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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. The issue can take up to 3 days to resolve itself.
  2. Post a launcher log. Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  3. Log doesn't indicate anything wrong (outside of it failing to get some information, which may be security application related but doesnt indicate that the pack is failing) - we will need a direct link to the modpack download at this point, of which the previously given url is still marked private.
  4. Post your own thread, Lapus
  5. You have forge multipart in the /mods/1.6.4 folder and the /mods/ - remove the /mods/ one You have two copies of Gregs Lighting - remove the "Gregs lights.jar" "A MOD.jar" isn't being loaded due to improperly formatted information Your jars are badly named and may indicate they are not from the mod authors page - they should be the name given to you by the author so they can easily be kept track of and compared, and if you got the mods from a third party site, they may not be the original mod file and could have been altered to be malicious. I highly recommend to always get the mods from the mod authors pages directly.
  6. Modpack api url? Also that download link isnt direct. Don't forget to change it to 1 at the end instead of that 0.
  7. Plenty of settings in the hats.cfg to disable it. Quickest way I would suggest is just to disable it for yourself. # Render hats? I:renderHats=1 change that to 0 in your hats.cfg and they should never be rendered for you again, without interfering with other players wanting it.
  8. What to do is whatever you want to do. Minecraft is open-world. Modpacks (usually) only add to the open world experience.
  9. You'll need to get 64-bit java in order for that to be an option. Your system's OS (Operating System) needs to be 64bit as well. Don't forget to uninstall all previous versions, and reboot, before attempting to install any other version. http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
  10. 1.0.13c is another update to the pack, there are no goals in minecraft or aotb (outside of achievement pane and killing end dragon since thats vanilla "goals" given to you). You are free to set your own.
  11. Shaders and mods have never really been compatible between each other, it is the same reason some mods say it isnt compatible with optifine - anything that modifies the way things are drawn to the screen can cause those flickers, and i highly doubt you will find a shader that doesnt cause that in at least one mod. The shader authors would have to make their shaders mod compatible and that type of fixing would have to be done on a mod to mod basis - something of which a lot of people will not do. And depending on how their fix has to be implemented, may end up causing that mod to be a dependency for the shader to work properly.
  12. Have you attempted to resize the window while it is like that? Most of the time I have had this happen it is due to it not having the correct window size while it attempted to load (went from a smaller window to maximized for example).
  13. @Hisoka and Kegor - that error is a mod related packet (information) issue - one i have seen on the tracker a few times as well even for official modpacks. All I can suggest is remove all entities since those logs never typically indicate what the information may have been. Can delete the entities through MCEdit. Another option, that may not work, is editing the forge.cfg file and enabling the following two settings (false to true) and see if it works, if it doesnt or does, set them back to false. # Set this to just remove any TileEntity that throws a error in there update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. B:removeErroringEntities=false # Set this to just remove any TileEntity that throws a error in there update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES. B:removeErroringTileEntities=false
  14. Then post on the tracker. Link at top of page or in my signature below.
  15. You might be interested in the TerraFirmaCraft mod (not a modpack) - as it does make survival more challenging, has "machines" that fit more survival like, etc. And no enchanting system either, minimal redstone mechanics.
  16. You obviously missed the fact i liked the previous post and that entire post of mine was sarcasm. Good job, "kid"
  17. Ah that file, yes that file does indeed exist and it would show the last installed version. I understand what you had to do now. I take back my ass-backwards comment from before as this would be the quickest way to see it without doing some testing (which wouldve overwrote that version file...) of file diffs between versions to match them up.
  18. Cheats need to be enabled for commands in SSP. Need an nbt editor (NBTExplorer) to enable them if you already made the world.
  19. <=Java 8u11 is the version you need. And this type of issue belongs on the tracker since this is for an official modpack.
  20. And why did you add that to the java args?
  21. Without the launcher log (or crash log if one exists) not much can be done about that other instance of it failing. Also, a modpack api url is preferred but may not be necessary depending on the logs. Getting Crash Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Select modpack * Click on the Cog icon located on the bottom left of the modpack logo * Click on "Open Folder" * Open "crash-reports" folder * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  22. Are you able to modify the pack at all? I'm wondering if you have something in valid in the title, description, or another place (such as a quotation mark) that is causing the server error to be thrown.
  23. That method doesn't work 100% of the time either unless you can find which one it needs to be broken/replaced to cause the system to be alive again. Its a bit hit or miss first time but it is generally faster than relogging (unless of course you have no tools or anything on you, then relogging is faster of course)
  24. Doing that does nothing but resets the modpack through a more complicated and time consuming process, there's already a button for that and it doesn't always fix the issue because the issue can literally be anything. Anything in such a way that resetting a modpack will not work.
  25. Then i suggest googling better or taking a look at '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
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