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Everything posted by Neowulf

  1. And your beta is really suspect. Windows only and Java just scream malware. Especially since, as planetguy pointed out, your virus free file isn't the same one you're offering for download. So please give me a good reason to allow this to continue here.
  2. Dilbert, like XKCD, is always relevant. http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2012-03-06/
  3. http://imgur.com/a/gW7F9 Why I'm not going to even try it...
  4. What, not 16/f/cali (if the asker is under 18) or "just turned 18/f/cali"? Things have changed since I first went online decades ago...
  5. I'm still hoping for the flesh suit thing...
  6. Dear lord, I'm either right and this is a case of D.I.D., or "the REAL Drath" is about to be horribly murdered and his skin worn as a suit by 819 here.
  7. Uhm? Buh? Purple? Wha? Your IP matches his...
  8. See, now this is just really confusing. Mr Drath has this little gem in his posting history, where he states he wants to make a modpack like the xerph pack just like the real Drath and his group did. But from all I can see there is only one xerph pack in existence, found only on platform. Infact xerph only shows up on google in relation to technic. I wonder if this guy has dissociative identity disorder with one of the personalities idolizing the other?
  9. Is there a story behind you posting of this link, or did you just hope people would click it?
  10. "Some Large Forums" Keyword: Some. As in, Not Here. Again, why should bumping be allowed? If everyone bumps, especially if it's strictly on schedule, what's the point?
  11. 7 pages of "bump!" is not updating your server, it is spam. If you see other threads bumping then please use the report button. Someone reporting you is what alerted me to your activities. As for "should be allowed" (note the correct spelling please if you insist on trying to attack our language skills), why? Your server post generates so little interest that you had to artificially inflate its activity to keep it on the front page. You have decided your server deserves as much, if not more, front page time than new servers and ones that gets actual interest from other people. Besides, do you have any clue what kind of scale you're dealing with here? Ignoring the over 3000 deleted threads, Open Servers has nearly 400 different servers advertised in it. If even 1/10th of those server owners followed your rules the first page would be constantly churning with threads getting bumped. Your thread would stay visible for, on average, 12 hours at most. To compete, you (and 40 other owners) would start bumping faster because "The whole point of bumping is to keep visible but these others keep taking my front page spot!". Give it a week and you would have to bump every minute to stay in the front page, and new threads would have 0 chance of getting any views until they started doing the same.
  12. That's quite interesting zenmender. I'm looking at the automated PM that the system sent out, the same one you should still have in your PM inbox, and I don't see anything like "you did something bad or something so we infracted you with warning". The grammar is perfectly fine. I know you want to be seen as the victim of low intelligence thugs abusing their power, but that frankly is not the case. You have broken a simple rule and were punished for it. And I especially like little haxir's assertion of our immaturity directly after using "that's gay" as if it's a perfectly acceptable phrase to use in mature conversations. Now, please explain to me why you should be allowed to bump your thread back to the front page regularly despite a lack of interest from anyone who is not you?
  13. 3 days is not necroing by anyone's standards. And please read the backseat modding rule before you earn a kellering yourself.
  14. I dunno, maybe check the bug reports and post one if needed.
  15. Ahh, I see. You're just looking for attention. Gotcha.
  16. So, you're done with technic but if we dare to stop you from coming back you'll come back again?
  17. You would have received messages from the mods who issued you warning points. Warning points you received for breaking the rules. Warning points that trigger the automated punishment system that changes your profile pic. If you keep this up you'll end up with more warning points which will make your kellering last longer or progress it to a temporary ban. So man up, read the rules, and take the punishment you earned. Or leave, which is always an option.
  18. Instead of taking the time to post a second time apologizing for not being sure if this is the correct place or not, why not take the time to read the rest of the section titles and find the correct spot?
  19. Moo.
  20. You were spamming. You did it to make sure as many people as you thought relevant would see that you found a fix. As maxis has pointed out you posted your fix in unrelated problems. If you went up to a bunch of complete strangers who were rubbing their elbow and told them a cure for arthritis you thought up, you'd likely get ignored or yelled at. If you kept it up your sanity would be called into question. If I catch you posting like that again I'm siccing the spamcleaner on you.
  21. You have 7 identical posts in 7 different threads all posted in a 5 minute span. That's spam, pure and simple. If you don't agree, go someplace else where attention seeking behavior like that isn't shunned.
  22. Yeah, and viagra peddlers are just spreading the word too... Knock it off.
  23. Why not check the bug report section instead of throwing up a meme title and crash report in the wrong section?
  24. Knyne is banned for having ripped pants. We have a dress code here young lady and the torn clothes hobo look is not part of it.
  25. To what? Your morbidly obese guy with an obscene amount of arm fractures and intracranial hypertension so bad his eyes are about to pop out from the pressure? Poor guy looks like he's having a seizure and is about to die. At the very least he's gone blind from crushed optic nerves and has a lifetime of agony ahead of him even if they can set his bones so they don't heal crooked.
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