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What would you like added to Minecraft next?


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What kind of stuff would you like added to minecraft? I would probably want an actual End Portal added in creative mode, so you just plop it down and jump in, and to find them you would have to be in a Cave, and a new feature would for me would be having a proper working tv. It would be great to pass time on Minecraft.

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I remember seeing somewhere that Mojang wanted to add a red dragon, whose about the size of the Enderdragon and roams the overworld. Once he would be added, the Enderdragon would be made much bigger. I don't remember when I read this, in the official wiki I think.

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The last good update was 1.7.3, Now these new features are just cheesy addons that are only fun to play around with once or twice. They should just make the game more mod friendly and add things that bring adventure to the table. One suggestion would be something like an abandoned mineshaft with dead miners in it or a spider queen in the mineshaft. For the strongholds, we could have statues; some are mobs some are not mobs. For SMP, make a 'party' or 'group' system so you and your friends can party up and see each others HP/hunger/current items, in a small little HUD in the corner.

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The last good update was 1.7.3, Now these new features are just cheesy addons that are only fun to play around with once or twice. They should just make the game more mod friendly and add things that bring adventure to the table. One suggestion would be something like an abandoned mineshaft with dead miners in it or a spider queen in the mineshaft. For the strongholds, we could have statues; some are mobs some are not mobs. For SMP, make a 'party' or 'group' system so you and your friends can party up and see each others HP/hunger/current items, in a small little HUD in the corner.

I like most of that, but I would not like to have my own bars in six different spots on my screen.

For my team mates, just a number like "food:7/10" would be good enough.

Other than that, I would like all ncps in the game to look alike, for example, make the miners look like miner versions of the testificates, instead of totally different.

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Mojang are in fact working on the long-awaited 'Adventure Mode', and though it's really intended for map makers, with a bit of tweaking it could become an interesting RPG-esque game on it's own. 1.3 is also a hell of a lot more mod-friendly than previous versions, and this is something that Jeb personally has stated that he wants to focus on in future releases.

In terms of actual features though, I think Minecraft itself is as 'complete' as it needs to be, barring bug fixes and patches of course.

EDIT: That said, I would like to see a collaboration between Mojang, Formivore (CARuins, Walled City Generator etc) and Chocolatin (Better Dungeons) in order to make some of those features vanilla - I love love love my ruined tower base I set up on my SSP world :3

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If I recall, yeah, Red Dragons were the next planned thing with Dragons. The quote, I believe, was "The current Ender Dragon will be made much bigger, these Dragons will be made the size it is now, they'll be able to land and live in caves and whatnot, and they'll be red because dragons are red."

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See, all I want is a nice, angry mob of villagers, that walk out of their village (if you live close to one) and try to storm your house if they believe something bad is happening, e.g they see you brewing potions or you have weird things growing in your garden or maybe even because you stole of or killed one of them... It was be awesome.

But, if that doesn't happen, I would like to see maybe an increase in some mobs (passive or aggressive) like bats, goats (use horns to summon evil spirits or likewise), whales ( sell incredibly valuable ambergris to the villagers), mere-people and were-people/animals. Minecraft had its originality stem from its creativity, but they have kind of stopped adding in those weird, quirky things, like ghasts, zombie pigmen, slimes, and stuff.

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More creatures sounds good, but like you say, just adding creatures that modders have already thought off isn't minecraft-like. They should keep adding those creatures only Mojang can think of, things obly Minecraft will have:)

Yeah, like zombies, slimes and skeletons. Those enemies are truly unique to minecraft. It really really is not like they were used all the time in hundreds of games.

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Yeah, like zombies, slimes and skeletons. Those enemies are truly unique to minecraft. It really really is not like they were used all the time in hundreds of games.

And spiders. Don't forget those.

The only enemy in Minecraft that's truly unique to Minecraft is also its signature enemy - the Creeper. Even Endermen are based on something external.

Yes, if they put more completely unique enemies in, I would be thrilled.

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Sun/moon eclipse

Rare shooting stars

Northern lights, perhaps only in tundra biomes?

Edit: Will Notch even see this thread? Or know the existence of this forum?

Notch doesn't even work on MC anymore. And the odds of Mojang following this forum are... Small.

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Notch doesn't even work on MC anymore.

oh yeah, I forgot that Jeb runs the show now, havent been playing MC anymore so Im a bit late on the update news

Not that Im missing anything important, its not like MC will be redone entirely engine-wise

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Yeah, like zombies, slimes and skeletons. Those enemies are truly unique to minecraft. It really really is not like they were used all the time in hundreds of games.

Yeah, you got me there:P What I was trying to say is that its easy to copy from other games and mods, but that Mojang, at times, has found ways to make new things, and I would love to see them keep doing that:)

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The ability to actually go into space, where you can build so high before oxygen is lacked. Thus giving a good reason to add scuba related gear.

I'm a big fan of scuba in Minecraft, so perhaps some more land under the deep seas. Corals, seaweed and ect. Along with a few more water mobs that spawn in groups rather than spread everywhere like squid.

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