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Everything posted by Xylord

  1. The MCF, clean... Anyway, you're wrong, get over it.
  2. Yay for pirating! Btw, I was sarcastic. Have a fine day.
  3. Why menchildren? Come in my tent and we can be menmen. :gooncamp:
  4. Dug up this one, it's quite good and explains a lot of mysteries.
  5. Well... That's one word he can write correctly! Still OP, even if you don't come back here, I recommend you check out spell-checking. Dyslexia can be quite crippling in a media where only text conveys your thoughts.
  6. What makes the whalebox successful is that a majority of great minds can concentrate their trolling efforts on an individual, or a minority. I doubt it would work quite as well if the odds were reversed. About the whalebox, if you're new to it a recommended read is the "Labigcheese Saga". Basically, any thread with him as the OP. This was an epic time in the history of the forum.
  7. You, sir, just made me laugh quite honestly. For this, I thank you.
  8. Last night, I came home to play with my modded mine craft. I logged in, and it updated backwards to 0.5.9 instead of 0.6.0 (I ignore why). As I enter my world, I see that the forcefield only has half of his original components, and the blank card is missing making the MFFS mod useless. (Ramble about how he is such a whiny bitch having to remake his system of forcefields RUINED HIS LIFE.) Your writing skills kill kittens, this post is in the wrong place, and doesn't have enough information for us to help you. Seems like you'll have to re-do your forcefields once you've properly updated your pack, which is a pretty trivial task. Edit : http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95604 http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-use-firefox-spell-checker A bit of spell-checking will change your Internet life, if you have dyslexia.
  9. I think you should add more exclamation and interrogation marks, I'm not sure you've put quite enough for us to understand you.
  10. Well, if it gets likes, I guess it means it is in some way appreciated and useful to the community. In this regard, I don't see why they shouldn't be there.
  11. You've sure been having this one for a while. Could say the same for Jay. Not saying that's a bad thing, I never changed mine either.
  12. Sarcasm has become a second nature for me.
  13. I simply wanted to show you that the true 4chan isn't just spam and silly trolling, the real 4chan is greentext stories, deeply-thought trolling and high-grade life destroying. Don't you dare compare this silly satire with the Mother of the Internet.
  14. >Be 113 years old >Beta as fuck >Friends play this fagdependant game >Minecraft >Pirate it and try it >shittygraphics.jpg >Fucking blocks >It's fun >At the beginning >Newfag brother wants to try >He plays 12 hours a day >mfw his house anally rapes mine >I stop playing because his skills depress me >Beta as fuck >Friend finds this modfag shit >Install it >Fucking bugs >Go on the forums >Make a post about the bugs >babyface.gif >Mods are fucking trolls >Fucking getting trolled like hell >mfw i ignore every rule >mfw they take off my pants >mfw they stuff cake mix in my ass >mfw they put tools in my intestines >mfw I'm a creeper
  15. The range and efficiency of the mining laser make the few destroyed block far easily worth it. I think it's around level y=20.
  16. This is amazing. I love those horns.
  17. Tried pressing "t"?
  18. Man, what is this modding project of yours that is chipping away your nights of sleep? I'm curious.

    1. Neowulf


      My 4 month old and migraine suffering wife are what's chipping away at my sleep. My current project is on hold till I can start eclipse without it looking like sanskrit. As for what it does is load a youtube video and render it to the side of screen block structure.

    2. Xylord


      Oh, an actual decent TV mod! Awesome. Keep us updated.

  19. I think I know what your problem is. You see, Microsoft has a folder where it stores snapshots, history and links from you Internet browser, making the navigation faster. However, after a while this file might get so clogged up it will significantly slow down your computer! Happily, it is very easy to get rid of this problem. Simply open "Computer" or "My computer" and type in the search bar "system32". Wait for all the files to load and select them all using the shift-click function, and delete it all; congratulations, you've made your computer noticeably faster! I do it every month or so to make sure my PC stays at the top of its performance.
  20. :iceburn:
  21. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    Hardly, now that he edited it. That's a dick move.
  22. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    I wonder if he'll talk about this to his solicitor this Monday...
  23. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    Oh god, your obliviousness to sarcasm literally just made me cringe. Like watching a fat man trying to take the chips on the upper shelves in a supermarket, but not being able to get up from the electric wheelchair.
  24. Xylord

    Helen Keller

    Wait, you're 18? Ouch. By then you should have a better punctuation, if not grammar.
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