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Everything posted by JaariAtmc

  1. More than half your mods are not from Curseforge or Minecraftforum.net. Probably from some crap rehost site like 9mc. Use this to stop doing that: https://stopmodreposts.org/downloads.html
  2. Or a modpack name would be nice. You didn't tell us *anything*.
  3. https://github.com/RS485/LogisticsPipes/issues/944#issuecomment-199009374
  4. Your modpack contains both RandomThings and FastLeafDecay (FLD). Randomthing comes with its own FastLeafDecay, thus you have a conflict. Just remove FLD and you should be good to go. Well, atleast no longer have this issue.
  5. Everyone that did has LONG moved on to later modpacks with actually updated plugins and stuff. The only ones that remain are the massive networks.
  6. Your modpack is a whole 13 mods. I don't even have a clue how you see that as "needing loads of updates" when you can do that all crap locally. You don't need to reupload that modpack every time you make a change to see if it still works, you all do that locally till it works, then you update the modpack on the platform. It took me 2 minutes, 3 tries. Optifine is causing your issues.
  7. Launcher Options > Java Settings > Put it to 4 GB Minimum, as you are trying to play 1.12.2 modpacks.
  8. Considering that most of your mods come from a site like 9minecraft, that's not exactly a surprise. You really, REALLY should get your mods either from curseforge or from minecraftforum.net. I suggest using this browser plugin to help you look for mods. https://stopmodreposts.org/downloads.html Half your mods are not from neither curseforge nor minecraftforum. I suggest you fix that, and also look at all the dependencies needed, like AnimationApi (for Ars Magica) and Mantle (for Tinkers construct). Also, you need to add CodeChickenCore as well. CodeChickenLib is not enough.
  9. Log says you haven't, as in, log is the same error as before. Have you uploaded your updated modpack yet?
  10. Considering that the normal Mojang launcher uses its own java version instead of the version your system uses, UNLESS you change that yourself, yeah, that's pretty much the reason that the vanilla launcher works, but Technic Launcher not.
  11. So, why haven't you added CodeChickenCore/CodeChickenLib yet?
  12. New logs then please. Also, use a site like pastebin.
  13. That would be your graphics drivers, according to the error: ig9icd64.dll+0x1f82e
  14. Obviously Plowman is tired and didn't see the 1.7.10 tags... http://chickenbones.net/Pages/links.html Make sure to grab the latest version for 1.7.10. It is on 1.12.2 by default.
  15. 1. It steals downloads off mod creators. 2. It misrepresents mods (mod for new version while that mod hasn't been released yet for that version, so pure clickbait) 3. It doesn't updates mods, therefore giving you months, sometimes years old builds that then break. And you didn't know, cuz you had NEI-Latest-1.7.10 which was 2 bloody years old and already had 10 newer versions of which you needed atleast 8 versions later cause that included the fix that prevented your modpack from working. The amount of times this happens is no longer fun anymore. No, it doesn't have to be NEI perse.
  16. You did not change the file from a .rar to a .zip. You renamed it to a .zip. That does not work. It may look like it works, but its essentially a semi-corrupted file now. Also, you included too many folders. You only need bin (which should only contain the modpack jar, not all those other files), config, mods (get your mods off curseforge or minecraftforum please, no 9mc crap, and yes, Modname-Mod-MCversion is really obvious 9mc crap), and you need the Flan folder. Why have you included a world save? Its quite large. Also, why's there a Cache folder included? >.>
  17. Delete this file: C:/Users/Louis F/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/attack-of-the-bteam/config/MapWriter.cfg:1
  18. Not without a log no. Could be lots of things if I had to guess here.
  19. You cannot make Crouch button5. That's your crashing issue.
  20. What changes have you made to your controls?
  21. No. Add CodeChickenCore/CodeChickenLib. Like, read the actual error.
  22. There's no issue in that log, however, crazycraft is a void launcher modpack.
  23. Newest java might be a problem if they download a non-Java 8 java version.
  24. JaariAtmc Member Members 94 1749 posts Report post Posted Friday at 08:25 PM JaariAtmc Member Members 94 1746 posts Report post Posted April 27 JaariAtmc Member Members 93 1737 posts Report post Posted April 16 JaariAtmc Member Members 92 1710 posts Report post Posted Saturday at 12:11 AM Posted Tuesday at 09:45 PM 0 JaariAtmc Member Members 92 1704 posts Report post Posted March 6 TechniKhittyBOTToday at 7:42 PM You appear to be having an issue with an unsupported Intel Graphics device and Windows 10. This issue is common for older computers and Windows 10. We recommend, if it's a desktop, to get a dedicated graphics, as it is always a better option, anyways. However, there is a fix. Please press WindowsKey + X and click on "Programs and Features" and uninstall all copies of Java. After that, install Java 8 from this link: http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=98428 Start up the launcher and try again.
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