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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. That image shows you a log file location, go post the issue on the tracker (link at top of page) and include it.
  2. You realize their post was back in April right? Chances are the server may not even be running anymore.
  3. Older minecraft accounts are migrated to mojang accounts. If you're using a minecraft account, prior to them moving registration to mojangs official site, then you need to login with your minecraft name and password. If you migrated your account or got minecraft after their moving over to mojangs site, you'll need to use your email and password. The launcher doesnt care which as it isnt the one that authenticates the information as being valid.
  4. Post the issue on the tracker, link at top of page.
  5. For future reference. tech issues (crashing, etc) belong on the tracker, link at top of page.
  6. How exactly are you disabling/banning the item through other means than setting its ID to 0? Have you tried other IDs for the item? Edit: Just noticed the OPs posting date. Sudden, if you're still having the issue, do reply.
  7. There's actually a better - and preferred - method of running the server. There should be a launch.bat or appropriately named batch file that should be ran instead as this file incorporates min/max RAM allocations designed for the pack. Running the modpack from the jar file itself can cause out of memory errors related to RAM allocation often defaulting to only 512MB.
  8. Download mod, put mod into mods folder for the pack, run modpack. Resolve any ID conflicts and other errors. You can find better help in the platform pagoda.
  9. Internal Server Error means internal to the technic server in this particular case. There are a few characters (notably the quote character and others) that simply break the modpacks page. Ensure you are avoiding these types of characters in the name, description, etc. This issue itself can be replicated in other places of the main technic site actually.
  10. see http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/concurrentmodificationexception-in-java-18020.89
  11. Here's a listing of all files extracted from 1.0.12a attack of the b-team cached folder Volume in drive G is Games Volume Serial Number is 8C4A-869D Directory of attack-of-the-bteamtemp 10/31/2014 04:24 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:24 AM <DIR> .. 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> advancedgenetics-v1.4.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> archimedesships-v1.6.4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> artifice-v1.1.3.243 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> autoblocks-v1.0.0c 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> autoutils-v1.0.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> basemods-bsides-v1.0.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> betterstorage-v0.8.0.47 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> bibliocraft-v1.5.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> bibliowoods-bop-v1.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> bibliowoods-natura-v1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> biomesoplenty-v1.2.1.434 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> carpenterblocks-v2.1.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> chisel-v1.5.0.technic.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> chiseloverride-v1.0.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> codechickencore-v0.9.0.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> cofhcore-v2.0.0.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> darwin-v0.2.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> dragonmounts-r35.fix 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> dubstepgun-v0.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> enhancedcore-v1.1.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> enhancedportals2-v1.0.9 10/31/2014 04:24 AM 0 File_Listing.txt 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> flans-modern-content-v4.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> flans-v4.1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> foodplus-v2.8pre4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> fossilsarch-reported-v1.0.6 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> furnituremod-v3.3.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> galacticraft-planets-v2.0.13.1063 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> galacticraft-v2.0.13.1063 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> hamsterrific-v2.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> hamstersforever-v1.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> hats-v2.1.8 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> ichunutil-v2.4.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> immibiscore-v57.2.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> inventorytweaks-v1.56b77 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> liquidxp-v57.1.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mapwriter-v2.0.16 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mechworks-v0.1.6 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mfr-v2.7.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> micdoodlecore-v2.0.13.1063 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> minions-v1.7.9b.rename 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> morph-v0.7.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> natura-v2.1.14 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> necromancy-v1.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> nei-plugins-v1.1.0.6 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> nei-v1.6.1.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> notenoughcodecs-v0.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> notenoughkeys-v0.0.4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> openblocks-v1.2.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> openeye-v0.6-1.6.4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> openmodslib-v0.5.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> powercrystalscore-v1.1.8.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> projectred-v4.3.5.32 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> qcraft-v1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> randomthings-v1.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> secretrooms-v4.6.2.319 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> statues-v2.1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> sync-v2.2.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> tconstruct-v1.5.5.7 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> thermalexpansion-v3.0.0.7 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> trailmix-v2.0.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> tropicraft-v5.1.7 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> waila-v1.5.2a 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> waypoints-v1.0.2.fix 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> witchery-v0.19.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> worldofdinos-v1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> z-bsides-configs-v1.0.12a 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> z-bsides-keybinds-v1.0.2 1 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckadvancedgenetics-v1.4.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:16 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckadvancedgenetics-v1.4.3mods 06/18/2014 03:16 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:16 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:15 PM 839,415 advgen.jar 1 File(s) 839,415 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckarchimedesships-v1.6.4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/16/2014 09:40 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckarchimedesships-v1.6.4mods 01/16/2014 09:40 PM <DIR> . 01/16/2014 09:40 PM <DIR> .. 01/16/2014 09:39 PM 180,830 archimedesships.zip 1 File(s) 180,830 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckartifice-v1.1.3.243 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/03/2014 11:53 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckartifice-v1.1.3.243mods 02/03/2014 11:53 AM <DIR> . 02/03/2014 11:53 AM <DIR> .. 02/03/2014 11:53 AM 846,985 artifice-1.1.3-243.jar 1 File(s) 846,985 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckautoblocks-v1.0.0c 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckautoblocks-v1.0.0cmods 03/17/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> . 03/17/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> 1.6.4 03/05/2014 04:49 PM 8,102 autoblocks 1.0.0.zip 1 File(s) 8,102 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckautoblocks-v1.0.0cmods1.6.4 03/17/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> . 03/17/2014 02:49 PM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 02:05 AM 259,459 CodeChickenLib-universal-1.6.4- 03/17/2014 02:39 PM 882,639 ForgeMultipart-universal-1.6.4- 03/17/2014 02:05 AM 11,846 WorldCore-universal-1.6.4- 3 File(s) 1,153,944 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckautoutils-v1.0.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/18/2013 10:10 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckautoutils-v1.0.1mods 11/18/2013 10:10 PM <DIR> . 11/18/2013 10:10 PM <DIR> .. 11/18/2013 10:09 PM 80,265 autoutils-1.6.4-1.0.1.jar 1 File(s) 80,265 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbasemods-bsides-v1.0.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/28/2013 01:06 AM <DIR> bin 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbasemods-bsides-v1.0.0bin 11/28/2013 01:06 AM <DIR> . 11/28/2013 01:06 AM <DIR> .. 01/19/2014 06:25 PM 1,972,443 modpack.jar 1 File(s) 1,972,443 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbetterstorage-v0.8.0.47 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:33 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbetterstorage-v0.8.0.47mods 06/18/2014 03:33 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:33 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:33 PM 566,138 betterstorage-1.6.4- 1 File(s) 566,138 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbibliocraft-v1.5.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 06:53 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbibliocraft-v1.5.5mods 03/17/2014 06:53 PM <DIR> . 03/17/2014 06:53 PM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 06:49 PM 1,303,763 bibliocraft[v1.5.5].zip 1 File(s) 1,303,763 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbibliowoods-bop-v1.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/31/2014 08:55 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbibliowoods-bop-v1.3mods 03/31/2014 08:55 AM <DIR> . 03/31/2014 08:55 AM <DIR> .. 03/31/2014 08:42 AM 352,097 bibliowoods[biomesoplenty][v1.3].zip 1 File(s) 352,097 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbibliowoods-natura-v1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/31/2014 08:55 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbibliowoods-natura-v1.1mods 03/31/2014 08:55 AM <DIR> . 03/31/2014 08:55 AM <DIR> .. 03/31/2014 08:40 AM 391,439 bibliowoods[natura][v1.1].zip 1 File(s) 391,439 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbiomesoplenty-v1.2.1.434 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/13/2014 07:33 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckbiomesoplenty-v1.2.1.434mods 02/13/2014 07:33 PM <DIR> . 02/13/2014 07:33 PM <DIR> .. 02/13/2014 07:31 PM 5,331,810 biomesoplenty-universal-1.6.4- 1 File(s) 5,331,810 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckcarpenterblocks-v2.1.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:11 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckcarpenterblocks-v2.1.0mods 06/18/2014 03:11 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:11 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:10 PM 402,134 carpentersblocks v2.1.0 - MC 1.6+.zip 1 File(s) 402,134 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckchisel-v1.5.0.technic.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/10/2014 06:47 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckchisel-v1.5.0.technic.2mods 02/10/2014 06:47 PM <DIR> . 02/10/2014 06:47 PM <DIR> .. 02/10/2014 06:47 PM 3,744,944 zchisel-1.6.4-1.5.0fix.jar 1 File(s) 3,744,944 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckchiseloverride-v1.0.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/06/2014 10:46 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckchiseloverride-v1.0.0mods 02/06/2014 10:46 PM <DIR> . 02/06/2014 10:46 PM <DIR> .. 02/06/2014 10:29 PM 5,562 chiseloverride-v1.0.0.jar 1 File(s) 5,562 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckcodechickencore-v0.9.0.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/05/2014 04:45 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckcodechickencore-v0.9.0.9mods 03/05/2014 04:45 PM <DIR> . 03/05/2014 04:45 PM <DIR> .. 03/05/2014 04:45 PM 157,457 codechickencore 1 File(s) 157,457 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckcofhcore-v2.0.0.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 11:13 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckcofhcore-v2.0.0.5mods 04/23/2014 11:13 PM <DIR> . 04/23/2014 11:13 PM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 10:41 PM 438,217 cofhcore- 1 File(s) 438,217 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdarwin-v0.2.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/28/2013 01:30 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdarwin-v0.2.3mods 11/28/2013 01:30 AM <DIR> . 11/28/2013 01:30 AM <DIR> .. 11/28/2013 01:28 AM 82,064 darwin_0.2.3.jar 1 File(s) 82,064 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdragonmounts-r35.fix 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/16/2014 04:58 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdragonmounts-r35.fixmods 02/16/2014 04:58 PM <DIR> . 02/16/2014 04:58 PM <DIR> .. 02/16/2014 04:52 PM 451,984 dragonmount_r35_mc1.6.x.zip 1 File(s) 451,984 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdubstepgun-v0.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/13/2014 10:38 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdubstepgun-v0.5mods 02/13/2014 10:38 PM <DIR> . 02/13/2014 10:38 PM <DIR> .. 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> saintspack 02/12/2014 02:59 PM 3,253,707 saintspack.zip 1 File(s) 3,253,707 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdubstepgun-v0.5modssaintspack 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> . 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> .. 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> defaultpack 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> extendedpack 01/06/2014 05:02 PM 25 Packs.txt 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> sound 1 File(s) 25 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdubstepgun-v0.5modssaintspackdefaultpack 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> . 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> .. 01/09/2014 02:34 PM 240 defaultpack.txt 1 File(s) 240 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdubstepgun-v0.5modssaintspackextendedpack 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> . 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> .. 02/12/2014 03:15 PM 678 extendedpack.txt 1 File(s) 678 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckdubstepgun-v0.5modssaintspacksound 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> . 02/13/2014 10:37 PM <DIR> .. 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,483 circlesbykdrewaa.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,539 circlesbykdrewab.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 14,484 circlesbykdrewac.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,879 circlesbykdrewad.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,900 circlesbykdrewae.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,227 circlesbykdrewaf.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,152 circlesbykdrewag.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 14,083 circlesbykdrewah.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,600 circlesbykdrewai.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,253 circlesbykdrewaj.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,648 circlesbykdrewak.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,711 circlesbykdrewal.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,616 circlesbykdrewam.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,985 circlesbykdrewan.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,306 circlesbykdrewao.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,643 circlesbykdrewap.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,810 circlesbykdrewaq.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 14,030 circlesbykdrewar.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,495 circlesbykdrewas.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,423 circlesbykdrewat.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,945 circlesbykdrewau.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,750 circlesbykdrewav.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,332 circlesbykdrewaw.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,079 circlesbykdrewax.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 14,292 circlesbykdreway.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,543 circlesbykdrewaz.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,500 circlesbykdrewba.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,777 circlesbykdrewbb.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,461 circlesbykdrewbc.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,770 circlesbykdrewbd.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,394 circlesbykdrewbe.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,865 circlesbykdrewbf.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,197 circlesbykdrewbg.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 12,775 circlesbykdrewbh.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 14,097 circlesbykdrewbi.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,658 circlesbykdrewbj.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,310 circlesbykdrewbk.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,651 circlesbykdrewbl.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,630 circlesbykdrewbm.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,649 circlesbykdrewbn.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,330 circlesbykdrewbo.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,201 circlesbykdrewbp.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,675 circlesbykdrewbq.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,829 circlesbykdrewbr.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,948 circlesbykdrewbs.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,451 circlesbykdrewbt.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,263 circlesbykdrewbu.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,867 circlesbykdrewbv.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,943 circlesbykdrewbw.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,314 circlesbykdrewbx.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,403 circlesbykdrewby.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 14,540 circlesbykdrewbz.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,611 circlesbykdrewca.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,786 circlesbykdrewcb.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,865 circlesbykdrewcc.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,371 circlesbykdrewcd.ogg 01/09/2014 02:27 PM 13,085 circlesbykdrewce.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,595 energydrinkbyvirtualriotaa.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,374 energydrinkbyvirtualriotab.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,860 energydrinkbyvirtualriotac.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 12,240 energydrinkbyvirtualriotad.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,562 energydrinkbyvirtualriotae.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,637 energydrinkbyvirtualriotaf.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,978 energydrinkbyvirtualriotag.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 12,953 energydrinkbyvirtualriotah.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,136 energydrinkbyvirtualriotai.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,165 energydrinkbyvirtualriotaj.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 13,799 energydrinkbyvirtualriotak.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 12,970 energydrinkbyvirtualriotal.ogg 01/09/2014 02:13 PM 15,382 energydrinkbyvirtualriotam.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,866 energydrinkbyvirtualriotan.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,864 energydrinkbyvirtualriotao.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,144 energydrinkbyvirtualriotap.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,109 energydrinkbyvirtualriotaq.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,723 energydrinkbyvirtualriotar.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,808 energydrinkbyvirtualriotas.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,178 energydrinkbyvirtualriotat.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,095 energydrinkbyvirtualriotau.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,858 energydrinkbyvirtualriotav.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,159 energydrinkbyvirtualriotaw.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,281 energydrinkbyvirtualriotax.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,262 energydrinkbyvirtualriotay.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,648 energydrinkbyvirtualriotaz.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,356 energydrinkbyvirtualriotba.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,414 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbb.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,413 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbc.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,471 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbd.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,328 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbe.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,415 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbf.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 15,083 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbg.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,797 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbh.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,747 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbi.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,148 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbj.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,728 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbk.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,379 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbl.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,525 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbm.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,926 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbn.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,094 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbo.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,592 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbp.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,594 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbq.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,523 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbr.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,281 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbs.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,104 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbt.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,839 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbu.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,493 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbv.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,369 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbw.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,048 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbx.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,097 energydrinkbyvirtualriotby.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,941 energydrinkbyvirtualriotbz.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,789 energydrinkbyvirtualriotca.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,102 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcb.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,126 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcc.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,731 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcd.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,549 energydrinkbyvirtualriotce.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,298 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcf.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,125 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcg.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,761 energydrinkbyvirtualriotch.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,960 energydrinkbyvirtualriotci.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,339 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcj.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,332 energydrinkbyvirtualriotck.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,624 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcl.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,149 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcm.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 13,454 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcn.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 14,226 energydrinkbyvirtualriotco.ogg 01/09/2014 02:14 PM 12,858 energydrinkbyvirtualriotcp.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,343 lovestorybyelliotbastianiaa.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,026 lovestorybyelliotbastianiab.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 13,641 lovestorybyelliotbastianiac.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 13,712 lovestorybyelliotbastianiad.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 13,756 lovestorybyelliotbastianiae.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 13,511 lovestorybyelliotbastianiaf.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 13,942 lovestorybyelliotbastianiag.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,466 lovestorybyelliotbastianiah.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 15,061 lovestorybyelliotbastianiai.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,968 lovestorybyelliotbastianiaj.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,891 lovestorybyelliotbastianiak.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,750 lovestorybyelliotbastianial.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,802 lovestorybyelliotbastianiam.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,850 lovestorybyelliotbastianian.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,619 lovestorybyelliotbastianiao.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,988 lovestorybyelliotbastianiap.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,481 lovestorybyelliotbastianiaq.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,473 lovestorybyelliotbastianiar.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,442 lovestorybyelliotbastianias.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,665 lovestorybyelliotbastianiat.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 15,402 lovestorybyelliotbastianiau.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,108 lovestorybyelliotbastianiav.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,444 lovestorybyelliotbastianiaw.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,446 lovestorybyelliotbastianiax.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,909 lovestorybyelliotbastianiay.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,511 lovestorybyelliotbastianiaz.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,764 lovestorybyelliotbastianiba.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,790 lovestorybyelliotbastianibb.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,622 lovestorybyelliotbastianibc.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,385 lovestorybyelliotbastianibd.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,366 lovestorybyelliotbastianibe.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,489 lovestorybyelliotbastianibf.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,635 lovestorybyelliotbastianibg.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,652 lovestorybyelliotbastianibh.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,724 lovestorybyelliotbastianibi.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,224 lovestorybyelliotbastianibj.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,418 lovestorybyelliotbastianibk.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,404 lovestorybyelliotbastianibl.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,938 lovestorybyelliotbastianibm.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,757 lovestorybyelliotbastianibn.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,350 lovestorybyelliotbastianibo.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,719 lovestorybyelliotbastianibp.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,313 lovestorybyelliotbastianibq.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,343 lovestorybyelliotbastianibr.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,862 lovestorybyelliotbastianibs.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,531 lovestorybyelliotbastianibt.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,497 lovestorybyelliotbastianibu.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,773 lovestorybyelliotbastianibv.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,575 lovestorybyelliotbastianibw.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,529 lovestorybyelliotbastianibx.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,436 lovestorybyelliotbastianiby.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,650 lovestorybyelliotbastianibz.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,893 lovestorybyelliotbastianica.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,581 lovestorybyelliotbastianicb.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 15,229 lovestorybyelliotbastianicc.ogg 11/08/2013 01:30 PM 14,528 lovestorybyelliotbastianicd.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,513 lovestorybyelliotbastianice.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,238 lovestorybyelliotbastianicf.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,370 lovestorybyelliotbastianicg.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,504 lovestorybyelliotbastianich.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,413 lovestorybyelliotbastianici.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,568 lovestorybyelliotbastianicj.ogg 11/08/2013 01:31 PM 14,504 lovestorybyelliotbastianick.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,574 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombataa.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 16,109 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatab.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 16,545 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatac.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,228 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatad.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,490 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatae.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,829 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombataf.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,169 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatag.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,618 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatah.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,958 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatai.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,834 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombataj.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,332 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatak.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,763 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatal.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,561 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatam.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,566 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatan.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,935 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatao.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,341 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatap.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,361 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombataq.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,744 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatar.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,307 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatas.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,994 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatat.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,168 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatau.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,798 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatav.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,263 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombataw.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,179 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatax.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,402 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatay.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,275 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombataz.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,170 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatba.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,722 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbb.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,842 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbc.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,058 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbd.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,849 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbe.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,983 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbf.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,650 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbg.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,259 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbh.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,251 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbi.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,616 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbj.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,385 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbk.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,429 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbl.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,897 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbm.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,459 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbn.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,326 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbo.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,613 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbp.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,107 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbq.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,290 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbr.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,153 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbs.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,322 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbt.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,128 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbu.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,603 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbv.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,831 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbw.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 14,761 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbx.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,215 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatby.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,567 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatbz.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,375 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatca.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,670 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcb.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,462 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcc.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 16,208 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcd.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,491 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatce.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,682 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcf.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,524 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcg.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,532 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatch.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,490 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatci.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,046 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcj.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,798 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatck.ogg 02/12/2014 02:56 PM 15,079 rockeysciencebyadhesivewombatcl.ogg 252 File(s) 3,592,678 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckenhancedcore-v1.1.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:27 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckenhancedcore-v1.1.3mods 11/19/2013 12:27 AM <DIR> . 11/19/2013 12:27 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:26 AM 82,462 enhancedcore_1.1.3.jar 1 File(s) 82,462 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckenhancedportals2-v1.0.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:29 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckenhancedportals2-v1.0.9mods 11/19/2013 12:29 AM <DIR> . 11/19/2013 12:29 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:28 AM 496,492 enhancedportals-2_1.0.9.jar 1 File(s) 496,492 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckflans-modern-content-v4.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/03/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> Flan 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckflans-modern-content-v4.1Flan 01/03/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 01/03/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/29/2014 08:18 PM 1,612,926 modernweapons Pack for Flans Mod 4.1.zip 01/30/2014 01:38 PM 144,405 parts Pack for Flans Mod 4.1.zip 01/29/2014 08:18 PM 40,598 titan Pack for Flans Mod 4.1.zip 3 File(s) 1,797,929 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckflans-v4.1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/25/2014 12:52 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckflans-v4.1.1mods 02/25/2014 12:52 PM <DIR> . 02/25/2014 12:52 PM <DIR> .. 02/25/2014 12:52 PM 686,304 flansmod-4.1.1.jar 1 File(s) 686,304 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckfoodplus-v2.8pre4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 09:30 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckfoodplus-v2.8pre4mods 04/23/2014 09:30 PM <DIR> . 04/23/2014 09:30 PM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 09:29 PM 631,205 foodplus-1.6.4-2.8PRE4.jar 1 File(s) 631,205 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckfossilsarch-reported-v1.0.6 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/10/2014 08:41 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckfossilsarch-reported-v1.0.6mods 02/10/2014 08:41 PM <DIR> . 02/10/2014 08:41 PM <DIR> .. 02/10/2014 08:38 PM 1,927,934 fossilsarch-reported-v1.0.6.jar 1 File(s) 1,927,934 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckfurnituremod-v3.3.3 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:13 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckfurnituremod-v3.3.3mods 06/18/2014 03:13 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:13 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:12 PM 1,140,122 furnituremodv3.3.3(1.6.4).jar 1 File(s) 1,140,122 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckgalacticraft-planets-v2.0.13.1063 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:08 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckgalacticraft-planets-v2.0.13.1063mods 06/18/2014 03:08 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:08 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:07 PM 309,018 galacticraft-planets-1.6.4- 1 File(s) 309,018 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckgalacticraft-v2.0.13.1063 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:07 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckgalacticraft-v2.0.13.1063mods 06/18/2014 03:07 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:07 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:07 PM 11,836,749 galacticraft-1.6.4- 1 File(s) 11,836,749 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckhamsterrific-v2.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/29/2014 07:25 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckhamsterrific-v2.1mods 01/29/2014 07:25 AM <DIR> . 01/29/2014 07:25 AM <DIR> .. 01/27/2014 06:11 PM 82,534 hamsterrific[1.6.4]V2.1.zip 1 File(s) 82,534 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckhamstersforever-v1.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/27/2014 03:14 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckhamstersforever-v1.0mods 01/27/2014 03:14 AM <DIR> . 01/27/2014 03:14 AM <DIR> .. 01/27/2014 03:51 AM 3,409 hamstersforever-1.0.jar 1 File(s) 3,409 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckhats-v2.1.8 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:03 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckhats-v2.1.8mods 06/18/2014 03:03 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:03 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:03 PM 874,919 hats2.1.8.zip 1 File(s) 874,919 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckichunutil-v2.4.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/29/2014 07:07 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckichunutil-v2.4.0mods 01/29/2014 07:07 AM <DIR> . 01/29/2014 07:07 AM <DIR> .. 01/29/2014 07:06 AM 58,458 ichunutil2.4.0.zip 1 File(s) 58,458 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckimmibiscore-v57.2.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 01:23 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckimmibiscore-v57.2.0mods 03/17/2014 01:23 AM <DIR> . 03/17/2014 01:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 01:23 AM 301,611 immibis-core-57.2.0.jar 1 File(s) 301,611 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckinventorytweaks-v1.56b77 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 09/24/2013 09:59 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckinventorytweaks-v1.56b77mods 09/24/2013 09:59 PM <DIR> . 09/24/2013 09:59 PM <DIR> .. 09/24/2013 09:52 PM 191,853 InventoryTweaks-MC1.6.2-1.56-b77.jar 1 File(s) 191,853 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckliquidxp-v57.1.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 01:25 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckliquidxp-v57.1.2mods 03/17/2014 01:25 AM <DIR> . 03/17/2014 01:25 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 01:25 AM 418,454 liquid-xp-57.1.2.jar 1 File(s) 418,454 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmapwriter-v2.0.16 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 12/23/2013 12:14 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmapwriter-v2.0.16mods 12/23/2013 12:14 AM <DIR> . 12/23/2013 12:14 AM <DIR> .. 12/23/2013 12:13 AM 228,982 mapwriter-2.0.16.zip 1 File(s) 228,982 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmechworks-v0.1.6 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 11:26 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmechworks-v0.1.6mods 04/23/2014 11:26 PM <DIR> . 04/23/2014 11:26 PM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 11:26 PM 202,444 tmechworks_mc1.6.4_0.1.6.jar 1 File(s) 202,444 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmfr-v2.7.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/17/2014 12:00 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmfr-v2.7.9mods 06/17/2014 12:00 PM <DIR> . 06/17/2014 12:00 PM <DIR> .. 06/17/2014 11:58 AM 2,494,867 minefactoryreloaded-2.7.9-final.jar 1 File(s) 2,494,867 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmicdoodlecore-v2.0.13.1063 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:08 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmicdoodlecore-v2.0.13.1063mods 06/18/2014 03:08 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:08 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:08 PM 18,164 micdoodlecore-1.6.4- 1 File(s) 18,164 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckminions-v1.7.9b.rename 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/06/2014 10:49 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckminions-v1.7.9b.renamemods 02/06/2014 10:49 PM <DIR> . 02/06/2014 10:49 PM <DIR> .. 02/07/2014 12:44 AM 5,426,418 minions_1.6.4.zip 1 File(s) 5,426,418 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmorph-v0.7.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 01:05 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckmorph-v0.7.1mods 03/17/2014 01:05 AM <DIR> . 03/17/2014 01:05 AM <DIR> .. 03/17/2014 01:05 AM 1,020,488 morphbeta-0.7.1.zip 1 File(s) 1,020,488 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknatura-v2.1.14 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 12/23/2013 12:09 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknatura-v2.1.14mods 12/23/2013 12:09 AM <DIR> . 12/23/2013 12:09 AM <DIR> .. 12/23/2013 12:09 AM 876,579 natura_mc1.6.X_2.1.14.jar 1 File(s) 876,579 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknecromancy-v1.5 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 10:34 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknecromancy-v1.5mods 04/23/2014 10:34 PM <DIR> . 04/23/2014 10:34 PM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 10:33 PM 4,952,161 necromancy_1.6.4.zip 1 File(s) 4,952,161 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknei-plugins-v1.1.0.6 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknei-plugins-v1.1.0.6mods 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 12/16/2013 02:27 PM 529,612 neiplugins- 1 File(s) 529,612 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknei-v1.6.1.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknei-v1.6.1.9mods 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/07/2014 11:03 PM 436,148 notenoughitems 1 File(s) 436,148 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknotenoughcodecs-v0.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknotenoughcodecs-v0.1mods 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/21/2014 05:23 PM 591,008 notenoughcodecs-0.1.jar 1 File(s) 591,008 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknotenoughkeys-v0.0.4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/07/2014 06:40 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecknotenoughkeys-v0.0.4mods 02/07/2014 06:40 PM <DIR> . 02/07/2014 06:40 PM <DIR> .. 02/07/2014 06:39 PM 16,641 notenoughkeys-1.6.4-0.0.4.jar 1 File(s) 16,641 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckopenblocks-v1.2.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:27 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckopenblocks-v1.2.9mods 06/18/2014 03:27 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:27 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:25 PM 2,218,177 openblocks-1.2.9.jar 1 File(s) 2,218,177 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckopeneye-v0.6-1.6.4 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/23/2014 04:54 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckopeneye-v0.6-1.6.4mods 06/23/2014 04:54 PM <DIR> . 06/23/2014 04:54 PM <DIR> .. 06/23/2014 04:54 PM 175,766 openeye-0.6-1.6.4.jar 1 File(s) 175,766 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckopenmodslib-v0.5.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:26 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckopenmodslib-v0.5.1mods 06/18/2014 03:26 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:26 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:25 PM 473,835 openmodslib-0.5.1.jar 1 File(s) 473,835 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckpowercrystalscore-v1.1.8.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/17/2013 05:34 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckpowercrystalscore-v1.1.8.9mods 11/17/2013 05:34 PM <DIR> . 11/17/2013 05:34 PM <DIR> .. 11/17/2013 05:34 PM 129,840 powercrystalscore-1.1.8-9.jar 1 File(s) 129,840 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckprojectred-v4.3.5.32 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/03/2014 09:27 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckprojectred-v4.3.5.32mods 04/03/2014 09:27 AM <DIR> . 04/03/2014 09:27 AM <DIR> .. 04/03/2014 08:15 AM 3,910,283 projectredbase-1.6.4- 04/03/2014 09:15 AM 29,317 projectredcompat-1.6.4- 04/03/2014 09:15 AM 371,577 projectredintegration-1.6.4- 04/03/2014 09:16 AM 53,436 projectredlighting-1.6.4- 04/03/2014 09:16 AM 750,505 projectredmechanical-BETA-1.6.4- 04/03/2014 09:16 AM 73,674 projectredworld-1.6.4- 6 File(s) 5,188,792 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckqcraft-v1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 12/23/2013 12:37 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckqcraft-v1.1mods 12/23/2013 12:37 AM <DIR> . 12/23/2013 12:37 AM <DIR> .. 12/23/2013 12:37 AM 200,261 qcraft1.1.jar 1 File(s) 200,261 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckrandomthings-v1.9 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 03/16/2014 09:43 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckrandomthings-v1.9mods 03/16/2014 09:43 PM <DIR> . 03/16/2014 09:43 PM <DIR> .. 03/16/2014 09:42 PM 1,396,811 random things v. 1.9 [MC 1.6.4].jar 1 File(s) 1,396,811 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecksecretrooms-v4.6.2.319 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/19/2014 12:59 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecksecretrooms-v4.6.2.319mods 01/19/2014 12:59 PM <DIR> . 01/19/2014 12:59 PM <DIR> .. 01/19/2014 12:58 PM 126,830 secretroomsmod-universal-1.6.4- 1 File(s) 126,830 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckstatues-v2.1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:24 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckstatues-v2.1.1mods 11/19/2013 12:24 AM <DIR> . 11/19/2013 12:24 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:22 AM 206,117 statues-1.6.4-2.1.1.jar 1 File(s) 206,117 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecksync-v2.2.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:05 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecksync-v2.2.2mods 06/18/2014 03:05 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:05 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:04 PM 204,232 sync2.2.2.zip 1 File(s) 204,232 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecktconstruct-v1.5.5.7 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:20 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecktconstruct-v1.5.5.7mods 06/18/2014 03:20 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:20 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:20 PM 4,735,255 tconstruct_mc1.6.4_1.5.5.7.jar 1 File(s) 4,735,255 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckthermalexpansion-v3.0.0.7 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckthermalexpansion-v3.0.0.7mods 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/11/2014 09:29 AM 2,376,553 thermalexpansion- 1 File(s) 2,376,553 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecktrailmix-v2.0.0 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:45 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecktrailmix-v2.0.0mods 11/19/2013 12:45 AM <DIR> . 11/19/2013 12:45 AM <DIR> .. 11/19/2013 12:44 AM 210,626 trailmix2.0.0.zip 1 File(s) 210,626 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecktropicraft-v5.1.7 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 09:35 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipChecktropicraft-v5.1.7mods 04/23/2014 09:35 PM <DIR> . 04/23/2014 09:35 PM <DIR> .. 04/09/2014 09:09 PM 34,969 configmod for MC v1.6.4.zip 04/09/2014 09:09 PM 275,231 coroutil for MC v1.6.4.zip 04/09/2014 09:09 PM 654,333 extendedrenderer for MC v1.6.4.zip 04/09/2014 09:09 PM 44,472 modbuild for MC v1.6.4.zip 04/09/2014 09:09 PM 41,397,209 tropicraft v5.1.7 Mod for MC v1.6.4.jar 04/09/2014 09:09 PM 1,711,184 weather v1.591 Mod for MC v1.6.4.zip 6 File(s) 44,117,398 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckwaila-v1.5.2a 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 11:49 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckwaila-v1.5.2amods 04/23/2014 11:49 PM <DIR> . 04/23/2014 11:49 PM <DIR> .. 04/23/2014 11:42 PM 952,442 waila_1.5.2a.zip 1 File(s) 952,442 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckwaypoints-v1.0.2.fix 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 01/29/2014 07:10 AM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckwaypoints-v1.0.2.fixmods 01/29/2014 07:10 AM <DIR> . 01/29/2014 07:10 AM <DIR> .. 01/29/2014 07:09 AM 71,832 waypoints-1.6.4-1.0.2fix.jar 1 File(s) 71,832 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckwitchery-v0.19.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:24 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckwitchery-v0.19.2mods 06/18/2014 03:24 PM <DIR> . 06/18/2014 03:24 PM <DIR> .. 06/18/2014 03:24 PM 3,686,699 witchery-1.6.4-0.19.2.zip 1 File(s) 3,686,699 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckworldofdinos-v1.1 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/23/2014 03:19 PM <DIR> mods 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckworldofdinos-v1.1mods 06/23/2014 03:19 PM <DIR> . 06/23/2014 03:19 PM <DIR> .. 06/23/2014 03:18 PM 4,949 worldofdinos-1.1.jar 1 File(s) 4,949 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12a 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 06/19/2014 05:00 PM <DIR> config 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfig 06/19/2014 05:00 PM <DIR> . 06/19/2014 05:00 PM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,089 633.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 3,260 advancedgenetics.cfg 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> ArchimedesShips 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,158 ArchimedesShipsMod.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 10,985 Artifice.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 550 AS_Minions.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 2,603 AS_Minions_Advanced.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 129 AtomicScience.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 131 AutoBlocks.cfg 04/24/2014 01:33 AM 28,150 autoblocks.json 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 Autoutils.cfg 06/19/2014 05:00 PM 2,833 betterstorage.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 4,317 BiblioCraft.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 565 BiblioWoodsBoP.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 565 BiblioWoodsNatura.cfg 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> biomesoplenty 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 204 BuildMod.cfg 06/19/2014 05:00 PM 4,483 CarpentersBlocks.cfg 06/19/2014 04:59 PM 4,479 cfm.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 3,630 Chisel.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 830 CodeChickenCore.cfg 06/19/2014 04:20 PM <DIR> cofh 04/24/2014 12:58 AM 230 CoroUtil.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 382 DragonMounts.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 209 EnhancedCore.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,432 EnhancedPortals 2.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 24 ExtendedRenderer.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 170 FlansMod.cfg 04/24/2014 06:45 PM 9,268 FoodPlus.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,867 forge.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,509 forgeChunkLoading.cfg 06/19/2014 04:19 PM <DIR> Galacticraft 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 244 Hamsterrific.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 4,573 Hats.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,584 idScopes.txt 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 1,436 immibis.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 679 InvTweaks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,352 InvTweaksRules.txt 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 32,935 InvTweaksTree.txt 04/02/2014 05:24 PM 3,040 MapWriter.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,361 MapWriterBlockColourOverrides.txt 06/19/2014 04:53 PM 85,797 MapWriterBlockColours.txt 05/04/2014 10:25 PM 862 microblocks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 785 modstats.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 6,380 Morph.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 248 multipart.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 9,084 Natura.txt 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 185 NaturaCompat.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,497 necromancy.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 1,864 NEI.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 591 NEIServer.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 306 NEISubset.cfg 06/19/2014 04:21 PM 10,754 OpenBlocks.cfg 06/19/2014 04:20 PM 358 OpenMods.cfg 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> powercrystals 04/24/2014 01:31 AM 3,789 ProjectRed.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,017 QuantumCraft.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,722 RandomThings.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 818 secretroomsmod.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 409 Statues.cfg 04/24/2014 01:31 AM 2,290 Sync.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 68 TConPreloader.cfg 06/23/2014 04:51 PM 10,867 TinkersWorkshop.txt 04/24/2014 06:44 PM 420 TMechworks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,571 TrailMix.cfg 04/24/2014 01:24 AM <DIR> Tropicraft 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 281 UniversalElectricity.cfg 04/24/2014 01:29 AM 3,095 Waila.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 306 Waypoints.cfg 04/24/2014 12:59 AM <DIR> WeatherMod 05/04/2014 10:16 PM 4,908 witchery.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 235 worldofdinos.cfg 65 File(s) 288,763 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigArchimedesShips 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> . 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,001 default.mrot 1 File(s) 1,001 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigbiomesoplenty 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> . 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 2,723 biomegen.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 8,418 ids.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 153 main.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,316 misc.cfg 06/23/2014 04:50 PM 2,988 terraingen.cfg 5 File(s) 15,598 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigcofh 06/19/2014 04:20 PM <DIR> . 06/19/2014 04:20 PM <DIR> .. 04/24/2014 01:25 AM 1,482 CoFHCore.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 1,006 CoFHLoot.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 CoFHMasquerade-Capes.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 CoFHMasquerade-Skins.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 931 CoFHMasquerade.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 CoFHSocial-Friends.cfg 04/24/2014 01:25 AM 122 CoFHSocial.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 7,025 CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 838 CoFHWorld.cfg 04/24/2014 01:25 AM 1,663 ThermalExpansion-Florbs.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 1,109 ThermalExpansion-Fuels.cfg 06/19/2014 04:20 PM 8,824 ThermalExpansion.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 898 WorldCustomGen.txt 13 File(s) 23,898 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigGalacticraft 06/19/2014 04:19 PM <DIR> . 06/19/2014 04:19 PM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 219 chunkloading.conf 06/19/2014 04:19 PM 9,713 core.conf 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 1,760 mars.conf 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 740 moon.conf 06/19/2014 04:18 PM 347 power.conf 5 File(s) 12,779 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigpowercrystals 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> . 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> .. 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> core 06/19/2014 04:18 PM <DIR> minefactoryreloaded 0 File(s) 0 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigpowercrystalscore 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> . 04/24/2014 12:54 AM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 205 client.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 204 server.cfg 2 File(s) 409 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigpowercrystalsminefactoryreloaded 06/19/2014 04:18 PM <DIR> . 06/19/2014 04:18 PM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 357 client.cfg 06/19/2014 04:18 PM 13,099 common.cfg 04/24/2014 12:58 AM 21,378 de_DE.lang 06/19/2014 04:18 PM 20,771 en_US.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 15,985 es_AR.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 15,986 es_ES.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 15,985 es_MX.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 15,985 es_UY.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 15,985 es_VE.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 22,268 ko_KR.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 46,218 ru_RU.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 24,509 zh_CN.lang 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 21,511 zh_TW.lang 13 File(s) 250,037 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigTropicraft 04/24/2014 01:24 AM <DIR> . 04/24/2014 01:24 AM <DIR> .. 04/24/2014 12:59 AM 2,489 Misc.cfg 04/24/2014 01:24 AM 4,233 ModIds.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 221 VolleyballIDs.cfg 3 File(s) 6,943 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigWeatherMod 04/24/2014 12:59 AM <DIR> . 04/24/2014 12:59 AM <DIR> .. 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 345 IDs.cfg 04/24/2014 12:59 AM 1,073 Storm&Tornado.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 528 Trees.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 302 Waves&Misc.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 464 Wind.cfg 5 File(s) 2,712 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-keybinds-v1.0.2 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> . 10/31/2014 04:23 AM <DIR> .. 02/03/2014 11:46 AM 2,651 options.txt 1 File(s) 2,651 bytes Total Files Listed: 449 File(s) 129,871,092 bytes 443 Dir(s) 29,165,031,424 bytes free And here's a listing of all the *.cfg files it finds: Volume in drive G is Games Volume Serial Number is 8C4A-869D Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfig 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,089 633.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 3,260 advancedgenetics.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,158 ArchimedesShipsMod.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 10,985 Artifice.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 550 AS_Minions.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 2,603 AS_Minions_Advanced.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 129 AtomicScience.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 131 AutoBlocks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 Autoutils.cfg 06/19/2014 05:00 PM 2,833 betterstorage.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 4,317 BiblioCraft.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 565 BiblioWoodsBoP.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 565 BiblioWoodsNatura.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 204 BuildMod.cfg 06/19/2014 05:00 PM 4,483 CarpentersBlocks.cfg 06/19/2014 04:59 PM 4,479 cfm.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 3,630 Chisel.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 830 CodeChickenCore.cfg 04/24/2014 12:58 AM 230 CoroUtil.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 382 DragonMounts.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 209 EnhancedCore.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,432 EnhancedPortals 2.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 24 ExtendedRenderer.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 170 FlansMod.cfg 04/24/2014 06:45 PM 9,268 FoodPlus.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,867 forge.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,509 forgeChunkLoading.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 244 Hamsterrific.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 4,573 Hats.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 1,436 immibis.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 679 InvTweaks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:24 PM 3,040 MapWriter.cfg 05/04/2014 10:25 PM 862 microblocks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 785 modstats.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 6,380 Morph.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 248 multipart.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 185 NaturaCompat.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,497 necromancy.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 1,864 NEI.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 591 NEIServer.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 306 NEISubset.cfg 06/19/2014 04:21 PM 10,754 OpenBlocks.cfg 06/19/2014 04:20 PM 358 OpenMods.cfg 04/24/2014 01:31 AM 3,789 ProjectRed.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,017 QuantumCraft.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,722 RandomThings.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 818 secretroomsmod.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 409 Statues.cfg 04/24/2014 01:31 AM 2,290 Sync.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 68 TConPreloader.cfg 04/24/2014 06:44 PM 420 TMechworks.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 2,571 TrailMix.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 281 UniversalElectricity.cfg 04/24/2014 01:29 AM 3,095 Waila.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 306 Waypoints.cfg 05/04/2014 10:16 PM 4,908 witchery.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 235 worldofdinos.cfg 57 File(s) 117,633 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigbiomesoplenty 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 2,723 biomegen.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 8,418 ids.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 153 main.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 1,316 misc.cfg 06/23/2014 04:50 PM 2,988 terraingen.cfg 5 File(s) 15,598 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigcofh 04/24/2014 01:25 AM 1,482 CoFHCore.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 1,006 CoFHLoot.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 CoFHMasquerade-Capes.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 CoFHMasquerade-Skins.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 931 CoFHMasquerade.cfg 04/02/2014 05:14 PM 0 CoFHSocial-Friends.cfg 04/24/2014 01:25 AM 122 CoFHSocial.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 7,025 CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 838 CoFHWorld.cfg 04/24/2014 01:25 AM 1,663 ThermalExpansion-Florbs.cfg 04/02/2014 05:16 PM 1,109 ThermalExpansion-Fuels.cfg 06/19/2014 04:20 PM 8,824 ThermalExpansion.cfg 12 File(s) 23,000 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigpowercrystalscore 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 205 client.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 204 server.cfg 2 File(s) 409 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigpowercrystalsminefactoryreloaded 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 357 client.cfg 06/19/2014 04:18 PM 13,099 common.cfg 2 File(s) 13,456 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigTropicraft 04/24/2014 12:59 AM 2,489 Misc.cfg 04/24/2014 01:24 AM 4,233 ModIds.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 221 VolleyballIDs.cfg 3 File(s) 6,943 bytes Directory of .attack-of-the-bteamunzipCheckz-bsides-configs-v1.0.12aconfigWeatherMod 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 345 IDs.cfg 04/24/2014 12:59 AM 1,073 Storm&Tornado.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 528 Trees.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 302 Waves&Misc.cfg 04/02/2014 05:15 PM 464 Wind.cfg 5 File(s) 2,712 bytes Total Files Listed: 86 File(s) 179,751 bytes 0 Dir(s) 29,165,047,808 bytes free
  12. That link leads to the Spoutcraft Launcher, which while the Technic Launcher uses it, it isn't up to date by any means for what the technic launcher actually uses its base code for. The particular reset button code is on this page for the technic launcher. And is disabled for local modpacks. The code then looks to see if a version file exists for the modpack, and if one does, deletes it. Which when the launcher is ran with the modpack again, causes it to be redownloaded/reextracted from scratch due to the way the launcher code works, which begins here that leads into this which calls the InstallThread class that calls start() which is a part of the Java Thread class which calls the run() method of the InstallThread class that ends up calling the ModpackInstaller class if the pack isn't local only. From there it checks to see if it needs to update by calling the getInstalledVersion() method that ultimately looks for the version file that was previously mentioned that would be in the modpacks bin folder. If it exists, it loads that particular build, if it doesn't, it downloads the selected build. Edit: Figured I'd go a bit further with this since a lot was left out. The getInstalledVersion() if it cannot find the version file, ends up calling to make sure it can make a connection through the pingHttpURL method (It doesn't appear to do anything with the return values in this particular case, if it makes a connection or not, it proceeds to start the download system afterwards) and after that calls the sendTracking() method which apparently sends some info to Google analytics - Please note that this previous chain only happens if the pack version installed for some reason does not match the selected one which brings up the "Would you like to update" message - After all that, this chain then falls back to the installPack method of the ModpackInstaller class and checks to see if it should update due to the fact that the installedVersion info is empty - ie: this is what is actually going to trigger when the version file is deleted - which creates a new version.json file if necessary (deletes existing one if present) which adds the task of adding the "not installed" modpack (remember: we're talking about the reset button, meaning it existed at one point) to the download tasks by creating a new InstallModpackTask class which is the one responsible for deleting the mods folder, the coremods folder, and Flan folder, afterwards goes through each mod for the pack by getting the returned mod list from here which is set by the constructor that is obtained from the InstallModpackTask constructor - this ends up calling EnsureFileTask that runs its runTask() method which checks to see if the zipExtractLocation (packOutput from the installed directory) is set, and if so, to unzip it by adding a new UnzipFileTask with its own runTask() method that calls the ZipUtils class that uses this method that chains into this one with a null ExtractRules that verifies the zip exists, the output location exists, which then loops through the zipped file unzipping its contents into the appropriate locations, assuming the zip entry isnt a directory which calls the unzipEntry() method that creates a new BufferedOutputStream and FileOutputStream - and since it isnt setup to ignore existing files, nor append to existing files, will overwrite them if they exist. All of this boils down to: If it exists in the zips it downloads, it will overwrite the files with the modpack being reset this way in any and all locations it didnt already delete them from the prior deletions of those three folders. Now, with this all said, there have been a few cases where resetting fails to work for one reason or another, and this may be due to the fact of the way the FileOutputStream class is setup. Security software getting a hold of the file, and locking it, the classes setup for checking privs finds it may be available at one instance in time, but since it was now opened, the security softwares real-time scanners or other scanners open the file immediately after it checks for write permission (and succeeds) which locks the file down as a precaution to allowing malware, etc, from happening until it scans the file (which in turn sometimes ends up never being freed, that eventually ends up throwing those "cannot open user mapped section" type errors) Edit 2: I am by no means an expert at the launcher code, but having spent the past hour and a half or so tracking all of this down from the "Reset Pack" buttons code gave me a pretty good idea of whats going on. If for some reason someone a lot more familiar with the code notices a mistake in this post since I am going off of the master branch (which may not be the current stable launcher build), let me know. Edit 3: My apologies, missed the point for the Delete Pack button comparison, which starts here - the getSelector() contains a reference to the ModpackSelector class which contains the referenced removePack() method. From there, it gets the InstalledPack info from the selection, gets the installed directory and if it exists, deletes it by calling FileUtils deleteDirectory method, which recursively goes through the directory deleting file by file, directory by directory, until nothing is left to delete. After this, it gets the assets directory for the pack, and deletes it* as well using the same method as above before removing the pack from the list and moving the selector to another pack (by going up one in the chain) So to compare in a less technical way the two methods: Reset Pack Deletes mods folder Deletes coremods folder Deletes Flan folder Re-acquires files if necessary, if the cached version isnt valid/missing Unzips all files into appropriate location, overwriting anything that already exists Delete Pack Deletes the entire modpack folder Deletes the modpacks assets (for clarity, this location is by default .technicassetspacksmodpack)* * It does not appear to delete the background image, logo and icon of the modpack. Not sure if these assets folders are used for anything else, or if the master branch on the github has more updated code than the current stable launcher version where the assets folder may not have been deleted to begin with until those changes were added and may be present in a beta build of the launcher.
  13. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pahimar.ee3.init.ModBlocks From this line alone, I would say you are missing a dependency for EE3. Ensure you have it installed properly and have the correct version for the minecraft version you are using.
  14. I dislike the FML hotfix since it needs to be applied to all modpacks+servers, downgrading is fair easier and more of a long-time solution for older modpacks.

  15. @Chrisvin, you'll be surprised how many times Java 8u20 or newer is actually the issue. @Omega212 - What mod(s), pray tell, are you attempting to install that requires it to be directly installed to the minecraft jar...
  16. Not true, Java 7u71 fixes the issue. See https://www.java.com/en/download/help/mac_10_10.xml Download java 7 here: http://java.com/en/download/manual_java7.jsp
  17. Security software can often be to blame for this.
  18. Entities can also be killed with /cofh killall <entity_name> (replace <entity_name> with the offending entity name) as well as being removed with MCEdit (no need to delete that chunk) - also, if you have technical issues (crashing, etc) in the future, post on the tracker, link at top of page or in signature below.
  19. Post the issue on the tracker, link at top of page.
  20. Here's a question - are any of the "missing" textures actually missing in game...There's plenty of mods that add textures, and for some reason FML complains it is missing, and it isnt at all, but it still throws the error. The pack.mcmeta errors can be ignored - this happens, its a standard that isnt followed.
  21. You attempted to allocate more RAM to the server than is actually available.
  22. 16 blocks for activity. Light levels dont matter for purposes of active/inactive, but does for spawning the mob.
  23. For those running Java 8u25, please be aware you will be experiencing the same issue as the one mentioned here: http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/concurrentmodificationexception-in-java-18020.89

  24. From what I understood of the Revenge pack, is that they wanted it to be a bit more balanced and less attack of the b-team like. This said, some mods probably will make a return to the new pack but it may not be entirely the same in its overall goals for the pack compared to AotB.
  25. modpack api url?
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