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Everything posted by Kalbintion

  1. You are missing the Code Chicken Core library.
  2. Pack URL on the launcher has a different URL to download than the one provided here. Make sure you updated the packs version # and modpack URL.
  3. Best bet is to open the DimDoors.cfg and change the monoliths entity ID to 0. I:"Monolith Entity ID"=72 That would be the line you're looking for (72 is from the hexxit config files, its value may be different) Please note that doing this can cause log spam.
  4. What Munaus said, if I had to guess from what you said in your post, you have your forge universal jar named incorrectly, in the wrong location, etc. But without that modpack api url at the very least, nothing can be done for certain.
  5. Go read the main page. In the future, issues belong on the tracker, link at top of page or in signature below.
  6. [B#439] 2014/09/15 19:22:22 [INFO] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: class "lp"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package Huge indication something is funky with the jar file. Either you installed a mod in it, or it isn't a legitimate copy. Ensure you installed mods correctly, and if a mod instructed you to install it into the jar, ensure you have the right version of the mod. Also, may be better off without a mod that needs to be installed in this fashion.
  7. I really wish you would stop posting this, Stratus. @jake9039 - issues belong on the tracker, link at top of page or in signature below.
  8. The only ones able to delete, lock, move, etc threads are site staff and admins. I have yet been to a forum where users can delete their own topics/threads.
  9. One thing additional to Curunirs post, in cheat mode, R is used to see their recipes yes, but U is also used to see the items uses. Just be aware of the "U" feature as well. These keys can be customized in-game as well via the options button in the bottom left.
  10. What plow said, and what I said originally. You only need to zip up once and only once.
  11. If anyone needs help via the tracker and hasnt gotten a response, let me know. I do miss peoples responses or forget about them. I'm only human!

  12. Here's my thoughts on this entire thing summed up into three tweets:
  13. Configs are generated by default when a mod is loaded and would generate in the /configs/ folder (where the /mods/ and /bin/ folder are) when the pack is ran. You still have that first bullet point to resolve though before you should worry about adding additional mods and resolving configs.
  14. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: CountryGamer_Core/Items/ItemMetadataBase Huge indicator that a mod was installed incorrectly or is missing a library it needs, and looking at the name, i would go with a missing library. Make sure you have installed Country Gamer's Core mod as well.
  15. What Munaus said, no logs, no modpack api url, no help can be provided without a myriad of guessing. Getting Crash Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Select modpack * Click on the Cog icon located on the bottom left of the modpack logo * Click on "Open Folder" * Open "crash-reports" folder * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  16. You have the modpack download zipped into a zipped folder (ie: modpack.zip/modpack.zip/contents). Correct this by only zipping up the bin and mods folders (see bullet #3 as well) You only have Optifine as a mod in the mods folder If you add more mods than optifine, ensure to add configs into the modpack (so zip up the config folder as well) - without it can cause serious issues.
  17. If it was, the changelog would make note of it in the latest "Lets Test" - it does not. And there probably wont ever be a fix for this as mods are beyond 1.6.4 now and onto 1.7.10+
  18. That is one horrible picture. Use F2 in-game and grab screenshots that way.
  19. So it doesn't, but regardless of that, with the take down, and such an older version of it being requested, it would just be that much more difficult to find and verify as legitimate.
  20. It is complaining about an invalid JSON value. Which file it was attempting to read, unsure. Whatever it attempted to read it failed immediately. Most likely indicating a corrupted file of some sort.
  21. It isn't hard to make the computer write things to the screen. print("Some line here") print("Another line")
  22. ...WAILA? I believe is the one doing that...numpad 0 for its settings. Edit: Nope, CoFHCore is the one responsible for this. gui { ... hud { # Enable messages that notify you of item pickups. Note: You cannot disable this if your Minecraft username is "Jadedcat" B:EnableItemPickupModule=true } See that B:EnableItemPickupModule? Set it to false.
  23. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: openmods/asm/VisitorHelper$TransformProvider Seems you may be missing an important library from the OpenMods group. The one that says "OpenModsLib" on their site (http://openmods.info/) and states its required.
  24. Without a log, crash or launcher, we cannot help you. Getting Crash Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Select modpack * Click on the Cog icon located on the bottom left of the modpack logo * Click on "Open Folder" * Open "crash-reports" folder * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Launcher Logs * Run Technic Launcher * Click on the Cog icon located on the top right of the launcher * Click on the "Logs" button * Provide relevant log files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasting Logs Use one of the following methods to show us your log files: * Attach file to posting * Use http://pastebin.com and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * http://mediafire.com * http://dropbox.com
  25. All i did was download the modpack through the launcher. So whatever config was provided with the pack or whatever was generated for defaults if the config was missing. Resetting your modpack should do the same.
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