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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. Problems go on the Tracker. Please read the Tracker rules and requirements. You can find links to both in my signature.
  2. You also don't want to post this kind of stuff in Off-Topic. This goes in Platform Pagoda. EDIT: Also, probably a good idea to read the rules.
  3. Hooptie is banned for failing his spelling test. (It genuinely is lying)
  4. Well, you take the plugs. And then put them in. It's in the name, really. Joking aside, you'll probably be wanting to give us more information. What plugins? For what? Single player? Server? You say you've tried many things. Have you tried following the instructions provided with the plugins? All in all, this is a very poor post.
  5. 1) Read the rules. You're being very rude. not reading them. 2) This issue is fixed in version 1.13. You must still be on an older version. Try updating.
  6. It's okay, Can. You're with friends. Don't worry. We still love you.
  7. The Attack of the B-team resource pack isn't complete yet. As the license of Sphax (?) doesn't allow for the distribution of the base pack, you will need to manually combine both the base pack and the B-team pack. After that, it should show up just fine.
  8. You're using the wrong username or password. The problem is kinda there, mentioned in the error message. If you still have a Minecraft account, simply use your username. If you have a Mojang account, use the email address associated with said account. For password woes, go through the password reset procedure.
  9. Assuming you're not on a mobile browser, you could have a guess where this topic might go by the descriptions of the sections. For instance, Off-Topic is described as "Non game related discussion". It should probably, definitely go somewhere in General Technic.
  10. No. You're better off asking where people actually discuss Minecraft. Which is NOT Off-Topic.
  11. Open your Launcher. The new modpack should now be listed amongst the pre-listed modpacks. If that didn't work, you can either paste the url into the searchbar in the Launcher, search for the modpack by its name in the Launcher, or try clicking the "Install" button while the Launcher is open.
  12. You don't have to use it. Hover over the resources and press "r" (no parentheses, of course) to see the item's recipe, or "u" to see what the item can be used in/for. If you don't want to see it, press "o".
  13. Yeah, itemducts and liquiducts. And I did, indeed, mean Redstone Furnaces. They're fairly straightforward, really. Just remember to add a servo to the pipes, so you can filter out things like saplings and apples. Apples won't do you harm, really, but saplings and other junk can clog up the furnaces.
  14. I think you're pretty established by this time, if you're thinking of Galacticraft, but here's a set-up. - Create a tree farm using MineFactory Reloaded. - Using Thermal Expansion, create some electric furnaces. - Use the furnaces to turn the wood from the trees into charcoal. - Set up two or three Aqueous Accumulators in a pond, and hook that up to - A bank of Steam Dynamos. As many as you feasibly need. A "V8" set-up may be enough for early game. Expand when necessary. - Hook up the charcoal to the dynamos as well. And you should be good. The set-up should be well able to power itself with energy to spare for other projects. Keep in mind that the bank of dynamos may take a while to start outputting at maximum power. The pipes will try to fill up one dynamo with a stack of coal before it will look further. So, thinking of the earlier V8, you may be running on one cylinder for a while.
  15. http://www.technicpack.net/article/concurrentmodificationexception-in-java-18020.89 Have a read.
  16. Did you run the right file? I don't run servers, so I don't know. But I think you need to run something called bteam? Instead of server? Or the other way around. But your problem sounds like it's just that. Running the wrong file.
  17. You should have posted this in Platform Pagoda, really. That's where questions regarding custom packs go. As for your question: Can you check if Java 6 is still installed? Java doesn't uninstall previous versions of itself. If it is, just get rid of it. I don't know anything about Macs, so I can't help you find its installation path, or how to get rid of it via any kind of program manager.
  18. The treetap is an item from the mod IndustrialCraft 2. That mod isn't part of this version of Tekkit. You (or your son) will have to look at different videos if he's looking for help. The videos he must have been watching would have been for Tekkit Classic, as you've apparently already found it.
  19. Nothing as far as I can think of. Well... villagers, for easy emerald productions. But you can buy villagers (spawn eggs) via Crawfish's Furniture computer, so that's no real big thing either.
  20. Wow. This is quite the ad for the server. (Hint. We don't advertise servers here. This is a strictly non-Minecraft, non-gaming section.)
  21. AotBT development is currently in limbo. This is likely due to the fact the modpack maintainers/devs are going through a rotation with new people coming in, and because GenerikB has already announced the spiritual successor to AotBT which is diverting development time away from this pack. So, it's unlikely that the pack will see many, if any, new substantial updates. As well, the issue lies with Necromancy and Biomes O'Plenty. Not Technic. Bugger them for a fix. As for the Full Guard issue... if it's a small server (just friends), maybe the owner can instate an "honour system" quest, where you can earn the Full Guard (which the owner would then spawn in, of course)? It's the best solution I can think of.
  22. http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/attack-of-the-bteam.552556
  23. You need to have internet access once. After that, you can play offline.
  24. Gotta be honest. The wall of text SCREAMS spambot. My finger was on the trigger. Try to work some paragraphs in there. It makes your story a lot easier to read. As it stands now: EH;DR (Eyes Hurt; Didn't Read).
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