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Feed the beast! No matches ongoing right now

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And im finally back and active again. Sorry for that delay guys!

No sorry, the map wont ever be released. Hope thats understandable.

We will throw a new competetion next weekend (6ish days from this post) so its just to sign up again!

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can my team signup we are all from one server (apart from one) our ingame names are: crunchybadger, neb700, jackstaar5, raggedreece, and JGilbey. if you need a team name it will be beasty british. 3 of us are server mods and the other 2 are normal players but we can only compete in about 2 weeks time (btw our time zone is +0 gmt) and its cool that you made your own map i like the looks of it.

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Uhm ... no? We tried a FTB map, that was faulty, used the housing of it, redid the entire thing. I wont really consider that "stealing a map" (and creds are also given towards the one that made that map even if it didnt work at all).

If u want to test out urselfe, the "original" is here on the forums somewhere, not working at all.

EDIT: The spawnarea we made ourselfe, so with the spectatorarea. The nether wasnt even in that map, so thats 100% selfmade (in regards of how u can consider a few block to be called a creation)

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Uhm ... no? We tried a FTB map, that was faulty, used the housing of it, redid the entire thing. I wont really consider that "stealing a map" (and creds are also given towards the one that made that map even if it didnt work at all).

If u want to test out urselfe, the "original" is here on the forums somewhere, not working at all.

EDIT: The spawnarea we made ourselfe, so with the spectatorarea. The nether wasnt even in that map, so thats 100% selfmade (in regards of how u can consider a few block to be called a creation)

It works fine. Dont use one on the forums, use the one from MCF. Those are the idea guys. lol.. You used the housing of it? You stole the idea made you own mechanism and call it yours. There are making a mp map. Its in their to-do list.

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It works fine. Dont use one on the forums, use the one from MCF. Those are the idea guys. lol.. You used the housing of it? You stole the idea made you own mechanism and call it yours. There are making a mp map. Its in their to-do list.

Oh .. ur refering to the "Feed the beast" by slowpoke? FTB is a "consept", nothing else ... I think ur kinda confused about what this is all about. Sorry for that.

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Oh .. ur refering to the "Feed the beast" by slowpoke? FTB is a "consept", nothing else ... I think ur kinda confused about what.
Try to think that your slowpoke and your idea is stolen by some guys from the tekkit community. Im pretty sure you will be pretty pissed.

Edit: But lets just settle this like men. This is an opinion difference. You think that you didnt steal it. I think you are. Well nothing there to do bout it. So have a good life, sir.

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So you are good at Tekkit, you are awesome with all the mods? You are a player that have no problems with getting what you need. Its like you are the king right? Well, then we dare you, and your friends to play this map. If you think you know Tekkit, think again! Face challenges you never have faced before, get stuck where you never expected it was possible to get stuck. This map uses the entire range from vanilla, to the high tier Equivalent Exchange items, and almost unknown usages of it! Be aware, this isnt easy, this is a real test of skills!


IP mc.tekkitcraft.com:25765




1: If you cant do it, well you cant




merlin2105 (+friends) - 0




Forgotten Vault vs FalconCraft vs Hellocreeper vs merlin2105 (+friends) - Winner Forgotten Vault


Saturday 1PM EST

Wednesday 1PM EST



For each team defeated

the winning team get 1 point!

So this is how it works:

Each team has theyre own designated area, protected with worldguard. They cant leave that area and others cant enter it. Its not impossible to finish or progress unless someone totally does something real stupid, in that case, they loose ..

Spectators are limited to an area between the beasts, so they can watch it, but they cant be looking at what the other team does exactly. Neighter can they read the chat that belongs to the other teams. A teamchat is for that team only, so others cant communicate with them!

Play smart to win, this map needs more than just average Tekkitskills, that wont be enough to feed the beast. Have all possible wikis open, they are defo needed!

After an event, map is resetted (not auto) and new teams can play. All based on what exp we gain about playtime, difficulty etc we will make adjustements to the map, so that we wont risk it going on for weeks and weeks. Atm estimated playtime with a 6 player team is 2 days (average players)

So ... what other server feels theyre up to the challenge, not only against us, but other servers, all from 2 to 4 teams are supported on this map! Sign up in this thread with the servername, servername/link, preffed playdate. Its IMPORTANT to supply 100% correct ingame names of the players!

Edit: I would like to challenge the Technicpack crew on this one, if they feel theyre up for the task that is? .... ;)


V1.0 -

Original map

V1.1 -

Updated to improved spectatorarea

Changed requirements for the beast

Added protections to the beasts in regards of blast

Buffed the blasted of nuclear meltdowns

Removed several blastitems, that was used primarily to greif with, that had 0 usage beside that ingame

Added forgotten support for different worlds in chat

V1.2 -

Updated the sectors for the starting teams, now controlled with one lever to start the game

Removed some items from EE, same reason as in 1.1 (really guys ... cmon ...)

Changed requirements for feeding the beast

Changed ingame rules. Dragon egg now got to be placed at chest at /spawn

Added plugins that really dont affect the gameplay, but to enshure safety of players, and howto determin winner

Hi im just a random minecraft player ( im not famous in any way ) but i think this looks amazing and id love to join in so im wondering, do you ever do player matches ( like me and my friends, or just me ) please get back to me id love to play

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