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Everything posted by jakj

  1. This is amazing, and I'm going to use it.
  2. This entire rigamarole was worth it, just for that line.
  3. We have different standards, I think. I am more cognizant of the multitude of mods that are just rewritten other mids, with little wasted time, space, or energy on discussioms of permission. I also see major mod repositories valuing diversity over perceived value, letting the user have true unlimited choice.The maturity of the modders is much less relevant to me.
  4. If that's all you want, that would be fairly easy. Post about it in Requests.
  5. I love "gorilla" instead of "guerilla". For true comedic raging, watch Deranker. So epic.
  6. So, this is...a one-slot chest that you don't have to open to use?
  7. Eh, I might be bothered to do another class merging when Technic actually releases, but I haven't bothered with Minecraft in quite a while now. I've been enjoying other moddable games like Oblivion where the modding community isn't a toxic self-consuming shitsoup with a few good chunks bobbing around in it trying to stay afloat.
  8. I disagree with everything you just said. Anything else?
  9. Looks like the files got lost in the transition to the current forum software, and I don't have them anymore.
  10. The only thing collapsible I can think of is the code tag, which probably works for text only. I can't even figure out how to scale down pictures on this new forum.
  11. One bit-ee look-ee, two bit-ee feel-ee, three bit-ee do-ee.
  12. I have no idea what country he's in, but the grading system in the US doesn't actually fail you until you reach <60%. (90% is A, 80% B, 70% C, 60% D, below that, F.)
  13. Uhhhh...this is advice only for the situation where you know maybe six words of English. In such a case, you should write it in your native language, and then use Google Translate pasted below it. If you have any grasp of English whatsoever, just stick to it.
  14. We're not talking about people not native to English; It is disgustingly easy to see the difference between foreigner and moron.
  15. You had a class called "keyboarding"? That's...excruciating. But in that case, it's reasonable for you to have used the word that way. Perhaps it's a regionalism rather than an actual mistake.
  16. Ah, another disturbing language trend: Using nouns as verbs. "Keyboard" is not actionable.
  17. In other words, glass, as it was before the beginnings of industrialization. Only the filthiest of rich people could afford actual transparent glass made by the true masters of the art, who jealously guarded their secrets so only a few of the best could even make it; The general populace, for the most part, didn't even realize glass -could- be transparent. In the timescale of our species, using glass for windows is a relatively-new thing.
  18. That's just for color-multiplier, though, and not even AO lighting. If you look at the comments Kaevator made about his own lighting code, you'll see that even it doesn't work right in the last version he officially supported, and he was frustrated and giving up. I haven't done anything at all with this idea, having lost interest in Minecraft modding entirely due to the poisonous environment. I suggest creating a new thread for yourself and post your code there, in the Questions subforum if you just want some advice about your transparent blocks, or in the main Modding forum if you plan on making this into a full mod for Technic. In terms of arbitrary block modeling in Minecraft, I can summarize the steps very easily: You will need one ID for your custom block. A block's model will be a set of triangles, just like standard 3D modeling. The standard way to specify which way the triangle faces is to decide either clockwise or counterclockwise means you're looking at the rendered side of it. An entire block's set of vertices should be stored as floating-point values from 0 to 1, picking an X/Z/Y direction to be the origin corner. Model data should be input by text file, and you could also support file formats from programs like Blender if you're ambitious. You can use WorldSavedData (look at how EE stores its data for Alchemical Bags) to keep model data with a world file after it's first loaded, so you don't have to keep the model file with the world. (You might be able to import texture files this way too, but I'm not sure. You could save a .png into the world and extract it into the player's .minecraft directory upon loading, but you might not be able to load the textures directly without doing that.) Each triangle face would also have a texture associated with it. You would store the offset into the texture for each face along with the triangle's vertices. Trying to get textures to flow nicely from face to face would probably be too ridiculously difficult, so you'd never get that genuine "cloth wrapped around a wireframe" effect, but you could try if you want. You would store the ID of the model a block uses, its scaling and rotation, and any other transformative information, in its NBT compound. It would be too expensive to load this information for every render frame, but what you do is cache that information in your mod, so every render frame, you load from the NBT compound only if the data are not cached. You can use the blocks' 4 bits of metadata for anything you like, or just ignore them. You could use them for orientation if you don't want to support arbitrary-angle rotation, or you could do something with redstone, or you could allow grouping of similar models (like an antenna that is either retracted or extended), or even for animation states or rate. Bonus points for using the vertex list to keep the block's hitbox minimal.
  19. Something I found useful is to run Minecraft with java instead of javaw and pipe the output to a file, since base Minecraft doesn't log as well as Technic's launcher does.
  20. Real glass is formed either by lightning strike or by cooking in a furnace, so yes, you're Doing It Right. :D
  21. Good work. I'm sure your effort will be just as needed even in a world with 4096 block IDs, because as soon as that becomes the non-hackish norm, people are going to get lazy again and stop using metadata intelligently, and we'll be right back to where we are now.
  22. MCP and mods don't play well together. What you should be doing is compiling it with just the API source files, and then reobfuscating and running it in a vanilla Minecraft with just the mods you need to test with installed. You can easily create a shell script or batch file to do these steps for you, that will call MCP's "reobfuscate" script, then delete all files from your .minecraft/mods/foo directory, and then copy them in again. (If you are modifying base classes, this becomes more problematic, because you have to try to script something like 7zip to update the .jar.) Mods in the mods folder load just fine from a directory instead of a .zip file.
  23. Maybe try looking at the Redstone Lamp's code, too.
  24. And that is why I shouldn't make coding comments when I'm short on sleep: I look like a total dumbass. >_< Yeah, of course it would change it for every block. Fuck me.
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