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Everything posted by StratusNightstar

  1. In the launcher on the left side that has the list of all the different packs. There's a cog underneath each picture. Click on that cog and you will see what version you're playing.
  2. More than likely Java updated to 1.8. Uninstall it and reinstall Java 1.7
  3. A picture would help a lot to know what is going on.
  4. If your Java updated to 1.8 delete it and install Java 1.7.
  5. If your Java updated to 1.8 delete it and reinstall Java 1.7
  6. Do you have two empty block spaces above the spawner? If you do? Is the room dark enough?
  7. Sounds like your storage is full if items are roaming around in the pipes with a red highlight.
  8. I believe that you don't need the extractor chips in the deep storage units
  9. Don't forget you can also use deep storage units as well In your storage system. The only downside with them is when you look in the storage interface it will only show 64 units of that item in the DSU. So, you have to retrieve a stack and re-poll the interface for that item to show up again if you're wanting more than one stack.
  10. There's a Nullifier from thermal expansion and I believe there's a chip from the project red pipes that can destroy items.
  11. First thought it sounds like your storage is full.
  12. Guess what not too long after that episode he no longer has stained saplings in that room. I'm just letting you know how I got it to work. I went and did a room like his a couple weeks after that episode and that's when I realized the issue and figured out a way around it. Take it or leave it.
  13. For the stained saplings if you want to keep them indoors you need to have an opening all the way up above that sapling. No blocks between that sapling and the sky.
  14. Left side of the launcher where you can choose the different packs there is a cog. Click on that and you can choose the different versions from there
  15. One option for power is a compression dynamo with liquid xp from the liquid xp mod. If your building is very big you may want to think about Tesseracts to transfer power from the basement to the different areas to reduce the amount of wiring. Another power option is a lava fabricator with magmatic dynamos.
  16. Check your log to find our what the error is. I had the same issue two nights ago with Java and graphic card driver incompatibility where I couldn't get on Technic, Feed The Beast or regular Minecraft.
  17. Try updating your video drivers and see if that helps.
  18. I had the same issue last night. Try updating your video card drivers and see if that fixes it.
  19. Put a poppit shelf or chunk loader near both
  20. Compression dynamo uses the lxp type. I use it and it lasts forever.
  21. I believe you can't use it in dynamos. Best use of mob essence is with an auto spawner from Minefactory reloaded
  22. To really make sure and see what's going on and what range your harvester has. Make yourself a "Precision Sledgehammer", hold it in hand and it will show you the range that your harvester has. Also, any upgrade that goes in your Harvester you should also add to the planter. About the filter process, either "pneumatic servo" to add to the itemduct so you can whitelist the oak saplings OR just put oak saplings in all 9 squares of the filter of the planter.
  23. I have a heavy used storage system with project red pipes and it doesn't crash the server
  24. Doesn't look like that idea I had will work. Darn it
  25. I have an idea I'm going to try that has to do with one of the liquid xp blocks that might help with an MFR grinder setup.
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