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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. AFAIK, The answer is no because Tekkit Lite runs on a different version of MC then Biomes O' Plenty.
  2. That looks quite weird.
  3. It has relieved my stress levels considerably.
  4. Now, I'm not a mod or anything, but I'm seen plenty posts here to want to make this announcement. This is the Off-Topic Section. Here is not the place to ask for help for your modpack, launcher, login problems etc. If you want to post a bug, please do it here - http://forums.technicpack.net/tracker/ Now again, not trying to be snobby or anything, but it's not going to help posting your problem in the wrong section of the forum. Thank you for your time.
  5. Wow! Congratulations!

  6. No thanks to Munaus, I see.
  7. I'm so sorry for this. It had to be done.
  8. It's your monthly care package of absolute nonsense

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      whoop-ca-doop! babooblabling! dadadumpty!

    2. Kocken926


      Good stuff, good stuff...

    3. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      I see you needed it.

  9. Qui est ton petit chou?

    1. holymage!


      i am your lovely right?

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
    3. holymage!


      but i do know darling....

      ps, i'm not a cabbage

      funny enough i could acually figure most of that out my self....just didn't know what Suis and chou meant...

  10. It's finally not 10 degrees outside. There is a god.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_



    3. holymage!


      it's raining here if it makes your feel better.

    4. Ysharma


      What's this outside you speak of? My habitat is cooled to a balmy SoCal 80

  11. Because it's never too late to die.

    1. TheBytemaster


      Unless you're already dead. Then what?

  12. it's cause memes are spam
  13. Is this a thing again?
  14. Amen. Actually, the visuals in POE kinda gross me out. Freakiest? I try to stay the hell out of the way from freaky games, however Dishonored caught me off guard. Dishonored. Great game. You can feed people to rats. Terrific game.
  15. I primarily go mid lane and use these champions (APC only by my rules) Syndra - Insane burst but no way of escape. Lissandra - Crowd control queen but short range. Ahri - E allows for easy setups and passive allows for sustain. Top Lane for me is almost Riven with some Shyvana. Support Lulu - Lots of buffs and debuffs. Sona - Lots of buffs and heals. Karma - Q for poke, W for snare, E for speed up. W+E for sustain
  16. It's been about a month,

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      You need some more junk on your feed.

    2. Kocken926


      Well, my feed gets fed with the junk I send to other people, too, so I can afford to lower the junk-quota. Feel free to post stuff, though, the more junk the better.

  17. Upload it to the Technic Pack site from dropbox or someother hosting site.
  18. Apparently adept at not setting off sarcasm meters

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Torezu


      That depends on who else is reading/listening to the exchange. Sometimes it's <more> fun.

    3. TonyVS


      it is all fun and games till someone loses an eye, then it becomes a sport

    4. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
  19. I really don't want to end up on your death list.
  20. Welp. Sudden change of heart.
  21. A simple post asking others to do something for you.
  22. What tangled webs we weave.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Torezu


      Are you a spider?

    3. Munaus


      Asked the handsome rider.

    4. TheBytemaster


      Who played a guitar with his sleeve.

  23. %appdata% --> .minecraft --> saves drop it in your saves folder.
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