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Tekkit serverpack is delivered with CB from mcpc. Its nice and all, but in some cases (this tbh mostly goes to larger servers) CB isnt really cutting it in regards of lag etc. Some servers install the plugin NoLagg, but this plugin will in the long run actually generate more issues than it solves. The more permanent solution is to replace Tekkit.jar with CB++.

CB++ can be found here: https://github.com/Doridian/CraftBukkitPlusPlus/downloads

Build 76 seems to not work, please try build 75 instead!

Our server is atm running on CB++ build 75. Be aware of that using CB++ instead of CB will in the beginning look strange, and feel strange. Stuff like itemstacking is auto, moblimits are generated pr world, etc etc etc. Please have a look at the configfiles at root to gain more info.

Howto install:

Download desired build from the link (sadly the builds dont tell what Bukkitversion they are made for)

Stop Server


Rename the CB++ file to Tekkit.jar

Upload and replace Tekkit.jar

Start server

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ah i tried 76 :/

2012-08-06 15:03:07 [sEVERE] ALERT: SERIOUS BUKKIT PORTING ERROR. net.minecraft.server.ContainerPlayer is a container that does not provide a valid player and inventory to bukkit.

The mod porter needs to provide a player through getPlayer() and an IInventory through getInventory().

You may encounter issues. File a bug with this message at mcportcentral.co.za, please.


at net.minecraft.server.Container.transferTo(Container.java:40)

at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callInventoryOpenEvent(CraftEventFactory.java:486)

at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.openGui(EntityHuman.java:1339)

at ee.TileTransTablet.onBlockActivated(TileTransTablet.java:23)

at ee.BlockEEDevice.interact(BlockEEDevice.java:202)

at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.interact(ItemInWorldManager.java:311)

at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:647)

at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.handle(SourceFile:39)

at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(NetworkManager.java:262)

at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(NetServerHandler.java:119)

at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.java:97)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:651)

at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:525)

at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)


I have switched over to build 75 of cb++ and so far it works really well. I still get some random lag spikes but not nearly as bad as before. The difference in the nether was most amazing so far. Using this and the nether lag fix nearly doubled my frame rate.

Still tweaking some stuff but my little server is really starting to smooth out.


  "Phanatic said:
build 75 works fine thanks :)

edit: I take that back again... server crashed. ill stick with normal craftbukkit now lol..

Any servercrash is due to strange modusage, changing from CB to CB++ should not create any other forms of crashes that CB cant have. Your server will infact create a more accurate crashreport using CB++ of what made it crash.

Our server can run for 12++h without restarts using CB++

  "XSwiftX said:
I have switched over to build 75 of cb++ and so far it works really well. I still get some random lag spikes but not nearly as bad as before. The difference in the nether was most amazing so far. Using this and the nether lag fix nearly doubled my frame rate.

Still tweaking some stuff but my little server is really starting to smooth out.

Be aware of that situations created by the mods in Tekkit could feel as lagspikes. A "downside" by using CB++, is that some clients wont be able to handle certain areas, those areas is mostly where RP pipes are filled to the brim with several K items. In the logfile/console you will prob see players getting disconnected due to "overflow". If you spot that, teleport to that location and have a look around. Possibility that you will find something that with CB made lag is rather large, in CB++ it will feel like spikes due to the fact that the client loading the chunk will disconnect, and the server will unload it, and spike will be gone.


  "Sp0nge said:
Be aware of that situations created by the mods in Tekkit could feel as lagspikes. A "downside" by using CB++, is that some clients wont be able to handle certain areas, those areas is mostly where RP pipes are filled to the brim with several K items. In the logfile/console you will prob see players getting disconnected due to "overflow". If you spot that, teleport to that location and have a look around. Possibility that you will find something that with CB made lag is rather large, in CB++ it will feel like spikes due to the fact that the client loading the chunk will disconnect, and the server will unload it, and spike will be gone.

I know it isn't any massive builds with lots of items being pumped around as we haven't built anything super complex so far. We learned our lesson as our first couple worlds went down in buildcraft lag hell. Odd thing is it doesn't really show up in the fps as they tend to stay pretty even, it is almost like the whole world sort of stutters for a second then returns to normal. Still trying to work out whether it is more in the actual server itself or if it is one of the mods. All that being said, it is 100% better then it was before as the "stutters" are very minor and don't really cause any issues. Before using cb++ the same stutters would basically freeze the client for a few seconds and the nether was pretty much unplayable. I am very happy with things so far and can now work on the smaller issues instead of having to mother the server constantly.


  "Mr. TMS said:
I'm getting an

[iNFO] Skipping TileEntity with id teleportPipe

while the server is running. Any thoughts?

What version did you install? You have to go with build build 75, any other builds (atleast newer builds will break your map. You will have to restore the backup you made (if no backup, you will have issues ...) and try build 75.


Thanks for the advice, But I see no real change other than entity grouping with drops as I have a small server. There is no errors at all so it seems to work flawlessly.


hmm... is it really possible to just replace the tekkit.jar with the cb++ build ? i was under the impression that the server contains some other fixes not contained in cb++ ? (tekkit release notes for 3.1.2: Tekkit now has support for the Transporter Bukkit plugin patched directly in)


  "g_BonE said:
hmm... is it really possible to just replace the tekkit.jar with the cb++ build ? i was under the impression that the server contains some other fixes not contained in cb++ ? (tekkit release notes for 3.1.2: Tekkit now has support for the Transporter Bukkit plugin patched directly in)

Might be ... but we have allready been using that plugin for a long time so i didnt look into that at all. I guess the 3.1.2 serverbuilds just contain that plugin inside the pluginfolder? And yeah, just replace the file and you have CB++ install.


Well, its basicly a serverbuild, thats made to reduce lagissues. It alters alot of the normal stuff, like it makes trees grow slower, to prevent CPU strain. It changes how how the server is sending chunks to a client, so that it wont send anything more than it needs, if you drop 2 pieces of dirt, it gets piled into the same stack, etc etc.

In basic, it cuts corners, to reduce serverload.


LWC should be all fine, i recommend that you actually update LWC if you allready havent done that: http://ci.griefcraft.com/job/LWC/737/

Monster im really not shure of, as i dont know the plugin at all. But as long as the plugin is for MC 1.2.5 R4.1, it should work. Just make shure that you download the CORRECT CB++ build, i cant stress how important that is. Also follow the steps for installing 100%, even if theyre few and seems simple, you have to do it like explained. If you starting a server from scratch, start it up with the normal Tekkit.jar before you replace it with the CB++ one.

And please add an errorlog, kind hard to know why something isnt working without it.

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