Killshootz Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 IGN: killshootz I want to be moderator because i know how to handle the power. There aren't many moderators on often, so having more on at different times means more people to help with people. I have been an admin on a differant server, but recently left due to nothing to do. I'm friends with many people on the server. I would moderate the server fairly and abusively, trying to make the server a better place play on, i would mute spammers and get evidence of the really bad people for file to see. i have already gotten many screenshots of spammers. I am in the Pacific Mountain time zone.
diablolens Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 IGN:diablolens Why do you want to be a moderator?I want moderater be to help people when they have problems or questions, I would also like to be moderater to buildings spawns and maybe as events that come and helping build How would you moderate the server?I would like to moderate the server most people to help if they have problems or questions that I think is fun if you have any questions and help you very well What is your experience as a moderator?I already moderaat and people said that I dee good so I think I have good experience with it timezone thats is londen belgium
SnowGolem1 Posted October 6, 2012 Posted October 6, 2012 Wow, alot of Moderator applications all of a sudden also, whoever built that nether portal at spawn, it's good and all but keep in mind a few griefers with an arcana could turn that into lava, take it down if you don't want that to happen, it's already had to make a new portal on the nether side.
j_q_a Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 Mod application: IGN:j_q_a Why do you want to be a Moderator?: 1. I LOVE the server 2. I LOVE the server 3. I LOVE the server. 4. I wanna help iwantmyfile5 when hes being asked a lot of stuff and is really busy. How would you moderate the server?: Fairly. I would treat everyone with respect. What TimeZone are you in?: USA Jacksonville, Fl. EST I can only get on after school (like 4:30) and have to get off and about 6 pm. I CANNOT get on on Thursdays because Dad has yoga and takes me with him. available all the time on most Saturdays. Cannot get on Sunday. I am on late most Fridays. Hope mine isn't too wordy, j_q_a
ak47isftw Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 Moderator Application: IGN: ak47isftw Why do you want to be a moderator? This server beats almost all other hardcore servers. It's always fun to go run out and destroy some fool's house. And it's fun to just chat with the players about random subjects. How would you moderate the server? I would mostly be friendly to the people who are friendly back to me. I at least expect some respect for me. Not where they have to bow down to me(lol) but just where they know I'm a mod. What is your experience as a moderator? I'm a co-owner on my friends server and the people love me. I am also a mod on one other and love it! It's fun to help other players while on occasion playing a minor prank on one. What Timezone are you in? USA Vancouver, WA PST I get on after school at around 4:00 pm and am on until 8:45 pm while taking like 30 min breaks Hope you like my App! -ak47isftw
alx249 Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 Mod application: IGN:alx249 Why do i want to be a moderator: I would like to be a moderator because every now and then there is some disrespectfull person who comes on and sears and harrases other playes and i would like to be able to stop that also i think it would be a great opportunity for me:) How would i moderate the server: I would be a good moderator and help new players get a good start on the server (by helping them build their bases ect) i would also follow all the rules and help other players if they ask. What is my experience as a moderator: I have had moderator experience on three minecraft servers. What timezone am i in: I live in australia" and i am able to get on 1 hour a day max in the week on weekends i may be on up to 4 hours. Thx for considering my applicaton :)
alx249 Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 Wow i just saved spawn from an arcarna attack i wonder who is was though?
*Lego529* Posted October 7, 2012 Posted October 7, 2012 "Killshootz said: IGN: killshootz I want to be moderator because i know how to handle the power. There aren't many moderators on often, so having more on at different times means more people to help with people. I have been an admin on a differant server, but recently left due to nothing to do. I'm friends with many people on the server. I would moderate the server fairly and abusively, trying to make the server a better place play on, i would mute spammers and get evidence of the really bad people for file to see. i have already gotten many screenshots of spammers. I am in the Pacific Mountain time zone. Im Also In His TimeZone We Go To The Same School
Killshootz Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 Ok so iole said "dropparty at spawn!" spammed it twice, but when i came there there was ALOT of fire and burning stuff. both serch and iole were spamming with the ring of arcana. i told them if they don't stop i will report them. THIS IS NOT A REPORT! this is a story. after that i helped them clean up the fire
Killshootz Posted October 8, 2012 Posted October 8, 2012 need to add this to my application: My experience of being a moderator: I have been and admin on one server but started out as a trial-mod so i needed to work my way up. And been a moderator on about 3 different servers.
iole99 Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 hey guys. So looks like Snowgolem and Khaos has some secrets. So im guessing it has to be some sort of dirty secret because look at this
iole99 Posted October 10, 2012 Posted October 10, 2012 so? anyways im banned i guess but 1)i wasn't comming back and 2) snow and khaos should be demoted for that
pokemon_freak Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 Admin Application: Why do you want to be an admin?I want to be Admin so I can restart the server when the Owners or Elethian isn't online and I want to create shops and maybe PvP arenas. And I would also make events because I think the server lacks excitement. How would you administrate the server?I would pay atention to chat and check on players every now and then to make sure they arn't breaking the rules. What is your experience as an admin?I have been an Admin on a Vanilla Minecraft srever before and I was a Co-Owner of a Terraria server. What Timezone are you in?Eastern USA How long have you played on The Big Trio Tekkit?Since it started.
SnowGolem1 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 In advance, before he comments. Chromocreep has been banned for the following acts. - Insulting players - Insulting staff - Spamming - Spamming messages whilst muted - Excessive swearing - asking to be banned - something else i can't remember i have screen of the spam he did to me saying Chromocreep: msg snow "ban me fucker" People like this watch and learn what happens.... Also banned 2012moose for the fact that it was an alt account of chromocreep, he admitted to being a hacker and was following on with the earlier acts..
SnowGolem1 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 And iole it's no secret thats dirty, and i don't even know it, shove a cork in your mouth and learn when to speak. i didn't even know you were banned, grow a pair, man up and stop acting like a retard.
SnowGolem1 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 ok so sorry for triple post but i got a You cannot ban this player from trying to ban nickbockh, yes i know i'm banning a few people lately but they ARE breaking alot of rules and do deserve it. Sorry nickbockh You've been Accused and Proven guilty of the following -Excessive swearing -Admitting to hacking and having hacks -Griefing spawn and the spawn nether portal... with arcana , you ass its probably gonna get banned now -Insulting me behind my back you piece of crap ( yes that added remark was necessary ) - Banned for all of the above. when i can figure out how i will -.-' unless someone does it for me.
SnowGolem1 Posted October 12, 2012 Posted October 12, 2012 WARNING: I Believe nickbock has hacked the server, my earlier comment shows how he is un bannable etc un jailable, i know why, hes a regular member, with a hackign twist, HE HAS OP( i sincerely think ), the only way i can't ban him, File, change your server password and report this guy for hacking because he was on about it earlier and i'm not kidding he cannot be banned, atleast by me.
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