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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. Np, also, in the future - issues belong on the tracker, link at top of page or in my signature below. Granted a lot of common issues are on that thread.
  2. Disabling necromancy would be required to ensure no crashing happens when villages are re-enabled (theyre presently disabled in all biomes o plenty biomes [nix one i believe, mightve just been missed by mistake]) so in order to even find a village now, they would have to be located in a village that spawns under vanilla minecraft generations (very very rare) or the BOP config set to enable the spawning of villages again. Even if a village was found under these circumstances, no tinkers construct village stuff would be there since that was disabled as well (due to the issues previously mentioned) The only other way to get them in the game (if they are not disabled via the config somehow) is spawning them in via the spawn villager egg - as they have a low chance to spawn them. Edit: Looked at the TCon config, there is no setting in there that disables them directly, but since they spawn in with village generation, the config would need to be edited to enable the tcon stuff to spawn in again (including villagers): B:"Add Village Generation"=false That line in the config being the one needing to be turned to true as well as the biomesoplentyterraingen.cfg allow villages section needing their values back to true.
  3. Solder API is indeed the only way to go for that, it isn't 100% simple and isn't extremely documented or well supported (community here supports it as best as they can) - I do recommend looking around the platform pagoda here if you do run into a solder issue, as im sure quite a few of them point to resources or provide answers to commonly ran into issues.
  4. Some mods that are indicated for 1.7, may have a 1.6 build, you would need to find their section for "Old Versions" or "Old Downloads" (wording varies of course, but it should be clearly labeled if they offer older downloads)
  5. Java Version: 1.7.0_55, Oracle Corporation While not the actual issue, java is indeed outdated. I do recommend updating to Java 7u67. (edit: oops, hit post accidentally) java.lang.NullPointerException at cofh.render.RenderHelper.renderIcon(RenderHelper.java:104) at thermalexpansion.render.RenderItemFlorb.renderItem(RenderItemFlorb.java:64) This indicates an issue while it attempted to render an icon for the florb from cofh (authors of thermal expansion) - were you doing anything recently with florbs or looked up their recipes or looked anything up in NEI?
  6. Bad packet IDs are very common with mods that have network information - if something is sent incorrectly (malformed) it can easily throw this error in regards to it as it may get an ID that is designed for a particular function (such as id 24 being related to mob information) that leads to nowhere, or to a function it wasnt expecting to get this information. These types of issues can be anywhere from mismatched versions between client<->server, to a badly coded mod, to an actual issue with FML. Without knowing what exactly updated, it may be impossible to know where the issue may lie. (tho it failing with a io.netty.codec.DecoderException is a new one to me)
  7. Any particular reason you cannot simply just move the installation from /dashboard/api/ to /api so the /api link points to what you would have received from /dashboard/api. And there is a way to do this via the DNS. They are CNAME, ALIAS, and URL DNS entries, all valid for top-level domains [CNAME isnt recommended for top-level] and sub domains/urls.
  8. If you disable necromancy (there is no config setting to disable the village portion of it, sadly) by removing it, the villages can be re-enabled most likely without crashing (necromancy is the cause of this particular issue, but it does not mean other crashes may not show itself). However, if you were to go this route of removing necromancy, this makes it a custom modpack, and all future issues would need to be put into the platform pagoda, also with the removal of necromancy mod, joining hexxit servers would fail as necromancy is needed on the server and client sides in order to connect properly - eliminating multiplayer servers as an option unless the server itself has removed necromancy. (FYI: This post is true to all 1.6.4 modpacks that use necromancy, including hexxit, issue i believe was resolved in the 1.7.x versions)
  9. Are you using a custom language (via resource packs) or a language that isn't English? This is including operating system language. The error suggests an issue while it attempted to get the local users language information for knowing what language to use to show you text.
  10. They sound like a better dungeons dungeon, rather than a "village" - if so, these are called kamiPalace and its file for generation could just be deleted from .technicmodpackshexxitChocolateBuildingcastles - delete the file "kamiPalace" there, do make a backup though before deleting.
  11. MCPC+ is what you would have needed (now called Cauldron) which was taken down due to a DMCA notice. You will have to find it from third-party sources, just be cautious of who you get it from as it have been modified to be malicious in intent.
  12. Third-party sources can edit the files, thus making them be malicious in intent. If something is missing and it cannot be downloaded directly from the url provided by the launcher, searching google with the exact file name (but not url name!) should bring up a location to get it from the official source. I always recommend getting things from official sources. I understand this post was designed to be helpful, but always be cautious about untrusted sources for anything.
  13. Remove the dna breeder @ 1687,66,791 the auto-output upgrade btw often causes this issue with the 1.6.4 version of the mod.
  14. See '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> This line: Issue: Mapwiter file corrupt (see this to see if you have that error).
  15. @conman112 - post your issue on the tracker, be sure to include a crash log if one is being generated (but not being shown), if not, include a launcher log. Link in signatureb elow. @JKTransformers - often the case with files being opened in a particular character set, when they're not intended to be. If you know of anything about character encoding, they take up a certain amount of information when stored, if that information is interpreted one way, its one character set such as ASCII, if interpreted in a different way, it could be UTF-8 or even UTF-16. Eastern languages are often seen in the UTF-8 and UTF-16 character sets (and some other sets too, but for simplicities sake, sticking with these two) and never in ASCII. If the file is meant for ASCII styled reading, and it is opened and interpreted as UTF-8 or UTF-16, then the values for the characters are now pointed further along the character set, and will often hit eastern based languages due to that is where those characters are stored.
  16. No, the blue villager is added by tinkers' construct directly. It may have been disabled (perhaps accidentally) due to a severe crashing issue with Necromancy that happened in 1.0.12a (and still is happening), see '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  17. Listening to Kansas and doing tracker/forum stuffs atm.

  18. http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.typesafe.akka/akka-actor_2.11/2.3.3 Is where you can download the file from the official source, and it would be placed into .techniccachecomtypesafeakkaakka-actor_2.112.3.3
  19. If it doesn't work for vanilla Minecraft, you should post on the minecraft forums to get help.
  20. Read '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  21. Running C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_20 http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/concurrentmodificationexception-in-java-18020.89
  22. I would've just kept it to that one topic. You also seem to have ignored the fourth bullet point on my response post there. At this point with the updated copy, it now is complaining about multiple copies of buildcraft (buildcraft.jar) and animation api (animation api.zip) along with their counterparts of buildcraft-a-1.6.4-4.2.1 (1).jar which indicates to me it was already downloaded once before and you copied this file over. and animation api v1.1.2 mc1.6.4 (2).zip - same thing as the (1) on the buildcraft indicates, only it was downloaded three times. I highly suggest taking the time and looking through your mods folder, update every single mod you have for 1.6.4 to their latest stable/recommended version. This means start the mods folder from scratch, so you do not have to worry about conflicts. Actually read the mods threads for what requirements they have (such as AnimationAPI) and installing those properly as well.
  23. It does indeed need to be a zip instead of rar. Also, no modpack api url doesnt allow us to offer help any more than that image.
  24. No logs, no help. Getting Crash Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Select modpack * Click on the Cog icon located on the bottom left of the modpack logo * Click on "Open Folder" * Open "crash-reports" folder * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  25. WorldGuard is probably going to be your best bet to logging all things block related, otherwise, there is no majorly known plugin (if it was any good, we'd know about it by now) for specifically modded blocks.
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