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Everything posted by Lothos

  1. excuse me...that is simply uncalled for.
  2. pray tell, technic for MC 1.4.2?
  3. AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYEEEEEEEEEEEEYEYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the maths...it hurts me eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Lothos

    custom modpacks

    I'd love to see any one of the mod authors hold up their BS terms in court. This divide between the modpacks and mod authors are a direct result of the (some) mod authors being dicks. And its not stealing either. If the content is provided out to the public and a person then takes that content and adds more content without making modifications to the contents and provides due credit there is not one legal leg for the original author to stand on.
  5. Lothos

    custom modpacks

    no, I don't. No more than making a public server and grabbing any ole plugin to make a particular experience for my users. As for the malicious bit, that's a load of horseshit that you're regurgitating as CJ's excuse for demanding people ask him for permission. Having permission has absolutely no bearing on whether a person has put malicious code into a pack.
  6. Lothos

    custom modpacks

    are you finding it necessary to plug FTB everywhere on this forum? FTB is lacking the plugin management support tekkit still has to run a proper server.
  7. you can only extract from a stack of tanks from the lowest tank in the stack.
  8. Lothos

    custom modpacks

    again with the whole permissions thing....ugh
  9. quit pondering and musing over something you have no input upon or clue on direction.
  10. it would really depend on what you're planning to show in the LP.
  11. i'm sorry? did you fall out of the stupid tree this morning? There's no name protect bukkits out there because the vanilla client already provides login protection for names.
  12. you either stay offline to cater too the pirate friend not wanting to be legit and BUY minecraft. or you suffer with the other "friend" who likes to hack your accounts by bypassing the login.
  13. then that is the peril of being an offline server.
  14. the motd is not IN the server properties. if you'd notice thats simply a text line for what appears on the login list when viewing the server. When i was putting this up on my server I found the answer in his forum post which you failed to paste. The file is different depending on what motd editor plugin you use. hence why nobody giving you a clear answer. in my case with Essentials its a motd.txt in the essentials subfolder under plugins. as to the disabled bit and your hack, they're disabled to prevent truly cheating griefers from using it as a means of getting around defenses.
  15. you see, this is conjecture and trash talk. this statement clearly proves you don't know how tekkit came into being and purely believe one side of an argument.
  16. you're editing the wrong motd field. read rei's notes again.
  17. duncan's LP tutorial of tekkit/technic.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the majority of the bukkit team brought on board over a year ago now into mojang with the hope/intent of improving the smp side of the house? and yes, given a simple either/or between forge or bukkit, forge wins every time IMO.
  19. alienware is simply a brand, its not the hardware itself. They were very good once and now tend to be a bit pricey. Any machine with a decent 3.5+ ghz multi core cpu and 64bit OS with 4+gb of ram should run tekkit just fine. Get a decent video card with some ram on it and you can even turn the bells and whistles on.
  20. blocks can slow taint progression, but yes if the taint level rises enough in a chunk it can simply jump. Jumping into a mystcraft age to steal silverwood for totems was my approach as I failed to get enough "fuel" to run a purifying machine enough to see any benefit.
  21. the whole tirade on both sides really saddens me out of curiosity, did either of those packs mentioned give credit at least?
  22. i guess it was the Moria port of it that made you respawn in town. I have visions of massive lice spawns.
  23. but but angband was the SHIZZLE!
  24. because you didn't follow instructions on getting the patches specific for tekkit.
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