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Those moments in life...


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I see nothing wrong with this. Quite an enjoyable anime/hentai combined with tentacles/the thing theme.

What I don't understand is why the music is so mellow for the whole thing. I mean I get it at the first bit but shouldn't it kind of pick up when the tentacles show up?

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Yeah the music is not really synched with the story.

But otherwise it's quite good. I don't see how this shows where humanity is going... we have had worse movies than this.

First on my memory list: an alien video that turns the viewer into a merciless killer. Anyone remember that? It's quite late -80s horror.

And then there is the Starfire Hentai Parody, which I wont link 'cuz there might be teens in here. I couldn't watch that after the fifth time, it's just wrong...

I remember another that had a girl from sailormoon and a tentacle monster of numa numa. That scarred me forever. After watching it 3 times...

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Ok i may never jump into a pool again.

As to the eyes the exploding , I can only assume it is like Lovecraftion lore, None may look upon the true form of the Old Ones for the flesh will fail to hold the sight.

I'm pretty sure that that was from the radiation from the sun... that's what would happen without our atmosphere...

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But yeah, the humanity is going down the toilet by the people of now. Listening to soundwaves which I don't even dare to call "music", touching eachother in disco's, facebook and twitter, iStupid, retarded kids nowadays and I can continue like this. However, I'm the individual in my class who thinks all the time: *Man, what is this cowpoo that I've landed in? Why do they not zip their mouths when they have to? Why does this one person keep asking unnecassery questions about cars and if I have seen this and that?*

In short, I don't see anything good in the near future.

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But yeah, the humanity is going down the toilet by the people of now. Listening to soundwaves which I don't even dare to call "music", touching eachother in disco's, facebook and twitter, iStupid, retarded kids nowadays and I can continue like this. However, I'm the individual in my class who thinks all the time: *Man, what is this cowpoo that I've landed in? Why do they not zip their mouths when they have to? Why does this one person keep asking unnecassery questions about cars and if I have seen this and that?*

In short, I don't see anything good in the near future.

YES! I knew I wasn't the only one thinking just that. Thanks for sharing, now I'm less lonely ;P

Also, Japan/France + tentacles + anime = :confused:

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But yeah, the humanity is going down the toilet by the people of now. Listening to soundwaves which I don't even dare to call "music", touching eachother in disco's, facebook and twitter, iStupid, retarded kids nowadays and I can continue like this. However, I'm the individual in my class who thinks all the time: *Man, what is this cowpoo that I've landed in? Why do they not zip their mouths when they have to? Why does this one person keep asking unnecassery questions about cars and if I have seen this and that?*

In short, I don't see anything good in the near future.

disco's ? wow hello 1970's lol

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But yeah, the humanity is going down the toilet by the people of now. Listening to soundwaves which I don't even dare to call "music", touching eachother in disco's, facebook and twitter, iStupid, retarded kids nowadays and I can continue like this. However, I'm the individual in my class who thinks all the time: *Man, what is this cowpoo that I've landed in? Why do they not zip their mouths when they have to? Why does this one person keep asking unnecassery questions about cars and if I have seen this and that?*

In short, I don't see anything good in the near future.

Not to piss on your parade or anything, but every single generation has had this exact same complaint. People are dumb, have always been dumb, and will always be dumb.

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