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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. The permanent fix is to not have players have so many chunks loaded. The forge chunk loading config can be set to minimize the impact of loaded chunks, as you discovered (theres a lot more settings in there than just disabling them altogether) - and the issue outside of the chunks being loaded? Anything that isn't static. Meaning, if it does more than looks pretty (dirt, cobble, etc) then it'll take up additional processing time. This means every single machine, wire, etc, can be the culprit.
  2. Sander, the intel xeon e5-1620v3 works with DDR4 1333/1600/1866/2133. There is nothing wrong with the information they provided (outside of maybe having an obnoxious signature in color and size, but this is debatable) Edit: Here's the spec sheet for that CPU, http://ark.intel.com/products/82763/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5-1620-v3-10M-Cache-3_50-GHz
  3. Long story short: because it isnt. Longer story: It isn't because the author has no desire to update it. You are free to update it if you want.
  4. Issue can be any number of reasons. From the server having an error, to hamachi having a bad network connection between you and them, to...everything else pretty much.
  5. Enjoy then: http://anthoniwiese.x10.mx/Cauldron/ More than welcome to compare the files hashes with the ones provided by cauldron (Note: That url goes to my personal website, which is under construction if you were to visit the base URL)
  6. Security software would be the first to blame, it sees an outgoing connection, may think it isnt legitimate (which is protection against your computer becoming a spam bot) and then stop the requests from going out.
  7. @TiDawg - See http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/concurrentmodificationexception-in-java-18020.89 @xProD - Hm... Reset the modpack via the cog icon under the modpack logo, and see if it works. Something funky is going on with FML itself, and may not be a SMS pack issue specifically. If resetting the modpack doesnt work, itll take me a bit to look into a potential fix as I am unfamiliar how FML attempts to load language settings (where those settings are located, what the issue could be, etc)
  8. Then post your own thread, Phoenfox. It is considered rude to hijack others threads
  9. That is going to happen when you have a few thousand entities get dropped at once. the /cofh killall item command kills off any entities with the name of "item" in it - item frames are a vanilla minecraft thing, and as you may have guessed, contains the word "item" in it - so any of those placed, since they are entities, are killed off and removed as well as any dropped item stacks. This bug can manifest itself for a variety of reasons, one of which is unloading/loading the chunks theyre in. Another is some mod blocks cause them to for some reason gather its resource multiple times (F&A seems to be the major contender for this reasoning, with the fossil blocks)
  10. Updates to mods can also be for versions of the mod are no longer for 1.6.4 (project red, for example, is no longer supporting 1.6.4 but there is a notification of an update, because the mod updated to 1.7.x) - updating mods would simply going to get the updated version of the mod, going into the mods folder, removing the older versions file, and putting in the updated one. Adding mods to a modpack is simply dropping them in the mods folder, and done on both client and server side (if it isnt a client-only mod! minimaps, and HUD stuff is generally client-only, for example) - Make sure you sync the configs up from both client and server sides otherwise you will most likely run into ID mismatches. Please note that changing mods from the norm makes it a custom modpack and any issues experienced with custom modpacks belong in the platform pagoda section of the forums.
  11. You can use the in-game command /cofh killall item to get rid of all dropped items. Please note that this will also kill off any item frames in the world.
  12. @Arriej - per our conversation via Skype in regards to the wording on the issue: Issue: Saves worlds disappearing. Back-up the world save folder from .technicmodpacksattack-of-the-bteamsaves Create a new world with the exact same name, it may not start you off in a familiar area If it does not - go to where your base would be, if it isn't there, continue to follow instructions Copy the level.dat from the newly generated world, most likely under the world save name followed by a hyphen under the saves folder mentioned previously, into the old worlds folder. Note: Having two worlds with the exact same name can be a bit confusing, ensure you load into the correct world if two now appear with the same name Note: Doing these instructions without providing the same world seed will cause chunks to no longer properly line-up These instructions may change slightly to better clarify steps, etc, but for the time being, that should hopefully be a bit more straight-forward to people and explain a couple gotchas that can happen.
  13. no longer true as of minecraft 1.8 with the introduction of multi-threading AI. The second bullet point is valid for vanilla minecraft, not modded minecraft in this sense. There are plenty of poorly written to extremely large mods that require a ton of extra memory. Home-hosting getting banned by ISPs doesnt happen often anymore, there is no "shortage" of bandwidth, and as long as it isnt illegal, they generally dont care. If they do care, they will give you a notice via mail (if not a phonecall). And the tidbit about a fire starting due to a computer running 24/7 is possible, but you're better off getting hit by lightning. Computers built have sufficient airflow to handle overheating, and temps cannot reach to a point where it causes a massive breakdown of soldering to short-circuit, or instant combustion of dust/etc. If temps did somehow reach to that point, the protection against hardware damages will kick in and turn off the machine, no longer being a problem. DDoS protection is nice, but unless you're running a public server - large or not, not necessary and wouldnt even say necessary most of the time for any server anyway (unless you're pulling in an average of 100 users a day, you're probably not big enough for anyone to care about, sorry) <20TPS is designed as a baseline for indicating issues, not that there are issues. I dont know where this tidbit even came from as being "There is no doubt in my mind that there is an issue if this is < 20" - inaccuracies are definitely a thing, however, theres also big factors that indicate something is actually happening, as in, people are reporting lag, that even make the TPS be looked at (people who look at/check it constantly have nothing better to do, even while playing the game)
  14. Agree'd, this type of material belongs on a wiki (of which, there is one, actually, attack-of-the-bteam.wikia.com, where im an admin over at), if they are deadset on using a thread though, i do recommend linking to it in the signature (see my signature for an idea on what i mean)
  15. As rusty as my German is (of which you got a dose of...) I'll have to check it out! Who knows, maybe it'll help me haha.
  16. MFFS may be acting as a chunk loader. I do not know if this was intended or not, but it is very possible that it is the cause of it. If you know that a particular chunk is being kept loaded, remove the MFFS from the chunk and the surrounding 8 and see if the forever-chunk issue persists. If it doesnt, than MFFS is the cause of it, if it does, then MFFS may not be the culprit.
  17. By reading: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  18. This can also be done using the TechnicSolder... since the Solder allows to have a single modpack with multiple versions available, each version could theoretically contain an entirely different modpack.
  19. Platform Pagoda is indeed the correct location, but not exactly. For modpack advertisements/releases, they belong in the Platform Potluck - a subsection to the pagoda.
  20. Read '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Edit: Oh, wait, linked to there already. Still, valid, they do offer other suggestions than dropbox.
  21. Cafe Lame isnt the intended place for technical issues, if it is a custom modpack then post in the platform pagoda, otherwise the issue belongs on the tracker, which has a link to it at the top of the page.
  22. "Selling" access to /tp and /gamemode breaks Mojangs EULA.
  23. Mojang has an official message regarding skins no longer working in minecraft pre-1.3, and that anything pre 1.7.9 can take some time to actually update. You can read more about this here https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/979200-minecraft-skins Please note that there is a method to make a skin work locally only (multiplayer servers will not see the skin change, and may affect all players to show in the skin) in this old of version, but give me a moment to compile a list of steps and ill edit this post. Edit: Updated the above line for some clarification Edit 2: Here's that list of instructions, Rename skin file to char.png (if it isn't in a .png format, open it into an image editor and save-as to a png) Visit the following directory: .technicmodpackstekkitbin Open the minecraft.jar into an archive application (WinRAR, 7Zip, IZArc) Navigate to mob folder there Drop in the renamed char.png file for the skin, overwriting. The change should now be affected in-game (please note: 1.8 skin files may not appear correctly due to the additional information in them, if this is the case, please see this image: '> and read about the skin template changes and such on the wiki page for minecraft: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Skin and edit the image to be on the older style, this should just mean resizing the height down to the older size as the skin files width hasnt changed)
  24. is what it shows on their profile page - so they may actually see this (but its been almost a year, doubt they may still be looking, but who knows) Also @Mods - was there no server section, or is this thread not originally material for a server section?
  25. Issue belongs on the tracker, link at top of page. Also, use pastebin to post logs, as spilling it in the post isn't pretty or encouraged.
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