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Everything posted by CanVox

  1. Just download a fresh copy from http://technicpack.net/download
  2. Your mapwriter config became corrupted- it happens sometimes. Wipe out C:/Users/Renee's computer/AppData/Roaming/.technic/modpacks/hexxit/saves/wort/mapwriter.cfg and I think it should work ok.
  3. You attempted to visit the API link instead of copying it into your launcher.
  4. CanVox


  5. ​Yeah and some server threads, it's kind of a shitstorm. The good news is that the servers are now finally migrated so things should be ok probably from here on out maybe.
  6. Hi, it looks like it's not coming back. The forums were jacked for a few days because some conversion tasks were breaking. We finally put up a new version of IPS where it'd been fixed, but it apparently fixed that by just wiping any thread it had a problem with, which seems to have been primarily long threads. So KJ is gone and it's not coming back, sorry.
  7. You don't have to fiddle with the launcher's version of java anymore- you can change the java version from the dropdown right above the RAM selector and if you choose a 64-bit version, more RAM options will be available. Of course, being able to choose a java version depends on it being installed...
  8. You have a modpack.jar.jar instead of having a modpack.jar
  9. CanVox

    RAM Issue?

    From launcher options, check "Show Console" and then copy the crash data out of the console after attempting to run.
  10. Our position has always been that nobody has like a patent or whatever on a mod list and you can't really copyright a configuration file. The one rule we have is don't name your pack after another pack to try and get your pack more popular or whatever. So don't call your pack "Tekkit lite with other mods" and you can reproduce tekkit lite verbatim for all we care.
  11. The launcher should have a big ol warning next to the RAM selector instructing you on what to do when you mouse over it. If it's red, that means you have 64-bit java and just need to select it from "Java Version".
  12. This is a bad thread so I'm closing it. Keep not doing that stuff we said don't do.
  13. Ugh. I'm so sorry, mods.
  14. "I find the TechnicLauncher.exe file that I downloaded, but when I click on it, it installs so quickly that I don't see where it installs to." TechnicLauncher.exe is not an installer. That's the launcher. if it's not starting, then that's a problem. There is probably logs showing what went wrong in %appdata%.techniclogs But if running TechnicLauncher.exe isn't working then I would really recommend using our support site at support.technicpack.net
  15. Wait did I necro this? How'd I find that. Where am I?
  16. I mean it has a warning right next to the RAM dropdown telling you why it's limited. It's right there.
  17. Do you have a 64-bit java version selected?
  18. Zhaph, that's a good suggestion. I'd also add that we cannot launch minecraft without your login details. The Mojang launcher requests your login details, confers with the mojang auth servers, and passes the resulting data to the minecraft executable when launching. We have to do the same or else it won't be possible to play on multiplayer servers, etc. I actually really miss the days when Minecraft had you login within the game itself, it made things much simpler for us. The main things to understand are: - We always store a randomly-generated key called the "Mojang Client ID" on your harddrive so that we can use it for all auth attempts. We do this because the first time you log in with a new client ID, Mojang logs you out from all other client IDs, so it would be annoying if we generated a new one each time. - When you log in, we will send your Mojang Client ID as well as your username and password, to Mojang's servers to auth you. If you have logged in previously and checked "remember me" we will send your Mojang Client ID & Mojang Access Token to Mojang's servers instead. - If you check "remember me", we store your username and the Mojang Access Token that Mojang gave us after you logged in. We will store them to the hard drive but will NOT store your password. Unless your Mojang Access Token expires, we will continue using your username, client ID, and access token to log you in on subsequent visits. If the access token expires, we will prompt you for your password again, so we can request a new one. - We will NEVER send your password, Mojang Client ID, or Mojang Access Token to our servers or anyone but Mojang. - If you choose not to check "remember me", we will not store any data except your Mojang Client ID - We DO have a Technic Client ID that is generated in the same way as the Mojang Client ID but has nothing to do with your Mojang account. We use it to identify your install and you can give it to a friend who has a Solder-enabled modpack to see hidden builds & be a beta tester. We send your Technic Client ID around to a few different places, it's not really secret. - In the past, we've also sent your Mojang user's display name to our servers when checking packs. We used this to allow us to give Attack of the B-Team early to people who had donated to Child's Play charity. We like doing stuff like this, so it's probably not gone forever, but it's hard to know the best way to do it. I hope that answers your questions about how we use your Mojang information. As always, we're open source. We also sign our jars and executables as "Syndicate, LLC" so you can check that individual files actually come from us.
  19. You can also put some stuff in the search bar.
  20. Even 1280 wide is enough to fit the launcher, and the monitor I got for free with a computer I purchased in 2004 was capable of that.
  21. That's not our asset, that's mojang's asset. It's a common one, actually- because it has "ad" in the name, some security software believes that it is some shady adware and blocks it. Torezu was correct.
  22. Hi, there is no resize option. On most screens it's a pretty normal size, but on very low resolutions it probably seems pretty massive. What's your monitor resolution?
  23. Hi, so, let's chat: - The old launcher doesn't work. The big offender is that the news API (remember that small news box in the top right corner?) is now totally different and the old launcher doesn't handle that as well as it probably should. We actually get issues opened on github every day from people on cracked launchers (none of which have updated yet) complaining about the crash resulting from the news API change. I cackle as I close their issues. - Tonight (Thursday), we're pushing some improvements that will break everything else, too. - Both of these are fixable, incidentally, without too much work. And our work is open source. That said, the new platform has different pack image sizes, so nothing will look very good. - We are never going to update the pack entitled Tekkit Classic. The purpose of Tekkit Classic and Tekkit Lite, Yogbox, Big Dig, etc. are to keep those packs around so enthusiasts can continue playing them. The problem with updating the pack is, we're never going to make a pack that's just Tekkit Classic, but up to date. It's not possible to do, and some Tekkit Classic enthusiasts will not want to play the new version because they won't like the liberties we'd have to take to bring it up to 1.7.10. By updating Tekkit Classic instead of making a new pack, we're making it more difficult for them to play the version they like. It's REALLY hard for a server to get players to play a pack version that isn't Recommended or Latest. - That doesn't mean that there will never be a pack LIKE Tekkit Classic. But your opinion and my opinion about what is "like" Tekkit Classic might differ. I think Attack of the B-Team is "like" Big Dig. I think they scratch the same itch. If we do make a pack "like" Tekkit Classic, it would have resource exchange (Project E or something), very few mods, integrated redstone, quarries, and machines. That is the full list of similarities it would have with Tekkit Classic. It would almost certainly not have IC2. - Likewise, we are not going to make a pack like Technic Pack. Mainly because I don't know what "like Technic Pack" even means. It was basically a pack with a lot of mods in it. That was a big deal at the time but now it's pretty overdone and boring. Sorry. - There were some key issues with putting Technic Pack up on solder. We don't have the capability to put more than a version or two up, just due to the window of Minecraft versions we support, we don't have the mod files lying around, and plenty of folks on the platform have done a great job of doing it for us. I don't know what I've missed. I do think you should give making your own pack a shot. Especially if you're particular about what you play. I think the new launcher's pretty rad.
  24. There are two types of platform packs. Packs that are solder-enabled, which means they only download new/updated mods when you change versions, and you can select which version to play, and URL packs, which don't have either of those functions. Lapito's is a URL pack. So, they only host one pack at a time. The new launcher shows a "solder enabled" tag under the pack title for packs with that capability.
  25. This week has actually not been a great one from an uptime point of view. Our monitoring software is showing ~95% uptime and an average of 2 seconds of response time during the past 7 days. That includes like the middle of the night, early morning, when people are at school. Those stats sound good if you're not familiar with performance monitoring, but they're really, really bad. We've rooted out one of the problems last night and are going to be investigating further today. sct has ported the launcher API and put it up in NodeJS on a separate cluster of hardware, and we've released a Beta launcher that uses it. A lot of changes are happening underneath the surface so that you don't have to deal with terrible uptime like this again, and we think you're going to start to see the fruits of that this weekend.
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