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Everything posted by Skuli

  1. It's a MossyCobble provider issue. I can't get into the control panel either.
  2. Server should be back up. If z.theminingdead.com doesn't work you can try
  3. Just added a temporary invulnerability period after player death. Upon defeat you have 20 seconds of invulnerability. This should help cut down on the brutal zombie respawn killing we've had lately.
  4. New radiation system added in debug state; no damage being applied yet. Use /rads to see debug output on current radiation levels and chance for damage. I also added a little treat, /jukebox, which lets you play the in-game records. The command is pretty self-explanatory.
  5. My server costs $50 a month. I don't accept donations. I just pay out-of-pocket.
  6. Server outage tomorrow morning from 9 to 10a for new radiation system deployment. Should be a lot more flexible and less buggy than current system.
  7. You probably have two copies of the mffs force field mod in your MODS folder.
  8. Update 9/19: BE AFRAID OF THE DARK. MAJOR changes. The Outlands is now experiencing a drought; as you play, your /thirst level decreases, and must be replenished with water bottles, water buckets, or water cells. If you're sufficiently desperate you can try to squeeze some moisture out of a cactus... The affects of dehydration can be pretty severe, including dropping equipped items when attacking, collapsing from exhaustion, etc. I've also added a few truly NASTY surprises to keep low-light players on their toes; I'd recommend keeping your home and mining areas as bright as you can afford... Medieval world spawn has been moved to a rather nice town one hundred blocks north of the old quick-and-dirty spawn. This should be the last major update prior to the Halloween events, which are already in progress...
  9. Lifted Outlands border. Beyond 2500 blocks is a radioactive, ruined wasteland where zombies are SIGNIFICANTLY tougher. Added a vanilla Minecraft world by popular demand for those seeking a more normal Minecraft adventure.
  10. DNS is currently hosted by GoDaddy, and GoDaddy is being DDOS's by anonymous. Use the IP address:
  11. Update 9/7/2012: Outlands griefing policy change in effect. Any items taken from unsecure chests or block broken in unprotected areas will not be considered grief. If the griefer was a member of your town or was a friend to the plot, it will be considered an internal town matter or user error and will NOT be considered grief. Zombies will steal your compass now. Scrapboxes are disabled server-wide. Your little mini-mass-fabricators are gone forever.
  12. http://webbukkit.org/jenkins/public/Dynmap-Diag/ This has been instrumental in identifying some chunkloader issues I was having on my server. It adds a layer (defaults to off) in dynmap that shows all loaded chunks, and can give you some info as to WHY they're loaded when you click on the chunk.
  13. Update 9/4/2012: The /town spawn and /town outpost now have a five minute cooldown and a compass cost to use in Outlands worlds.
  14. Can you spawn a mob with essentials or commandbook?
  15. Latest update: Added the Outlands nether. It's an interesting place. Has the standard glowstone/lavafields/netherrack, but not where and how you'd expect...
  16. You know, you may have just pointed out why my server has too many chunks loaded even though I went through and deleted ALL chunkloaders from all mods... Maybe there's a problem with the chunkloaders in general.
  17. Just turn logging off. This is a known issue, fixed (I believe) by later builds of dimensional anchors but nto fixed in Bukkit.
  18. That will work, but really you just need to delete the old MFFS file and copy this one in.
  19. No, it goes in your MODS folder and replaces the existing MFFS file there.
  20. Damage: <your stuff> - 'if damage.type.EXPLOSION and target.type.Player': - 'cancel' - 'delay.4': - 'targeteffect.unknownhurt': '+damage'
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