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Everything posted by Valkon

  1. When you download the texture pack it should already be a .zip file. That's the file you're supposed to put in.
  2. The texture pack .zip, optifine should already be installed.
  3. Oh, wasn't aware of that. Well, looks like it's time for someone to prepare for survivalist camp.
  4. *AGHHGHGAHGHHGCASUALAGHHGHGAHGHHG* Sorry about that, have a slight cold. Anyways, you can just hit that convenient "Mod Select" button and disable the More Health mod from there.
  5. You should congratulate yourself though, you managed to get that post in right as I locked the thread. *Clap.*
  6. Bad Post Checklist: Wrong section? √ Low effort server post? √ Signing posts? √ Welp, I'd say this post earns you four days off! Congratulations on your vacation, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  7. You put the .zip file in ~/library/application support/techniclauncher/technicssp/texturepacks or ~/library/application support/techniclauncher/tekkit/texturepacks, depending on which one you want the texture pack in.
  8. Why did you use MCpatcher? Optifine (part of technic/tekkit) contains built-in HD texture pack support.
  9. Well, there's that too, but that usually happens once you've spent enough time on the internet.
  10. That's not the treatment for asking a question, that's the treatment for asking a redundant question that can be answered with basic research (aka reading the mod's thread) and is posted in the wrong place.
  11. ... Pointless thread is pointless.
  12. There's also the respiration helmet enchantment, which isn't added by a mod at all.
  13. ...yes you can? I've been playing it on a Mac fine.
  14. Oh dear. Give me a second while I break down and sob for the loss of a whole one player. *Single tear rolls down face* How could you.
  15. How to access Technic at school: You don't. "All work and no play might make Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work makes him an idiot."-Shameless Self-Quoting
  16. I... I don't think I did this right. There's a ghost following me around that appears to be rapidly alternating between blue, red, and orange colors. And a burning cake spontaneously appeared to the left of me.
  17. Regardless of any ease of finding in the past, it's not there now. Later I did manage find it through google. By searching the exact name. Not a very efficient way of finding something if you don't know what it is or that it even exists. Also, regardless of whether it was on the Tekkit 2.0 main page before, it's not there now. If it was I'd agree with you, that they should find it themselves. However, it's not, and that does make a difference.
  18. Midas Gold is located nowhere on these forums. Please explain these "Surroundings." Wait, maybe if we... Nope, no results on the first page for that.
  19. Respect isn't something you're entitled to. It's something you earn.
  20. I'm sure Notch would find it useful.
  21. Okay. I'll admit. I was wrong. At the time I had misinterpreted the lack of Java 7 for Mac. As it turns out, at this time there is no Java 7 for Mac. You should still be able to run Technic Pack on Snow Leopard. It's not an issue with not having Java 7. If you're having problems running Technic, it's something else.
  22. Well, you could try using the launcher's options window to allocate more memory, but I wouldn't recommend it. If I remember correctly, doing so has issues, due to the way Java works or something.
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