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Everything posted by Melfice

  1. No worries. If you mean the Tekkit Classic Wiki, be careful with that one. It really doesn't apply to this pack. IC², to a degree, should be alright, but as you found out...
  2. Looks like Charging Benches were actually an AddOn for IC². They weren't a standard feature of the mod.
  3. Presumably whether or not it should be added. And then they left it to the pack developer's discretion. (I'm not saying anything new, by the way. This is exactly the same post as Bochen's. Just worded differently.)
  4. I don't know the exact wording, but i think it's called "GUI scale" in the video options.
  5. Proper version of the mod? 1.7.10 is needed. Proper Forge version? Tekkit Legends' version may be outdated already, or too advanced (this normally shouldn't cause issues, but it's very much a possibility it does!). Are there other dependencies Pixelmon needs that you've forgotten?
  6. Sounds neat! This is that pack you were talking about earlier, isn't it? I think I remember something like that. What version of Minecraft was it for, again?
  7. What's it about? Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink? Magic? Technology? HQM-based (adventure)?
  8. Microtransactions, mate. EDIT: Well... that's odd. Safe to say, of course, that it wasn't Neowulf who said that.
  9. That's interesting how that works now. Back in my days, we had to drag the files from the patch into the BDCraft .zip. Which might be an option for you as well. Mind, it's odd that you shouldn't even get BDcraft as your textures. EDIT: I think I see your problem now. Download the resourcepack for 1.7.10. NOT 1.7.2.
  10. Buildcraft should have the pipes you need.
  11. Did you try watching the instruction video in the post?
  12. Well... welcome back, I suppose. Did you make good on your promise to never play Minecraft again, or did you succumb to its lure once again?
  13. IC2 Classic was chosen because it is the more desirable version of the mod. The official IC2 (aka IC2 Experimental), as you call it, differs in distinct ways from the one included in the modpack. From what I can tell, IC2 Classic is under development by Speiger, who seems to be on top of fixes where necessary. (Here's a riddle for you, by the way: If IC2 classic is a port, simply because it's been updated to 1.7.10, then why isn't the "official" IC2 one as well?) Finally, you probably meant to post this in the bug tracker. Where bugs and crashes belong. I don't know if Cauldron comes included with the server package, but Forestry seems to be whining about it. Might be your problem lies there. If not... good luck finding out what it is! Seems odd for IC2 to have a crash related to chests, though. Are they on the proper version of the mod?
  14. And you know, when the "BRING CLASSIC BACK" crew realizes this, that there shall first be much rejoicing. And then there shall be the crying, for: "THIS ISN'T CLASSIC FOR 1.7.10, YOU SUCK!"
  15. Ah, my bad. Even then, unless Technic has removed the option, you should be able to log in to the launcher as long as you've logged into it once before. But that may have changed? Possibly? Maybe?
  16. There is one. As long as you've run the pack at least once, the offer to play offline is there.
  17. Minecraft's (that is, Mojang's) authentication servers are likely having issues. Those handle logging in to the game. Try again later.
  18. It's your Minecraft/Mojang account. Request/reset your password from them. EDIT: Incidentally, should you wish to continue posting here: This topic would have been better put in Café Lame, where you can discuss Minecraft. Rather than the section where we don't discuss games.
  19. Buildcraft, I believe, also uses oil to create fuel. Don't know what else. But, seeing as you don't have tech mods...
  20. Treachery of the highest order! Pitch and feather him! I'll heat up the brand!
  21. The launcher should download Minecraft for you when you install Tekkit. There is no need to download it separately.
  22. A "user error" means that you, the user, made a mistake somehow. And if you're playing on a server, you need to check (or have the server owner check) the config files.
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