I'd cut the potion timer to 5 minutes, perhaps clean up that list a little. Would pitch this at Greenwolf, but he isn't feeling too hot to get Magecraft going right now.
Not to be insulting, but being (in-game) made of obsidian, I thought I was the densest one.
Anyways, I'm not telling you to use it, just have a look-see at how it was done there. You learn by seeing how others have done it and go try it yourself.
Mikeambrose3, who runs MinecraftTunnel (MCT). It's basically my home server, and used to also run a Tekkit server before shutting it down a few days ago. Feel free to look him up here, TekkitMC was listed as a deluxe server, I believe.
I dunno what Mike is up to, but I think he'll use a custom mod pack for our PvP server. Balkon's is just too tempting to not use. Keep an eye out for Dominance.
Hrmm... *heads to Magecraft forums*
And that's why I didn't sign up at the first whiff of this server when Andrew chucked it online two? months ago. I value the barrier that my name gives me.
Unless the Turtle entities have been associated with the Player designation, it won't share the same permissions system that the players are on. Most permission mods are lazy and forget to make everything false by default.
Crap. I really hope it's Yungeling, that's tolerable. The mass-produced stuff is always rice-based, and that creates a tasteless brew with a higher alcohol content. :confused:
You might be able to stick a detector between chest and destination--that way you'll know a chest is empty if there's no signal. (Multiple items of the same will require some creative thinking. Take it as a challenge. )
Not a big deal, I have to do this every time a major update comes around and my modpack gets rebuilt. Perhaps I should make myself a big spreadsheet of IDs instead.