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[No whitelist] SilliTekkit [3.1.2][PvP][15 Slots][Keep Items on death][Nothing banned]


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Minecraft Name: Jenne8

Do you have any bans on record? None

Why would i join the server: I recently started playing Tekkit and it's alot of fun. I'm still in the process of learning it all and I think that being on a server helps me alot. Also I played vanilla on a server but the admin doesn't have enough time to play minecraft and guarantee server uptime.

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[Whitelist Application]

minecraft name krazycorndog

Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit:The reason i would like to join the server is because i have been greifed to many times i just want i nice server where i can just come and build how i want to without people destroying my stuff.

Do you have any bans on record? yes

If so, Why? one time i was being greifed so i decided to fight back and they banned ME for fighting with the other person.

How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? every day unless somthing happens to the computer

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[Whitelist Application]

Minecraft Name: krazycorndog

Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: Because i just want a server were i can just build and not be botherd

Do you have any bans on record? yes

If so, Why? because i was protecting my stuff and fought with the person stealing it and banned me

How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? every day unless something happens the the computer

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[Whitelist application]

IGN: kiwininjababy

Why would you like to join the community: The same reason that it was founded.I dislike abusive moderators, I can't stand PvP, and I enjoy playing Tekkit.

Previous Bans(if any) : One Temp-ban

If so, why: Attempting (but failing) to exploit the item duplication glitch using portals and a crafting bench. Doesn't work in Multiplayer.

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Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: I hate the huge open servers where everyone only cares for them self and I want to learn from some other people.

Do you have any bans on record? No

How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? 1-4 hours Depending on if I have homework.

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