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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. Ah, I see the issue. For some reason the URL you provided is on the asse subdomain of the technic site. The asse sub-domain isnt proper for the modpack API to be considered valid. Note the differences between the working URL and the other one, ull notice the "asse.technicpack.net" is "www.technicpack.net" in the accepted one. The asse portion being the issue.
  2. Yep, not suspicious at all. The zero bits of information on what was even to be desired helps a lot!
  3. On the launcher, bottom right, theres a button/link that says "Log Out" use it, then log back in.
  4. Trying to find a tracker report to respond to and i cannot find it :/

    1. Kalbintion


      Bleh, if anyone is on the tracker and notices a log that has ".getCurrentLanguage" in it - let me know.

  5. @Martoxaction - some mod blocks do not accepts NEI toss all feature. Avoid using it in mod related blocks. It is a compatibility issue between NEI and the mod, nothing can be done on the modpack authors side. @amaxter - that crash for hexxit and the reason it happens in the modpack is the same cause actually, rare instance of this being the case, but see above for what it is about. @chadow97 - see http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/concurrentmodificationexception-in-java-18020.89 @hanyuuu - Update java, you're running java7u11, which is really old, latest is java7u67. If you have java7u67 already, uninstall all previous versions of java, reboot, install java7u67 to ensure it is the only version available. May not 100% resolve the issue, if it doesnt, post another log as the issue may have changed. @xProd - not sure what to tell you to be honest on how to fix this issue. I cannot find anything elsewhere in relations to the error that is actually helpful. You being able to resolve the issue by removing WAILA is also odd to me. You can attempt to go to http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/waila#t1:other-downloads and download the Waila-1.5.2-1.7.2-rc2.jar version and replacing WAILA with the release candidate, it may resolve the issue. If it does, let me know.
  6. While I do not generally recommend hosts, x10hosting is who I go through, they do offer a free database for free accounts and can be used to host solder.
  7. Sounds more like ID conflicts than recipe conflictions. Check the log for the modpack and look for lines that contain "CONFLICT @ " - if there are any, theres an id conflict, and may be the culprit of the issue rather than items being incorrectly added to the ore dictionary (one responsible for saying A and B items are to be treated the same)
  8. No logs, no help. Getting Crash Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Select modpack * Click on the Cog icon located on the bottom left of the modpack logo * Click on "Open Folder" * Open "crash-reports" folder * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  9. Been noticing a lot of issues with java crashing and video drivers being the culprit - issue hasnt been tracked down for why it shows up, but make sure they check for updated video drivers as well as a reinstall of java may fix it. These two steps generally fix it for most.
  10. LWJGL may be corrupted, go to the .technic folder, and delete the cache folder presented there. it should redownload the necessary library files.
  11. That URL worked for me just fine when I attempted it back then. My only suggestion is maybe you're copying the url incorrectly and are not grabbing all of the characters, or for some reason your browser is adding additional characters to the end of it that causes it to be invalid.
  12. icbm.explosion.entities.EntityBombCart icbm is having an issue with one of its entities. Remove it with MCEdit, or use /cofh killall bombcart (it should pick it up, if not, try /cofh killall bomb)
  13. Modpack url?
  14. Did you add/remove mods? If so, post in the platform pagoda, if not, post on the tracker. I do recommend a reset via the cog icon under the modpack logo before posting on the tracker.
  15. It is a setting in the video options.
  16. Issue is with bukkit, not the modpack, wouldnt belong on the tracker imo. Ensure you use MCPC+/Cauldron (taken down due to a DMCA, will have to dig for a copy) anyway, as craftbukkit alone doesnt support loading of mods.
  17. Wonder how they feel about Crysis then...that must of been a federal hate crime, or something.
  18. Bad login is none of those, its a loss of authentication with the minecraft authentication servers - ie: relog into the account from the launcher.
  19. Still needs to be done as far as i can tell, i havent seen anything indicating that the configs were reset.
  20. 1.7.10 version already? What happened to Hexxit 2?
  21. Oh you wanted a 1.5.2 version? Haven't found one of those. Hexxit's latest build is for 1.6.4, which is on that repository, hence why i linked it.
  22. Then post on the tracker, link at top of page.
  23. Besides that Hydreigon635, there is a huge lack of information in regards to logs, server setup, and more that just prohibits anyone from helping, even if they wanted to.
  24. I mentioned about shaders in another thread (actually, multiple times in multiple locations) - even if you got them working, there is no guarantee it'll work nicely with the mods. Shaders and mods are not 100% compatible with each other, and some mods outright say they do not work properly with shaders (Project red has a notice about optifine, which while isnt a shader, does modify graphics)
  25. Mine costed me $365, or so originally when I built it. It ran minecraft just fine back in the day. Upgraded since (so maybe $500 put into it total now) and its running minecraft 1.8 at a few hundred fps when im not recording. Definitely not a $10k+ computer lol.
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