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Everything posted by jakalth

  1. Ran it a second time. This time on just 1 REC outputting just 50mj/tick. Same pulse of just 5 deuterium. It used only 49,350mj while the turbines produced a total of 235,508 before coming to a complete stop. That interesting actually. Seems you need to limit the power consumption of the reactor to get higher outputs. Seems a little counter productive but works? Note, for both tests I had disconnected the link between the empty and full REC's so the reactor was not feeding its self this time. I also still had glass electromagnets in the top of each torus. have not played around with replacing them with regular electromagnets. Here are some pics of the reactor: The reactor layout before adding water. Reactor is under the center stone block. http://i1346.photobucket.com/albums/p685/Jakalth/4torusreactor2_zps28591de9.jpg?t=1371398893 The reactor after being filled with water and wired up.
  2. Alright, I got some results here. I have been running the reactor on a pulse of just 5 deuterium, then letting it cool down completely. With two REC's hooked up in parallel to the reactor(outputting a combined total of 200mj/tick) 124,400mj of power was drained from the two cubes while the reactor produced a total of 90,930mj before it cooled off enough for the turbines to shut off. running at a loss. hmmm. conflicting results this time.
  3. Way too detailed? Yeah, a little. But this way others reading this thread can hopefully try making it. Using glass on top, well, that is mostly for looks. I wasn't sure if using regular electromagnets would allow for more locations for water or not. 200mj a tick required by the reactor. Ok, that one is news to me. I did not know that actually. I'll have to play around with my reactor and see what results I get with a second cube hooked to the reactor in parallel. I'll let you know. As far as the power requirements a problem with either the reactor or the REC, I doubt it. In real life a fusion reactor of this type requires a huge amount of power to fire up. We are talking large city power requirements. So it does make sense now that I think about it.
  4. "Ink mixer seems a little pointless at the moment" Well, the ink mixer now lets you make intra linking books. This type of link book lets you connect between two different spots on the same world. This is something you have not been able to do with mystcraft link books for a very long time. It is chance based, but the chances can be increased greatly with extra reagents being used. It also has several other different abilities the ink mixer can add to the linkpanel it creates. It is the linkpanel you need to craft in order to make a descriptive book. It needs to be the first thing you add to the book in the book binder. The link panel is also what is needed to craft a linking book as well. Linkpanel + leather. You just right click it to activate it's linking. This now allows you to bring unactivated linking books with you into an age and activate them when you get there, making a different link to that age without having to craft the book while in the age.
  5. Well, the center is a single fusion reactor, ringed by a single row of electromagnets. This row makes a ring 3x3, that is the center common area. Now using each side of the center ring as part of the outer rings, I add 4 more electromagnets, just too the left side of each face of the inner ring, making it look like a pinwheel. Off of each extension, I count out 2 blocks(half way out) and add 4 electromagnets coming off it perpendicular too that side. Repeat this for each side. Now using this addition, I add another 3 blocks, perpendicular again, to connect it to the next extension to its right. This creates a set of interlocking rings that are 5x5 in size. One ring coming off of each side of the center ring. Now, inside each of these rings, I add a 3x3 ring of electromagnetic glass. The glass is 1 block higher then the electromagnets. I add a second 3x3 ring that is 1 block lower, leaving an open space between the two rings. I then add 1 electromagnet into the center between the two rings of electromagnetic glass to finish off the torus. Just repeat this for the other 4 sides. This will leave you with the 4 interconnected torus that share common sides. It will also have channels on top of the electromagnets(not the glass kind) for the water to go. Now place a block or redstone energy conduit on top of the fusion reactor. Water in direct contact with it causes it to do funny things like use extra power and/or not produce enough plasma. And finish it off with the following trick to maxamize water surface area. All around the outer edge of the reactor make a trough that will hold single blocks of water against the outer surface of the electromagnets(not the top just yet). Once this is completely filled with water source blocks so that there is no flowing water, place steam turbines above the water, all the way around. With the steam turbines in place, they will hold the next layer of water in place as well as generate power. So... Place water source blocks on TOP of all the exposed electromagnets(again, not the glass ones, just the regular type.) This will give you an interconnected channel of water covering most of what you built. Place turbines on top of all this water as well. Now just connect all the turbines together with redstone energy conduits and make sure you click every one of the connections too orange, with the wrench, for send power. then just route a conduit off the web of conduits on your reactor and connect it to at least 2 redstone energy cubes(empty ones). Place a single full energy cube below the reactor, but leave enough room for two conduits too connect it to your reactor. Now connect the empty energy cubes you placed to collect power, too the full one, and make sure to click the connection on the empty ones too orange for send. The connection from the empty ones to the full one should be separate from the conduits coming down to them from your turbines. Now for a little trick to lower energy loss. make a jumper that connects the conduits coming from your turbines directly to the full energy cube. Ok, you should be ready to try it out. just make sure the fusion reactor is getting power and add at least 5 deuterium to it. If you built it all correctly, you should see plasma running through the 4 torus in a cyclic pattern and your turbines starting to spin up. if something is not right, you will have a bunch of fire below your reactor. Cutout view of the torus: M = electromagnet | G = electromagnetic glass | will be 3 blocks high and 3 blocks wide. G M M G
  6. Now that gives a nice definitive answer. And an interesting one too boot.
  7. or, simply build mob grinders facing outwards into the base of your buildings. Any mod gets close, the mod grinders kill it and gives you the mobs items.
  8. Tested your idea TokiWartooth and yes, you have found a much more efficient design. 4, 3x3 Torus, each offset by 1 block so that the corner of each is lined up with one of the flat sides of the fusion reactor, and you get a much more efficient. A lot more power output then I would of guessed. Any bigger then a 3x3 torus and the plasma will not reach far enough to heat up the turbines.
  9. Well, I have found that the plasma will only travel so far before it runs out of heat. seems like 8-9 blocks past the area the plasma is added. so the connected torus would need to be very small in order for the plasma to travel the full loop. maybe only 3x3 for each loop, with a plasma input in each loop. Also, the larger the torus, the longer the reactors need to run for the setup to become efficient. as in the more fuel you need in each reactor for it to fully heat up.
  10. Well, finally got around to testing out atomic science in creative and went strait for the fusion reactor. A normal fusion reactor setup, with a 5x5 torus(well, the center of the torus) for the plasma, does not impress me at all. Barely got enough power out of it to refill the energy used by the reactor. I had followed a video showing how to make it, but I found a flaw in their design. In the video, they showed adding a wall to the outside of the torus to hold the water. Placing turbines over this water to produce power. After playing around, I found that if you do the same too the center of the torus, covering the top of the fusion reactor with a block(or a redstone energy conduit), you get nearly twice the power back then what you put in. This nearly doubles the energy output of the reactor setup. while it is running, it only needs about 10MJ/tick more power then it is producing, but when it runs out of deuterium, you get that back and more. Now... If you increase the size of your torus, from 5x5 too a 7x7 torus(again, this is the center ring of the torus), and place 2 reactors in there instead of just 1, you get a reactor setup that will give you a continual 20MJ/tick surplus of power, while it is running. And close to 100,000MJ total off of 10 Deuterium in each reactor. the trick is, you have to fill the center of this torus with electromagnets to keep the plasma from leaking. a single layer at the same level as the reactors should be enough, but I made this 3 magnets deep just to be on the safe side. leaving only an opening below the reactors so I could feed them power and deuterium. And the reactors go in opposing corners, otherwise the plasma will not go all the way around your torus. Once again, have water and turbines on both the outside and inside of the torus to maximize power production. As a test I have found you can go one step further. A quad reactor setup supplying plasma to 2 separate torus. The inner torus is a tiny 3x3 torus, while the outer one is a huge 11x11 torus. The two torus are built inside each other with the reactors going in the gap between the two. the rest of the gap between them needs to be filled in with electromagnets to keep the plasma in place. The 4 reactors should be roughly centered between the torus, NOT in the corners, so they can supply plasma to both. There is a place for 4 rings of water, 2 on each torus leaving room for 89-97 turbines total. When powered with 10 deuterium in each reactor, the setup produced a constant 30MJ/tick surplus while running, and when all was said and done, I had a surplus of 623,000MJ. So yeah, it works, but the cost a quite a bit to make. Not sure if the cost is worth the output though.
  11. Alright, thats good to know, about the sound. Any ideas on the oddly chunk updates? Or is that actually normal for tekkit? Further playing around in the same map is giving me quite good results actually. Other then the lag ticks from chunk updates. In fact, the resource use hasn't gone above 56% memory use, and I only have about 1Gig allocated to Minecraft. 1.1.1 was sitting at at least 75% at this point. thing to note: Ender tanks have twisted tops. Where the three colored blocks are placed, and where you have to click to interact with them are in different spots. So the (strike box?) you place the color on is turned 90 degrees clockwise from where the block actually is on the ender tank.
  12. Ok, tried the newest release. In single player, the game loaded MUCH faster then before. Took only about 1/3 the time to load past the Majong screen compaired to even 1.1.1 Created a creative superflat map, the map rendered a bit faster as well. Game loaded just fine, no issues what so ever. Let my computer catch up for a bit and it looked smooth as can be, until... Gave the map time to fully render(older computer, can be a little slow sometimes) and everything seemed fine. Had nothing created yet so it was a fresh virgin landscape. But, there was no sound at all. Also, I did notice there was a lag tick, less then half a second, when I was moving around. Turning on the info options(F3 button) showed that while I was standing still there were 0 Chunk updates, but whenever I moved, I would get spikes of over 100 Chunk updates and my frame rate would drop to 10 fps for a fraction of a second. I have render set to normal so there can't be more then that many chunks loaded. With other mod packs it rarely goes above teens, until I have machines built. Not sure whats going on with this.
  13. Birch seems to have one of the lowest sapling drop rates of any of the trees. But with minecraft, this is different for each person and/or game. It should give you a positive output of saplings though. Have you tried staggering the seedlings by placing a different block, like cobblestone, in between each dirt block, in a checkerboard pattern? it plants less seedlings to fill the farm, but seems to lessen the odd things that can happen in minecraft.
  14. The wood farm would actually give you a much higher output then using the sawmill --> log trick. Plus you get other materials to work with besides just logs, as a bonus.
  15. And the oddities of minecraft it's self seems to give different results for each person as well. Part of the fun of the game.
  16. Well, so far it seems that the problem for each person is slightly different. For me it is a combination of it just taking up to a minute for Tekkit to load past the Mojang screen, and my Anti-Virus thinking Tekkit is a virus of some type and trying to quarantine it while it loads. Some people get load lag, others have it simply crash out at the Majong screen with no errors, or even refuse to start loading all together... As for the mod pack creaters, I believe the issue is that they can't quite isolate the exact cause of these issues. Neither Java or Minecraft its self gives enough specifics in the crash logs to completely lock down what is causing it just yet. It is being looked into and has been for several release versions already. So far, it is still illusive.
  17. Thanks for your opinions on this so far. A lot more variety in results then I had first though. A lot of good ideas here as well.
  18. pretty much did that, Only needs an iron chest with the stone, dirt, gravel and sand blocked using a diamond pipe.
  19. Pipe the rest into a second reactor if you have the resources, and use this second one as your spill catcher. If that fills up as well, try a third or setup a chest to collect them.
  20. Hmmm, I have found that adding too much RAM can cause more problems then not having enough. Try just allocating 2 Gig of RAM in the launcher and see if that makes any difference at all. A also have found that my anti-virus program sees Minecraft loading as a trojan/virus running on my computer and keeps trying to isolate it. I have to disable my anti-virus just long enough for Minecraft(Tekkit in this case) to load up to the main minecraft menu before re-enabling it. If I do not do this, the game takes 3 times longer to load and acts like I have almost no RAM available. Once the game is at the main menu, the anti-virus ignores it like it is supposed to. Give this a try once if you trust your network enough to go unprotected for even that long. It might help you as well.
  21. Ok, I know biofuel is one of, if not the, best fuel of choice for Tekkit early too mid/late game. But I have a few questions for those that use it. These are just the posters opinion and Not a rule. So be nice and thank you for your input on this. 1. What specific plant do you find to be the highest yield in terms of biofuel output over a set period of time? 2. What specific plant do you think is the most efficient in terms of resources spent building the auto farm/generator setup? 3. Trees... Which tree type has the greatest yield in your opinion? 4. What plant do you find to be the best overall in terms of material cost to set up AND overall production rate? 5. What combination of plants would you go with if you could only choose 4 different plants to use for your production farm? I'll star things out here. 1. In my opinion, I find it to be a toss up. Pumpkins seem to be faster in terms of how quickly they produce and how easily the harvester can work the field on a large farm. But, trees are erratic, and they can sometimes go nuts with sapling output, flooding the bioreactor to capacity in a short period of time, while other times they leave the reactors empty. 2. Pumpkins. The setup is fairly cheap to make and they only need one powered machine and a redstone engine to keep the reactor *supplied with seeds. 3. For me, it always seems to be Aspen trees from the tiaga biome. They seem to have the highest number of leaves per tree and usually out produce Oak, even with Oak growing into the large mutant trees at times. 4. Not sure how to answer this one myself yet. I haven't worked enough with the full variety of plants yet to decide with any confidence. 5. Rubber Trees, Pumpkins, Melons(if I can find a villager selling them, otherwise Potatoes), Aspen trees.
  22. Iron, I would say about 75 per chunk. Copper, about 50. Silver, and lead switch back and forth. You find more of one in one try, then more of the other in the next try. so something like 20/30 for silver and 30/20 for lead. Tin can be strange at times, not sure why. For me anyways, it seems to stick around 35 average. I can agree with TokiWartooth. 3 is a good average for Emerald. But ONLY in extreme hills biome and extreme hills edge. The spawn rate is 0 everywhere else.
  23. Iron is around the same , if not higher, density then copper. Where as gold is lower density, as low as only 6 per chunk. Diamond is about the same as Gold. Ferrous seems to be a bit lower then even diamond and gold, usually only finding 2-3 in a given chunk sometimes as many as 8, and emeralds can only be found under extreme hills biomes, and at that, only in single ore blocks. Something like 1-4 per chunk.
  24. Couldn't you make a single stable mystcraft world and add Custom ore generation to it to boost the amount of ore in just that age? Then block the production of all other Mystcraft related items leaving only 1 active portal too the age. One public mining age with only a single access point. Could be fun, could be a pain. Maybe allow only the use of Mystcraft linkbooks and lecturns so people can have their own link to the age, at their own location. This would require a little more setup of the servers world with you going in and creating the age before the permissions are set and the server goes live... 1 Mystcraft age doesn't seem to be the death of a server or game. It seems to start when there is more then one age created and the nether is being accessed at the same time. But I'm not completely familiar with servers and how the load builds on them due to multiple dimensions.
  25. yeah, that does actually look quite nice. And keeps those silly jungle trees from becoming giants as well. I could see your setup going well in an urban setting. As a joint effort multiplayer game.
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