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Cheap Shot

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Everything posted by Cheap Shot

  1. Here I'll help. What's probably happening is you're trying to edit it while the game or launcher is still open. Make sure you don't edit it while in game or the changes won't save.
  2. What kind of weird question is that anyway.
  3. What do you want us to do exactly? Drive to your friends place and register for him? Maybe he answered the simple skill testing question wrong and said he wasn't human.
  4. Right here handsome! http://yogscast.spreadshirt.com/ Make sure it says I did them! Otherwise you've done life wrong.
  5. Because we fixed it.
  6. "I'm sorry I will never know a woman's touch, and you will never be..."
  7. This beautiful thread will be remembered forever in the box.
  8. That really shouldn't matter. The launcher closes when you start minecraft. Then it's just minecraft running. You're saying you "get awful lag when you run modded minecraft, but it's just fine when you run modded minecraft."
  9. Lovely! That'll probably get pushed through later today officially then. Thanks for testing.
  10. Hot diggidy. Anyone else?
  11. So can I get some confirmation that this launcher solved your problems then? I need to know, so we can go ahead and commit this change as a fix. A simple "Yes, this updated launcher fixed my problems, tell me where to empty my wallet Cheap Shot!" so I can say "Go buy my t-shirts in the yogscast store god dammit" No wait...I mean.... so I know without confusion that the fix worked. Go buy my shirts god dammit.
  12. I'd like to just state officially that any and all links posted by anyone outside of the technic staff on these forms should be handled with caution. It may be safe or it may not be. It's your risk to take. We can't be held responsible for malicious links. Apart from that, there is currently a problem with downloads we are in the middle of trying to fix. One of the spout download sources is faulty and keeps going down, so many peoples downloads are failing. Agelian put together a launcher build that he felt would bypass the issue last night but unfortunately the fellow who's thread we posted it in never reported back and Agelian went to bed. I'm not sure if it will fix any of your problems specifically, since I think some of you may be having different problems, but it really can't hurt to try. Backup and rename your .techniclauncher folders and put them somewhere else, delete your technic-launcher.jars and .exes, then give this launcher a shot: http://sa-technic.googlecode.com/files/technic-launcher-fix.jar
  13. What in the hell are you talking about?
  14. Launcher though a firewall? I don't think she'll appreciate that. Edit: It'll come later. There's a few things (like tekkit) that are priority.
  15. We identified a problem with download locations and we're testing a new build. It might fix your download problems. I'll get back to you all on this if it works.
  16. If it gives you the same error, try it one more time. We just committed a change and it might not work if you started before it went through.
  17. Please do us a solid and remove your technic shit so its a clean slate and then try using this jar. There was another problem we found when looking through the second log. This hopefully fixes it. http://sa-technic.googlecode.com/files/technic-launcher-fix.jar
  18. Yeah that too. You can't just roll back from the dev build. You need to back everything up or be prepared to reinstall.
  19. Yeah, and they've all probably messed with their folders or tried to install new mods. It's really not that uncommon. People are trying to shove in all kinds of other mods all the time without having any idea of what's involved. They shouldn't be getting that conflict at all if they weren't because then every single person would be. You follow?
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