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Everything posted by Dash16

  1. Must… resist… urge to attack newbie... There's a search box in the top right. If you use it, you might find 5 or 6 threads for this exact issue. Hint: your overeager antivirus program is probably interfering in some way.
  2. I believe OP is talking about the decorative bricks added by TConstruct, not the Vanilla one that is obtained in the method you described Toki. I haven't been able to figure out how to make it yet, but it's there in NEI (Netherrack Brick 1317:2). Typically, you can equip the Chisel, then use it on a block to convert it, but that doesn't seem to work with Netherrack.
  3. http://wiki.technicpack.net/Rifts
  4. More information: http://wiki.technicpack.net/Limbo
  5. How many bug reports have you submitted?
  6. edit: nevermind, didn't see the thread hijack was different from the OP.
  7. Good to know. I'll get a wiki page started, thanks for the info.
  8. Except there's no way to make the Full Guard Pattern without cheating it in. Isn't a possible Stencil on the Stencil table, can only be given through OP commands or cheat mode in NEI. I'm thinking this is future content, not a current 'secret weapon'.
  9. So, Faucet above a drain pointing up which is connected to the Smeltery, and you can put Molten Ore back into the Smeltery? Why doesn't mDiyo have an official wiki? TConstruct is maddeningly undocumented.
  10. Whirlwind Boots seems abnormally high. If accurate, it's probably because durability on those is consumed when sprinting.
  11. Seared Glass/Seared Window functions like a Buildcraft Tank for Molten Ore, Glass and Stone? Odd. I'd expect the Seared Tank to do that.
  12. WAIT WAIT WAIT you can put faucets on Basins? /me furiously updates the wiki
  13. I think the magnetization enchant can cause some wacky stuff with free floating items, especially if there is more than one player in an area with magnetization on. I've had items disappear before, but I bet they are simply clipping through the world or getting flung outside the reach of the magnetism.
  14. That looks like good info for the Wiki, David! I'm going to start plugging that data into the various pages.
  15. You're welcome, glad to be of help!
  16. Unless you went out of your way to delete Java 6, it's still there, just not used. Have you already tried deleting the Java 7 JDK from /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines? In most cases, simply removing this reverts the system default to Java 6, which is still located in the /System/Library/Frameworks folder. should do the trick. Run another "java -version" afterwards to be sure.
  17. http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/enchanting-plus/files/ EnchantingPlus-1.15.5 is for 1.5.2, and has the option to enable disenchants.
  18. How is that helpful? Do you see me in all the "unable to install Hexxit because my antivirus blocked WildCaves" threads gloating that Macs don't have that issue? I use my Mac for far many other things than playing minecraft, and some janky software support from a third party in one application isn't going to sway my decision either way. It's an inconvenience to have to boot into Windows, not a deal breaker. The issue here didn't even have anything to do with the operating system of the server or the client, it was some bad data in minecraft, or forge, or the mod pack. Platform agnostic, and indiscriminate. Don't make this a platform argument. You've got your choice, and I've got mine. I'm not saying one is better than the other, they each have their strengths and I'm not going to try and convert some stranger on the Internet to my way of thinking.
  19. What kind of inside information do you have to confirm that? Like I said, one of the Dev team has stated that disenchanting items is a draw for him, so the interest is there. The possibility is there with the latest version of enchanting plus. I'd put my money on it returning, unless there's something else I'm missing.
  20. nVidia drivers are provided by Apple as part of the OS, there isn't a way to update these on your own. I'm running the latest public release of OS X, and so the drivers are as up to date as they are going to be. Minecraft (and maybe LWJGL) will only support OpenGL 2.1, regardless of what the video card and the drivers are capable of. I hope one day at least OpenGL3 will work in OS X for minecraft, as there is a client-side mod I want to use to capture images for updating the wiki that requires OpenGL3.
  21. Tried everything? It's not impossible, you just have to know how to pull it out by the roots and fix any issues that might cause. Difficult, but not impossible. If you had Java 6 before installing Java 7, might be a simple matter. Did you install the Java 7 JDK, or use some other means to update to Java 7? If you can provide the following info, I can help you ensure that Java 6 is used to run techniclauncher and Hexxit. 1) Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app 2) Type the following commands, and provide the responses to them: java -version which java ls -la /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines ls -la /usr/bin/java
  22. My favorite thing to do got nerfed in 1.0.4/1.0.5, which was raiding dungeons for magical gear, disenchanting it all for massive amounts of XP, then piling on enchantments to my gear to ascend to god status. I completed all the HexxitGear sets and am loving the Thief Set in particular, the speed boost is amazing. I have hope disenchanting will return in the near future, Enchanting Plus recently updated to make it at least a configurable option now, as opposed to turning it off with no way to turn it on. The Meteor Gear exploit still exists, but my server is small enough that I trust the people I play with to not take advantage. With any luck, the Meteor Gear exploit will be fixed in later versions as well. I know CanVox is a big supporter of disenchanting stuff too, maybe he can convince sct and KakerMix to update EnchantingPlus for Hexxit 1.0.6, and make the default allow disenchants again. Until then, I've been stockpiling magical gear and am learning a lot about the mods I'm not as familiar with. Harken Scythe in particular is taking up a lot of my time, the abilities of the Altar of Blood and Altar of Soul extend past simply augmenting items and isn't documented that well. I guess you could say my favorite thing to do in Hexxit now is to write for the official wiki.
  23. Use the gear button on the launcher to increase RAM allocation and check the box to increase permgen size.
  24. Nope, not even texture packs. This happens on three different computers, so is likely not client side.
  25. What gave you that impression? Read the "how to help" page more closely. The only that that isn't tolerated is vandalism and inappropriate content. http://wiki.technicpack.net/How_to_help If you write content and it needs work grammatically, or if it needs verification, we might question it, but you don't "need permission" to edit the wiki or add content. All are welcome to contribute, just don't get butthurt if your content gets edited to fit the overall tone of the wiki or edited for accuracy.
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