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Name: Nodnarbtocs

Age: 18

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Not as of yet

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Both and use them happily

what is the purpose of a macerator?: A macerator can be used to (normally) double the output of most ores put in via dusts. In short; ore goes in, double dust comes out

Recommendations(if you been invited): None

Others things i should know: I've been experimenting with Railcraft? Liked using EE but it has its flaws. Uh...I like Jaffa cakes.


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Name: xCaaM

Age: 16

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I would like to venture out first, if that's ok. :3

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Barely, only recently came back to minecraft.

what is the purpose of a macerator? Block(s):Dust - 1:2.

Recommendations(if you been invited): None.

Others things i should know: I'm a perfectionist and I'm loving the attention-to-detail blocks within this mod.


Name: zee762

Age: 15

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Sure!

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, a lot actually.

what is the purpose of a macerator? It grinds down materials into dust.

Recommendations(if you been invited): None

Others things i should know: I live in a mountain time zone, will be on pretty frequently during the weekends, but not much during the week.


Name: AeroEng89

Age: 23

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Yes

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? Grind ore into dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): None

Others things i should know: Possess aerospace and mechanical engineering degrees


Name: meobud

Age: 16 tommorow

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Sure

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: a little

What is the purpose of a macerator: breaks things up, i.e. ore into dust and cobble into sand

Recommendations (if you have been invited): No

Other things I should know: Have been playing tekkit for 2 weeks now but i think i have a pretty good grip on it


Name: Shadow_Wraith

Age: 13

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Sure

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Yes

what is the purpose of a macerator?: break things into dust, Etc

Recommendations(if you been invited): Non

Others things i should know: None


I'm assuming we can do posts for friends here, so

Name: wormswarfare

Age: 19

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): nope

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: yes "I'm offended that you ask"-wormswarfare

What is the purpose of a macerator: "breaks stuff into betterness"-wormswarfare

Recommendations (if you have been invited): jetbuster

Other things I should know: "im a boss?"-wormswarfare


Name: Divinedsnow

Age: 21

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): sure,i got start some where

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? i'm kinda new to tekkit so i dont know to much

what is the purpose of a macerator? Turning ore into two dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): N/a

Others things i should know:N/a


Name: donaldmax1

Age: 16

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): sure

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? To save ore and time.

Recommendations(if you been invited): N/a

Others things i should know:N/a


Hey guys, the server mysteriously crashed a few hours ago and all the admins are asleep since they live in America. It'll be back up sometime today.


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): sure

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Only for the past few weeks, I'd like to get more into it.

what is the purpose of a macerator?: To break up ore and turn it into dust.

Recommendations(if you been invited): nope.

Others things i should know: I'd mostly be on at night


Name: thekingofpwnage

Age: 13

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes

What is the purpose of a macerator? To macerator ores into dust, each dust can be smelted into one ingot, a variety of other things such as coal or clay can also me macerated to dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): None

Others things i should know: Not a whole lot, I play from the east coast, and enjoy being active in server communities


  "Diabloz said:
yea ill bring it up 30 mins from this post lols it was probably gg12gg's fault anyways. BTW all whitelisted.

Get mad kid.


Name: ninjacraft123

Age: 12

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Yes.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: No

what is the purpose of a macerator?: The macerator is a machine, when refering to IC II, that crushes certain items that are put into it (each with their own unique result, whether that's; metal dusts, coal dust, flint e.g).

Recommendations(if you been invited): No

Others things i should know: Im form Sweden and good at minecraft


Name: mrams


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): no, I think that I'll go explore until i die a few times before joining, if at all possible.

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I've been playing since Duncan (yogscastlalna) started playing it.

what is the purpose of a macerator? Grinds ores and other things up to create dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): No

Others things i should know: Been looking for a vanilla server for a long time, and now that I've found a Tekkit one, I hope I'll be really happy with it. Also, I hope you guys don't expect some grand buildings, as I'm not really the best builder...



Name: Sniper_Joe


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Yes for now. I will probably venture out of it once I get to know the server

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft:? A bit. I'm still fairly new to it.

Recommendations(if you been invited): No

Others things i should know: I live in the USA on the west coast. Not new to minecraft, just new to tekkit. Looking to have some fun!


Name: spencer_drescora

Age: 15

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I'm good, no thanks

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, alot.

what is the purpose of a macerator? A macerator turns your ores into dust which can be smelted to create twice as many ingots.

Recommendations(if you been invited): No

Others things i should know: I already have been playing on this server, I just can't get back on



Name: derrick1174

Age: 15

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No, thanks.

Have you played IC2 or Buildcraft?: Yes. A very long time.

What is the purpose of a Macerator?: A Macerator can 'crush' some objects into their respective dusts, or other, misc. objects.

Recommendations (If you have been invited): No.

Other things I should know: Eastern Central Time. And I like pie?


Name: Skez0

Age: 15

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Yes please!

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, still fairly new and learning though.

what is the purpose of a macerator? Turns ores into their dust, doubling the amount of ore!

Recommendations(if you been invited): Nope. Found it on the official tekkit site server list.

Others things i should know: I love tekkit and I hope to attribute to the community! I will normally be on teamspeak when I play.


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