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You want to switch back to XP because you can't have USB autorun? Is there sarcasm I am missing here?


in what possible universe would autorun functionality for USB drives actually be so important that you would downgrade you OS in an attempt to get it back? does the 5 seconds it takes to open your drive and click on the executable annoy you THAT much? seriously?

also, as has been pointed out, this was a MASSIVE security flaw that got exploited a lot. auto-run for CDs is bad enough as it is, but this was even worse. you might as well be opining for the good old days when winnuke still worked because that was somehow better.


Oh god this thread has degraded so fast.

EzioA, quit being a lazy fuck.

EzioA? I thought you were talking about this kitty jailed guy who came out of nowhere trying to randomly hijack the thread.

Anyway, Windows 8 is coming, let's all just be patient a little.


I am not really excited for windows 8... But i like 7 quite a bit. I'll probably putz around on Win7 machines until whatever win9 turns out to be.


Windows 8 to me looks like it should belong to tablets.

Which should have replaced laptops by now...

That makes sense, but i hate tablets. And i don't particularly like laptops either. If a computer is less than 3 feet tall, im probably not terribly interested. (my phone isn't even a smartphone)



That depends on if you get a Windows 8 or a Windows RT tablet which only the former can play Minecraft


I'm using windows 8 and the performance boost Makes up for the Metro Tiles and there are many ways to disable the Metro Interface and bring back the start menu if that's your fancy. A quick Google search gave me this http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/add-start-menu-windows-8-consumer-preview-installation-vistart/ and this http://betanews.com/2012/06/04/dont-believe-the-lies-you-can-have-a-start-menu-on-windows-8-release-preview/


I dunno, I have not tested Win8 myself I don't have any desire to do so anytime soon after the crap I have been reading about it being the next Vista, I could have read very wrong but most of the technicians I spoke to didn't seem very pleased with it so far suggesting its just windows 7 adding stupid metro and a whole bunch of other useless candy services and or processes that I will inevitability just end up trying as hard as I possibly can to make it be minimalistic and drop that processor count from 60 something to around 50 or lower.

Then on the other hand I am having this urge that is coming from linux distro's, they seem to be calling out to me " Pick me, Pick me, I don't crash I am fast, I also don't pick a STD every time I go on the internet"


Yes you can play Minecraft on a tablet if you want too, Just go get an android tablet and then root mod that and install XP OS using special tools of course then just use a bluetooth mouse and keyboard or you might find a decent control mapper around somewhere for Multi Touch. On the other hand my Galaxy Note can play Minecraft pocket edition tho that is only fun for when I am on the train. Though that being said I wonder how hard it would be to hack mod Tekkit for Android I mean if we rip the control's from Pocket edition and hack that into Tekkit .. hmmm now I am thinking and wondering if it can be pulled off, I already have a root modded device I overclocked it too from 1.2ghz duel core to 1.6ghz and optimized the profiles so its smart on battery juice.

"rushes off to decompile MC pocket"


EzioA If you want to launch from USB again try these out, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/autolaunch-apps-usb-stick-windows/ or http://portableapps.com/node/23046#comment-147855. Windows has always Shown me a popup whenever I insert a thumb drive or a USB HDD actually any mass storage drive at all that runs from USB has poped up and asked me if I wanted to open it or run something from it I am using Win7 Ultimate, If you want the USB to launch something like an exe or any other windows supported file you can easily make a startup/autorun script and as long as the drive letter does not change it will boot from it.

The links I provided will probably also help you out, the portable apps one is amazingly good if you don't want to write a script it turns a small app that will give u a gui interface for launching things from the USB.


Win95 - Crap

WinNT - Good

Win98 - Crap

Win98 after servicepack - Good

WinME - Crap

Win2000 - Good

WinXP - Crap

WinXP after servicepack - Good

Vista - Crap

Win7 - Good

Win8 - Take a wild guess...

XP and 98 both became completely different after major patches, enough that I consider them completely new versions.

Though following the pattern, Win8 will be pure crap at launch then MS will roll out some major patches that fix it into a completely different, decent OS.


Win95 - Crap

WinNT - Good

Win98 - Crap

Win98 after servicepack - Good

WinME - Crap

Win2000 - Good

WinXP - Crap

WinXP after servicepack - Good

Vista - Crap

Win7 - Good

Win8 - Take a wild guess...

XP and 98 both became completely different after major patches, enough that I consider them completely new versions.

Though following the pattern, Win8 will be pure crap at launch then MS will roll out some major patches that fix it into a completely different, decent OS.

Couldn't sum it up any better, but you left out Win 2008 a Win2008R2 I think we all know which one of those was the good one and I'm not sure what Win 98 SE came under but that was probably the best up until XP's glory days.

I also wish to make amends on your Vista score from crap to exceptionally crap.

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