valid and issued through a trusted authority.
  5. The contents of that download worked fine for me. No textures were messed up and no errors when creating and working in an SSP world. As for the ".DS_Store" files, those are extra files Macs put on the file system (dear god, why <sigh>). You should be able to open the ZIP file after you create it and manually remove those files if you want to try that.
  6. Custom modpack support requests belong in the Platform Pagoda forum. Hopefully this can be moved. Your /bin/modpack.jar is named "modpack.jar.jar". Google "windows X explorer always show file extensions" (where X is your windows version) to find out how to eliminate this issue. You should not be distributing the /mods/VoxelMods/ folder in your modpack archive. This will overwrite client settings each time the pack is updated. Always ensure you are incrementing the pack version number any time you update the pack metadata or modpack archive. Always provide the API URL or a link to the platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance.
  7. I've posted in both the IRC channel and the Discord discussion group about this issue so hopefully one of the staff will be able to provide more information.
  8. I've posted in both the IRC channel and the Discord discussion group about this issue so hopefully one of the staff will be able to provide more information.
  9. The only way I'll be able to diagnose a partial build like that is if you provide a link for me to download your work in progress.
  10. The /bin/ folder inside your modpack archive should only contain one file: modpack.jar. All other files/folders below there should be removed. The file on your self-hosted site is remarkably different from the one on DropBox. When I make a connection in the same way the Launcher does, I get "Connection: keep-alive" instead of "Connection: close", not that it should make any difference. I know you don't want your pack in a non-working state, but it's going to be hard to diagnose unusual cases like this without a pack with the metadata configured in the way you want it to work. Can you make a temporary/test pack that points to a URL on your personal host for the modpack URL?
  11. Shall we consult our crystal balls to diagnose the problems? Please provide a link to the API URL or the Platform modpack page. Please provide both the DropBox link and your personally hosted link so that we can test and compare.
  12. Seemed interesting, sure, I'll check it out. Hmm, never messed with Iguana Tweaks before. Oh, basically crazy hard-mode early game, no consequence late game. Alright, I'll see what happens. Oh. Witches at/near spawn. No way to attack, no way to defend myself. Hunger doesn't recover on death. Everything in starting inventory immediately lost. Good times! I think I'm doing something wrong, heh.
  13. That looks like a video issue of some sort which is causing the fonts to not be rendered correctly. Once you have your pack/archive updated let us know and we'll take another look.
  14. If you are getting an error with dropbox (and you haven't blown out your bandwidth limits) then you are either constructing your link improperly or you have a problem inside your modpack archive. Please start a new thread with the relevant information in the Platform Pagoda forum.
  15. Start your own thread, don't hijack someone else's. In that new thread, please provide the API URL or a link to your Platform pack page.
  16. How much bandwidth are you thinking you'll need? Dropbox is perfectly viable at their free tier unless your pack is both very large, and very popular. If either or both of those are true then wouldn't it make sense to pay for a product that gives you the tools to manage your resources properly instead of something which is offered for free with limited functionality? As I said, I'll see what other options are available and post something back here in the next few days. Edit: Just a cursory look into dirt cheap VPS offerings with (theoretically) unmetered bandwidth can be had for as little as $9/yr.
  17. There is that old but accurate adage, "If you aren't paying for something on the internet, you aren't the customer you are the product." This goes for cloud storage/services just like everything else. They'll only survive for as long as they are able to market you (not market to you) or that it provides a means to expand their business. It is trivially easy, and next to free, to host about anything you want online. I suppose I should do my part and audit the available options to see what's viable both at cost and for "free". I'll see about that in the coming days.
  18. Every mod will generate a config file (well, 99.9% of them will) when the pack is started. The idea is that you prep the pack in a development environment (such as my BareBonesPack) then copy out the configs to the staging area for your modpack archive once you have finished tweaking the configs.
  19. Yeah, that's never going to happen The bandwidth costs would be crippling unless it was at a cost, and then why not go with one of the for-cost solutions which fit that business model much better?
  20. Your modpack archive should have a /mods/1.7.10/ folder. "[1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar" should be in that folder. You have the liteloader installer JAR in your /mods/ folder. This file should not be in your pack. You need to have the actual liteloader mod JAR in the /mods/1.7.10/ folder. You are missing the Mantle mod which is required by Tinkers' Construct. Your modpack hoas no config files in the /config/ folder. Every modpack should contain a full compliment of config files in order to better integrate the included mods, to facilitate adjusting balance, and to ensure all clients are using the same config files (critically important when used on a server). Some of your mods are out of date. Do a complete audit of the mods you are including to ensure you are using the most recent compatible releases. CRITICAL EDIT: The current version of the Telepads mod is months out of date on its releases. You will need to roll back to the "Bookshelf-1.7.10-1.0.15.jar" version of Bookshelf mod in order to get the pack working, or you will need to remove the Telepads mod. Your choice. After making the above changes the pack started successfully. Make sure you follow my previous advice and allocate no more than 2G of RAM to the Launcher if your PC only has 4G of physical RAM. Allocating any more will make both the client and your PC run extremely poorly. This pack includes at least a couple mods known to consume a larger than typical amount of RAM (Orespawn, Tropicraft) so you may want to ensure you have as few as possible (none) other applications open when the game client is running.
  21. Well, you can solve the problem by creating a /bin/ folder and putting the correct modpack.jar inside. You will also need to address the other bullet points.
  22. As I stated, we need the API URL or a link to your pack page in order to assess the pack metadata. I'll assume that whatever download URL your pack references is current and will evaluate that. Always ensure you increment the pack version number any time you change the pack metadata or the contents or URL of the modpack archive download location. Your modpack archive is in RAR format. All archive files intended for use in the platform must be in ZIP format only. Your modpack archive is missing the /bin/ folder and the "modpack.jar" file which should be inside that folder. MDK-1.7.10- is the development kit for Mekanism and does not belong in a client modpack. Be aware that your pack is enormous and also contains Reika's mods. They are notorious for having compatibility issues in very large packs.
  23. Always provide the API URL or a link to your platform pack page when requesting custom modpack assistance. Does the client work as expected in SSP? Is that crash report from the client or from the server? (If it's a server log I see many client only mods in that list) Once we have the API URL or a link to the pack page we can continue.
  24. Always provide the API URL or a link to the platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance. Never allocate more than half your physical RAM or 4G, whichever is the smaller number. The current version of Biomes O' Plenty works fine with the current version of Forge. Once we have the API URL or pack link we can proceed.
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