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Technic Battles Redux

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I can understand the move, but this wasn't meant to be a 'server thread', more an out of server discussion that suddenly got a bit popular.

I know, I'm not going to be real strict with this thread because of it. I can't really in good conscience not mention the image thing though, being a mod and all that.

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Gosh, whoever took the airship for a joyride was so bad at flying it, they managed to dislodge the motors from the frames. That's just pathetic.

I guess I'll just have to build a giant hangar underground.

I tried to get it back but that didnt work to well, but the guy that stole it first shall remain unnamed coz he can ban me for snitchin *cough andrew cough cough* lol

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i was thinkin since blob got destroyeed theyve sort of split a few of them tried to repair the old base and another few r makin a new 1 and since they re no on at the same time to say what they re each doin y doesnt some of blob go to warp and some m tech and just have 2 companys, just an idea

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Whgitch f*cking assh*le is making a sport about blowing blobture up ? their is tnt left on the remains Dickheads . meanwhile it is the 3 time this happend

EDIT: srry people, my reaction was at bit heavy. Got a little heart attack when i say the base. the situation is explained to me now

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