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Everything posted by Xylord

  1. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    For starters, actually read the rules. That's probably enough to fix your problem.
  2. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    Welp, apparently being extremely patient and comprehensive is even more efficient than trolling at warding noobs off! TIL.
  3. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    I'm going to save you a ban and explain you as sarcasm-less as possible what is going on. You're being punished for being an idiot. That's not all that problematic, if you lurk for a while you'll probably grow out of it mostly. The meaning of the Hellen Keller rank is that you've been "blind" to the rules, and "deaf" to the warnings you were given. This is thus not insulting at all to Hellen, since she was able to communicate and read even though she had this handicap, and you can too respect the rules and be useful to this community if only you could make the effort to read the first and follow them afterwards. Even if you're having a problem, you still have to follow the directives, as do all the members of this community. You're getting this superb launcher and all this support for free, so we at least get to ask you to be nice about requesting this help.
  4. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    This guy is trolling, right? I'm sure he's trolling. He can't possibly be not trolling. Nope, no way he's serious... Just admit it, you're trolling, are you not? Please? For the sake of my faith in a stranger on the Internet?
  5. A safe zone or dimension would accomplish this goal.
  6. Tell the quantum players to stop killing them? A few courtesy rules usually don't hurt a server. If a player is behaving like an ass, don't hesitate to kick him (in the balls).
  7. I mean, necroing is okay if what you post is interesting and on topic, but that... At least put back what you removed, might be it was cool.
  8. Glados apparently has Caroline's "personality", which is an explanation to why she is able to have human feelings like mercy, cruelty and friendship toward Chell, even though she's a robot, which don't have sentiments at all.
  9. In the newer updates, EE is indeed far less OP. I usually played without EE2 anyway. As for Solars, you could try disabling advanced solars and only keep the regular ones? It makes for better looking solar fields.
  10. Oh, I always liked slalom, and I would like to try it, but I never heard of installations for it anywhere close to where I live.
  11. I only watch hockey, since it my national, provincial and municipal sport, but I play a few. I'm hockey at rugby, lacrosse and okay. However, I shine much more in fencing and wrestling. I like combat sports.
  12. You'd be surprised. 95% of the casual gamers I know only played CoD or Halo and other very mainstream games. TES, in comparison, is indeed pretty unknown. Also, Mount and blade is independent and definitely hipster. I do agree it's amazing though. and follow Munaus' advice, PoP is an awesome mod.
  13. I am still respecting my EA boycott, and I'm especially happy to do so with a simcity that will be mediocre at best. I have the fourth, and it's well good enough for me.
  14. Still, once you get your hands on some seeds, you pretty much have an infinite supply, thanks to farming.
  15. If you're posting purposefully retarded ideas, I'd advise you against saying they're awesome.
  16. I believe automatic coke farms can be made using blocks from Railcraft itself, such as loaders, unloaders and etc. I'll into it on youtube.
  17. Ehh, pretty sure the problem is solved by now, after a whole month. And tbh, I find Andrew being classier than most at his age.
  18. Well, to be honest, knights were pretty much murderers strong enough that they couldn't be controlled, so they were employed by lords. Most of the time, they were raping, pillaging and stealing peasants, unless they were busy killing other "knights". You know, the crusades were made up from knights because the kings found them too violent and wanted to send them away from their lands to "protect" their peasants (More to keep them alive so they can keep paying the taxes). The whole "order of chivalry" thing came with stories and poems, like "Tristan und Iseult" or "The song of Roland". Now, applied into games I find those really cool and awesome, and I have no problem with this slight medieval stereotype applied into games. Order of the Griffon FTW!
  19. Yo mama's so fat! We're all very concerned about her health. She should go consult a dietetist, being overweight so can give cardiovascular problems and such.
  20. Blobfish, since 2008, or my early days of foruming. Because I found it cute.
  21. That's why he's secretly following me... Blobfishes have this effect on people.
  22. Xylord


    Nooooo Nick! Don't go! Because,
  23. As a fellow (blob)fish, I can understand your social concerns on our rights in today's society. However, this combat is not yours, because time spent on this matter would be time spent NOT making awesome (fan)art, which would be an horrible waste of cruyuns. Now, fly, fly like a fish before you get in a serious and boring discussion about this whole "real-life" and ridiculous "conspiracy" thing.
  24. Wow, you managed to get your problems fixed by receiving help from a generous stranger on the Internet, and still managed to keep an entitled attitude like that, this is no small feat. A lesser man would have been thankful.
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