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[1.4.7]Industrial Age[PVE][100 Slots][Ranks][Custom Pack][Economy][Whitelist]

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Welcome to the Industrial Age!

For those of you who like a little back story to servers, I decided to make one up! Just read as if its a sound recording!

Steve's Journal


May 16, 2058: Today a very strange thing has happened. When I left for work today I found somthing on my lawn. It had dug itself a half meter into the earth and left a good sized hole. When I dug it out, it was a small black sphere a little bigger than my hand in a fist. Where I touched it it glowed with Veins of crimson. I decided to bring it into the lab.

May 17, 2058: Doctor Von and I have determined the object is made of unearthly metals! That means it is of Alien origin! This is proof that we are not alone! This is an amazing discovery! I think we should be telling the public as soon as we can but Dr. Von is insistent that we keep this to ourselves until we know for sure. I trust his judgement so we will keep it private for now.

June 31, 2058: With numerous tests, we have found it to be a machine of some sort. I have also found it to be some sort of transport device. I suspect it to be a component of some sort of spaceship teleportation device for faster than light travel. The potential for such a mashine is limitless! If we can fully unlock it we could navigate the stars in moments rather than centurys! We must continue on! This is all that matters to the human race! This could be the most important descovery of all of human history!

July 28, 2058: Myself and Dr. Von have almost cracked it! We are so close to unlocking the alien device! I am now sure it is an interstellar transport device! Dr. Von thinks that it is something else. He will not tell me what though.

July 30, 2058: The government found out what we were doing! How they did I have no idea! Right now Dr. Von and I are hidden in a back room. He took a bullet in his chest and he's

bleeding out. I can't stop it!

Steve, hand me that alien thing..

Sure, what can it do though? It's been inert since we got it.

I think I know how to activate it.

Dr. Von? What are you...

*A sound like a crack of lightning*

Their in here!

FBI! Put you hand in the air!... Where did they go? The blood leeds right here.

Keep searching! They couldn't have just vanished!

July 30, 1908:

...doing? Where are we?

I don't know. I just know we traveled in time. I'm sorry Steve. I had no idea how to set the time we ended up in. I'm sorry I took you away from you family...

Dr. Von? Dr. Von?!

July 31, 1908: Well Dr. Von was right. It wasn't a teleportation device. Or at least we don't know how to activate that function. It was a time travel device. I don't know how he used it but he did. I left all the research data behind so if I want to get back home I will have to redo all of it. At least I still have the device. Maybe I can restart my life. I still have my encyclopedia of technology... Wait! Where did all the pages go? Damn it! Those people have taken them!

Excuse me! Could I have those back? They are very important to me!

Hey! I found them! If you want them so bad you can buy them!

How do I pay you? I have no money!

Then make some in the fields! Wheat sells good here.

Summary of story

For those of you who skipped the story (Don't blame you) here's the summary:

You find a time travel device and end up in the 19th century without a way home. You now need to find a way to get home! But there's a catch. Your ability to craft technology relies on your encyclopedia of technology which has been taken by the local townspeople. They are willing to sell them back to you for a price...

The Pack

This is a custom modpack server with the download page right here:


The IP come pre-installed with the pack! Just run the pack and it will be there waiting for you!



Server Owner: slayer1189

Server Operator: elitehater28 (Me!)

Plugin Manager: MHPage12

Disciplinary: Number1Zombie



Trial Moderators

Light green are people who have shown interest in becoming a mod while dark green are trial mods with some power. Please show respect to these people.


(*Light green)

We are looking for staff! Please send a PM to me to apply!


To Jurassic Park! Wait... Wrong line. Welcome to the Industrial age! Start yourself as a lowly farmer making meager wages and work your way up to industrial Tycoon! The world is full of wonders and our modpack brings you the best there is to offer! I am so confident that you will love the mods that If we don’t have the one you want most we’ll put it into the pack just for you! Being a custom modpack, we have the capabilities to do what few modded servers have the ability to do! The modpack with the Technic launcher provides a superb experience to any other modded minecraft possible! Its Better Than Wolfs and hungrier than Feed the Beast and a flavor explosion is comparison to Vanilla, you will be blown away from the possibilities!

We have been working hard on making the pack as big and powerful as it can get with our three man team. We even aim to surpass the standard modpacks! So please, make your self a lovely wood home and stay awhile! The fun is only getting started!

For those of you just joining Technic...

Welcome to the Technic forums and the Technic launcher! The Technic launcher is an amazing piece of software that cannot be compared to anything else! In addition to letting you play regular minecraft, the launcher lets you select from a pool of packs that automatically install mods! No more trying to get Forage to work! The launcher does it all for you! Installing a default pack is as easy as clicking the one you want and logging in! Adding a custom pack like this one is little harder. Just go to our modpack page provided above and copy the code that shows up. Next, click on add a new pack and paste the code and log in. It will download the pack by itself and run without a hitch! Next time you see a user with a red name, thank them for building this amazing platform for servers like this one to build upon the greatest minecraft experience!

The Adventure of a life time!WIP


Just when you thought we couldn't have any more fun things to do, the adventure kicks in! You are still stuck in the past and you want to get home to your time and be with your family once again! For now there are no hints to finding the trail of the adventure but they will come. The adventure will have puzzles, traps, and rewards! The further along the path you go the more dangerous it becomes! But what is risk without reward? The further along you go the better the prizes will be! Stay tuned for more info of this work in progress!

The Server

When you join the server or teleport to the spawn you will be taken to the Nexus! The Nexus is the Central location where you can access all of the main points in the server. The portals are:

The Over World.

This is where you are free to build your base! Quarry's are not aloud in the over world unless you are going to use the hole for something productive (A model hole does not count).


The Mining age (Green Portal)

This will be wiped and remade regulatory so that new players don't find them self's in a mined out world. Quarry's are A-O-K but be warned that if they are still in the age when we delete it you will not get a new one. Mining age resets will be every Friday at about 6pm North American Eastern Time. Please make sure you are not in the world at this time.

The Nether (Red Portal) and Twilight Forest (Blue Portal).

These will take you to the respective areas. Nothing fancy on the other side.


Player Bases

Here players can place Link Books to their bases and creations to share with others. You do not need permission to place a linking book here but I check this area often and explore all the books places. If one links to a trap or anything that is not a base or creation the offender will get a one day temp ban and the book removed.


Player Shops

Here you can place linking books to your shop. The same rules apply for this area as the bases area.




1. No Griefing! Respect others creations and they will respect yours. Break this rule and I let Number1Zombie have some fun with your base.

2. If you find a cross mod exploit, tell us and DO NOT abuse it. Finders of exploits will be rewarded with in-game cash with values varying on the degree of the exploit. If you do not tell us about an exploit and we find out, you will be temp banned for three days, your base Number1Zombied (He loves setting a quarry up over top your house!), and your player data reset.

3. Do not spam the chat or advertise other servers/websites/modpacks. This will result in a 30 minute ban.

4. Keep the swearing to a minimum. We understand you might get frustrated and let a few fly. That's fine. Just don't start spamming the chat or rule 3 will kick in.

5. If making massive mining setups, Please do it in the Mining Age. We don't have the world for nothing.

6. Mob spawners (Specifically Endermen) are not aloud due to world anchors not being banned and being fueled by Ender pearls. If this rule is broken too often then world anchors will be removed. Do NOT abuse this privilege!

7. Have fun! If you're not having a blast with the pack tell us! We will do our best to make sure you have the best time possible!

Practical jokes are fine as long as they are non-destructive.

Examples include:

Placing and detonating a nuke (They are non-destructive)

Placing signs

Following people (Just go away if they ask)


Have fun and don't take things to heart people!

Are the punishments harsh? Yes they are.

Are the rules unreasonable? Not at all!

The punishments are so to prevent people from breaking any of them. The only time you will ever be permanently banned is if you break the major ones multiple times.


Ranks and requirements will be posted as soon as they are finalized.

Until then, Here are what the ranks will about be:

Farmer: Starter rank. No access to technology. Might as well be vanilla for you.

Builder: Access to IC2 machines, magic mods, Universal Electricity, Computer Craft

Engineer: Omni Tools, Hand held IC2 tools, Build craft, Redpower.

Advanced: Thermal Expansion, Power Suits, Portal Gun, Dimensional doors.

Epic: Grav. Suit, MFFS.

Modpack schedule:

Every 1-2 weeks on Friday, the modpack will be updated with new mods and config changes. If you would like a mod added please PM me. Do not PM the other staff as they cannot add mods to the pack themselves! Any mods requested will be added to the pack if possible. However, some mods added will not be added to the server if to destructive. An example of this is ICBM. Although it is installed on the pack, it is not in the server to prevent wars from breaking out.

List of Mods


Rei's Minimap

Industrial Craft (Grav. Suit, Nuke Control, Compact/Advanced Solars, advanced Machines)

Red Power 2

Forestry (Extra Bees)

Thermal Expansion

Universal Electricity

Modular Power Suits


Steve's carts

Computer Craft

ThaumCraft (Thaum. Bees)


Build Craft (Additional Pipes)


Ender Storage


Twilight Forest




Dimensional Doors

~Smart Moving

Inventory Tweaks

Iron Chests

Chicken Bones

Omni Tools

Portal Gun

Power Converters

(*Not in the server)(~On the 'To Do list')

Banned/Disabled Items

We currently have no banned items! With the custom modpack we are able to disable any items we want right from the configs!



Our list of plugins is very low right now due to our Plugin Wizard being away on holiday. More will be added once he is back.


World Guard


Command Rank

Permissions Ex


Tekkit Customizer


(* Not working at the moment or on the 'To Add' list)

Config Changes

For those of you who would like to change the config for your SSP maps or just want to know. Here's whats changed from the defaults: (These do not include Item ID changes as almost all the item ID's have been changed)


Max frame movement has been changed from 1000 blocks to 5000 for epic creations!


Nukes have been nerfed to be 1/5 of TNT. Have fun scaring friends with nukes that do nothing!

Railcraft: Lots of little things to make the game easier from the default. World Anchors are set to 1 hour per ender pearl. Get hunting those endermen!

More configs will be changed as needed and the changes listed here. If you would like a default config changed please say so and if it is a reasonable and you present a good argument I will change it.

A good argument would be:

Nukes need to be nerfed! They are highly destructive and ruin the terrain. Their crafting recipe is so easy that one can make it within an hour of joining the world. Leaving nukes the way they are will level the world and turn this peaceful land into a war zone pockmarked with massive holes.

Mod Permissions

I have not and will not be asking all the modders for permission for their mods to be used. If you are wondering why then please have a quick read of the last PAINS match. I do have links to all of the mods web pages though. If you have a problem with this please find a custom server with all the same mods and written permission from every modder.

Rei's Mini Map

Additional Pipes

Advanced Machines

Advanced Solar Panels

Gravity Suit

Compact Solars


IC2 Nuclear Control

Universal Electricity


Ender Storage


Extra Bees

Inventory Tweaks

Iron Chests



Chicken Bones

Omni Tools

Portal Gun

Power Converters/Power Crystals


Steves Carts


Thermal Expansion

Twilight Forest

Permissions regarding the pack:

Under no circumstances are you allowed to distribute MY pack with MY changes and MY hard work! You cannot host a server with this pack as it is MY hard work!

Wait... I don't give a damn about this! Do anything with the pack you wish! Change anything you want, use it for your servers, add mods, etc. I don't care. If you do use the pack for a server or make a pack based upon this it. I would appreciate it if you mentioned that I created it and sent me a PM telling me that you are using it. I will not under any circumstances say no to letting you use it for anything!

Whitelist Application

Application is necessary for most applicants. Exceptions include: Regular posters on KittlyJail, Moderators, and well known posters (Don't bother trying for this one if you have less than 500 posts). These are in place to make whitelist easier for people that are mature enough to handle a server. Please just tell me your IGN and I will whitelist you as soon as I see your post.


Previous Bans:

[You will not be rejected based on a ban]

Been playing minecraft since:

Been Playing Technic packs since:

Favorite mod:

Mod you would like seen added:

[This is optional but it helps for us to see what the community wants]

What Number1Zombie loves to use:

[This changes regularly so don't just copy the application above you]

Why you should be whitelisted?

[This should be no less than 5 complete sentences]

What you want to do on the server:

[Do you want to build an epic castle? Make a super city? Make a massive redpower airship? Also a minimum of 5 sentences.]

[Anything in "[]" should not be in your application. Having these show that you are to lazy to follow guidelines. If you cannot do this how can we expect you to obey the rules on the server?]

We hope to see you on the server some time! Happy Mining!

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Current staff with whitelist: Number1Zombie, Slayer1189 (above), MHPage12 (Currently away on holiday), and myself elitehater28.

  "jonjon1234 said:
Also, you run/manage/own the server? Or am I just being derpy and not noticing something in the OP?

Slayer1189 is the owner of the server. He has the hardware and the IP. He is the one who made the switch to the custom pack possible! All hail the owner!

MHPage12 is the wizard of plugins and is making a mod that will be added once it's done. We have so little plugins because he is away right now.

Number1Zombie is an IRL friend of mine who loves to destroy things!

I manage the server and add/adjust the mods in the pack.

If you have a question about hardware, talk to slayer. If its about plugins, page. And if it is in regard to how the server works and the mods in the pack, come to me.


Is there a spawn now?last time I logged on the server the teleport to spawn pad didn't work(It was a week ago).Also, nice job on the new thread,looks nice.


Thank you! The spawn is now fixed. I have no clue what happened to the teleporter but typing "/spawn" will take you to the temporary spawn. I am currently working on a spawn that is more fitting to the theme of the server.


  "juriph said:
what does use the new whitelist app mean

Nothing for the people already in. It is just for new users.



Previous Bans:Haven't been banned.

Been playing minecraft since:2/15/2013

Been Playing Technic packs since:3/29/13

Favorite mod:Portal Gun

Mod you would like seen added:MageCraft

What APrivate loves to use: Build awesome houses!!!

Why you should be whitelisted? I would like to be whitelisted because, I have friends on the server. I heard it was a good server, and I would like to build upon the server. I would also like to create a faction. I was told it has alot of mods on the server, and I have trouble doing this. I would enjoy being accepted to this server.

What you want to do on the server: I want to be a gladiator within the arena. I want to build a huge castle with my pal Senor Chompy. I want to learn some of the mods you have put on the server. I want to make some new minecraft friends. I LOVE MINECRAFT!!


IGN: "MysticPing"

Previous Bans: Well i've been temp banned once for advertising. I've been banned once for reparing an griefed building and they thought i griefed it. (im honest)

[You will not be rejected based on a ban]

Been playing minecraft since: beta 1.3

Been Playing Technic packs since: I dont know i think i started playing it when the yogcast started to uppload them. About 1.1 i guess

Favorite mod: Ouch! Thats a hard one! I guess ComputerCraft, Ic2, Buildcraft2 even EE ( I said its a hard one xD)

Mod you would like seen added:

[This is optional but it helps for us to see what the community wants]

ComputerCraft! (if its not in yet!)

What Number1Zombie loves to use:

[This changes regularly so don't just copy the application above you]


Why you should be whitelisted?

[This should be no less than 5 complete sentences]

Beacuse i like tekkit servers and thought that this was a very interesting server. I'm honest. I always try to help others when i reach the end game, even before sometimes. I like to start bussinesses instead of just doing everything. I promote buying/selling.

What you want to do on the server: Either a computercraft lab were i code and sell master pieces (hopefully xD). If not i would do something with forestry. If both of those are normal occupations i would try to do something else to spice things up. I will start a shop of some sort after i reached a comfortable point. I will try to build a awesome huge base! sentence(to have 6 sentences to be hipster xD).

[Do you want to build an epic castle? Make a super city? Make a massive redpower airship? Also a minimum of 5 sentences.]


  "Senor Chompy said:
i figure what my problem was but how do i fix it in order to connect

Forge mod loader has found world Id mismatches

and the id mismatches are from steves carts

I am having this same problem. Someone please help


  "APrivate said:

Previous Bans:Haven't been banned.

Been playing minecraft since:2/15/2013

Been Playing Technic packs since:3/29/13

Favorite mod:Portal Gun

Mod you would like seen added:MageCraft

What APrivate loves to use: Build awesome houses!!!

Why you should be whitelisted? I would like to be whitelisted because, I have friends on the server. I heard it was a good server, and I would like to build upon the server. I would also like to create a faction. I was told it has alot of mods on the server, and I have trouble doing this. I would enjoy being accepted to this server.

What you want to do on the server: I want to be a gladiator within the arena. I want to build a huge castle with my pal Senor Chompy. I want to learn some of the mods you have put on the server. I want to make some new minecraft friends. I LOVE MINECRAFT!!

Denied. Wrong thing for what Number1Zombie loves to use. Read the rules.

  "MysticPing said:
IGN: "MysticPing"

Previous Bans: Well i've been temp banned once for advertising. I've been banned once for reparing an griefed building and they thought i griefed it. (im honest)

[You will not be rejected based on a ban]

Been playing minecraft since: beta 1.3

Been Playing Technic packs since: I dont know i think i started playing it when the yogcast started to uppload them. About 1.1 i guess

Favorite mod: Ouch! Thats a hard one! I guess ComputerCraft, Ic2, Buildcraft2 even EE ( I said its a hard one xD)

Mod you would like seen added:

[This is optional but it helps for us to see what the community wants]

ComputerCraft! (if its not in yet!)

What Number1Zombie loves to use:

[This changes regularly so don't just copy the application above you]


Why you should be whitelisted?

[This should be no less than 5 complete sentences]

Beacuse i like tekkit servers and thought that this was a very interesting server. I'm honest. I always try to help others when i reach the end game, even before sometimes. I like to start bussinesses instead of just doing everything. I promote buying/selling.

What you want to do on the server: Either a computercraft lab were i code and sell master pieces (hopefully xD). If not i would do something with forestry. If both of those are normal occupations i would try to do something else to spice things up. I will start a shop of some sort after i reached a comfortable point. I will try to build a awesome huge base! sentence(to have 6 sentences to be hipster xD).

[Do you want to build an epic castle? Make a super city? Make a massive redpower airship? Also a minimum of 5 sentences.]

Denied for copying the "[]" in the whitelist app. Please read everything carefully.

  "Hawianguy1189 said:
I am having this same problem. Someone please help

The issue was a missing config file. I have fixed that and everything should be running great.


  "lukeb28 said:

The issue was a missing config file. I have fixed that and everything should be running great.

Seems to still be a problem for me, I thought I fixed it earlier but it has appeared to have done it again.

It appears "Steve's carts" is missing



Previous Bans:Haven't been banned.

Been playing minecraft since:2/15/2013

Been Playing Technic packs since:3/29/13

Favorite mod:Portal Gun

Mod you would like seen added:MageCraft

What Number1Zombie loves to use: Number1Zombie loves to use TNT

Why you should be whitelisted? I would like to be whitelisted because, I have friends on the server. I heard it was a good server, and I would like to build upon the server. I would also like to create a faction. I was told it has alot of mods on the server, and I have trouble doing this. I would enjoy being accepted to this server.

What you want to do on the server: I want to be a gladiator within the arena. I want to build a huge castle with my pal Senor Chompy. I want to learn some of the mods you have put on the server. I want to make some new minecraft friends. I LOVE MINECRAFT!!


  "Liam6478 said:
Seems to still be a problem for me, I thought I fixed it earlier but it has appeared to have done it again.

It appears "Steve's carts" is missing

Nuke the pack and try again. If you fixed it client side it would be broken again as I changed the settings server side.

  "APrivate said:


Previous Bans:Haven't been banned.

Been playing minecraft since:2/15/2013

Been Playing Technic packs since:3/29/13

Favorite mod:Portal Gun

Mod you would like seen added:MageCraft

What Number1Zombie loves to use: Number1Zombie loves to use TNT

Why you should be whitelisted? I would like to be whitelisted because, I have friends on the server. I heard it was a good server, and I would like to build upon the server. I would also like to create a faction. I was told it has alot of mods on the server, and I have trouble doing this. I would enjoy being accepted to this server.

What you want to do on the server: I want to be a gladiator within the arena. I want to build a huge castle with my pal Senor Chompy. I want to learn some of the mods you have put on the server. I want to make some new minecraft friends. I LOVE MINECRAFT!!

Great application. Thanks for fixing that. You have been white listed! I hope you enjoy your time on the server and have a great build with chompy!


New rule added to compensate for world anchors added with railcraft

6. Mob spawners (Specifically Endermen) are not aloud due to world anchors not being banned and being fueled by Ender pearls. If this rule is broken too often then world anchors will be removed. Do NOT abuse this privilege!

I want to let people have access to them as they are a great tool but if the need arises then they will be taken out.


Might this help identify what is going wrong when trying to connect? (I'm also getting this steve's carts error)

2013-03-30 23:48:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod BinnieCore was not found on the server you connected to, but requested that the server side be present

2013-03-30 23:48:41 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod ExtraBees was not found on the server you connected to, but requested that the server side be present

2013-03-30 23:48:41 [FINE] [ForgeModLoader] The server has compatibility level 2

2013-03-30 23:48:42 [FINE] [fml.ItemTracker] The difference set is not equal: only on left={31995=Item 31995, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartModule, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null}: only on right={8801=Item 8801, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemAdvancedTemplate, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8802=Item 8802, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemAdvancedTemplateBlank, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8803=Item 8803, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemSerum, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8804=Item 8804, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemSerumEmpty, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8805=Item 8805, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemGenome, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8806=Item 8806, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemGenomeEmpty, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8817=Item 8817, Type binnie.extrabees.apiary.ItemHiveFrame, owned by Forestry, ordinal 1, name null, claimedModId null, 8816=Item 8816, Type binnie.extrabees.apiary.ItemHiveFrame, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8819=Item 8819, Type binnie.extrabees.apiary.ItemHiveFrame, owned by Forestry, ordinal 3, name null, claimedModId null, 8818=Item 8818, Type binnie.extrabees.apiary.ItemHiveFrame, owned by Forestry, ordinal 2, name null, claimedModId null, 8820=Item 8820, Type binnie.extrabees.apiary.ItemHiveFrame, owned by Forestry, ordinal 4, name null, claimedModId null, 8827=Item 8827, Type binnie.extrabees.liquids.ItemCast, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8826=Item 8826, Type binnie.extrabees.liquids.ItemMoltenMetal, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8776=Item 8776, Type binnie.extrabees.products.ItemHoneyComb, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8781=Item 8781, Type binnie.extrabees.products.ItemPropolis, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8786=Item 8786, Type binnie.extrabees.products.ItemHoneyDrop, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8791=Item 8791, Type binnie.extrabees.products.ItemHoneyCrystal, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8793=Item 8793, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemDictionary, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8792=Item 8792, Type binnie.extrabees.products.ItemHoneyCrystalEmpty, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8799=Item 8799, Type binnie.extrabees.liquids.ItemLiquidDNA, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8798=Item 8798, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemTemplateBlank, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8797=Item 8797, Type binnie.extrabees.genetics.ItemTemplate, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8756=Item 8756, Type binnie.extrabees.liquids.ItemLiquid, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8766=Item 8766, Type binnie.extrabees.liquids.ItemLiquidContainer, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 8836=Item 8836, Type binnie.extrabees.electronics.ItemElectronic, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4158=Item 4158, Type icbm.common.ItYao, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4159=Item 4159, Type icbm.common.daodan.ItDaoDan, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4156=Item 4156, Type up, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4157=Item 4157, Type up, owned by ICBM, ordinal 1, name null, claimedModId null, 4165=Item 4165, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItHuoLuanQi, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4164=Item 4164, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItLeiSheZhiBiao, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4167=Item 4167, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItFaSheQi, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4166=Item 4166, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItGenZongQi, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4161=Item 4161, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItJieJa, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4160=Item 4160, Type icbm.common.daodan.ItTeBieDaoDan, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4163=Item 4163, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItYaoKong, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4162=Item 4162, Type icbm.common.dianqi.ItLeiDaQiang, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4169=Item 4169, Type icbm.common.ItZiDan, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 4168=Item 4168, Type icbm.common.zhapin.ItShouLiuDan, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 31998=Item 31998, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCarts, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, 3768=Item 3768, Type atomicscience.api.BlockRadioactive, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name Radioactive, claimedModId null, 4005=Item 4005, Type binnie.core.machines.ItemMachine, owned by BinnieCore, ordinal 0, name extrabees.block.alveary, claimedModId null, 4004=Item 4004, Type binnie.extrabees.machines.ItemAdvancedGeneticMachine, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name extrabees.block.advGeneticMachine, claimedModId null, 4001=Item 4001, Type binnie.extrabees.products.BlockEctoplasm, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name extrabees.block.ectoplasm, claimedModId null, 4000=Item 4000, Type binnie.extrabees.gen.ItemBeehive, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name extrabees.block.hive, claimedModId null, 4003=Item 4003, Type binnie.extrabees.machines.ItemGeneticMachine, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name extrabees.block.geneticMachine, claimedModId null, 4002=Item 4002, Type binnie.extrabees.machines.ItemApiaristMachine, owned by Forestry, ordinal 0, name extrabees.block.apiaristMachine, claimedModId null, 3884=Item 3884, Type icbm.common.jiqi.IBJiQi, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bJiQi, claimedModId null, 3885=Item 3885, Type icbm.common.jiqi.BYinGanQi, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bYinGanQi, claimedModId null, 3886=Item 3886, Type universalelectricity.prefab.multiblock.BlockMulti, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bJia, claimedModId null, 3887=Item 3887, Type icbm.common.IBZha, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bZha, claimedModId null, 3880=Item 3880, Type icbm.common.BLiu, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bLiu, claimedModId null, 3881=Item 3881, Type icbm.common.BBuoLiPan, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bBuoLiPan, claimedModId null, 3882=Item 3882, Type icbm.common.BEnNiu, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bBuoLiEnNiu, claimedModId null, 3883=Item 3883, Type icbm.common.zhapin.IBZhaDan, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bZhaDan, claimedModId null, 3888=Item 3888, Type icbm.common.BYinXing, owned by ICBM, ordinal 0, name bYinXing, claimedModId null}: value differences={31997=(Item 31997, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCarts, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, Item 31997, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartComponent, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null), 31996=(Item 31996, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartComponent, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, Item 31996, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartModule, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null)}

2013-03-30 23:48:42 [sEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] FML has detected item discrepancies

2013-03-30 23:48:42 [sEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] Missing items : {31995=Item 31995, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartModule, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null}

2013-03-30 23:48:42 [sEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] Mismatched items : {31997=(Item 31997, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCarts, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, Item 31997, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartComponent, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null), 31996=(Item 31996, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartComponent, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, Item 31996, Type vswe.stevescarts.Items.ItemCartModule, owned by StevesCarts, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null)}

2013-03-30 23:48:42 [sEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Something raised an exception. The message was 'Error loading EnderStorage'. 'stopGame' is false


    at codechicken.enderstorage.EnderStorageManager.load(EnderStorageManager.java:356)

    at codechicken.enderstorage.EnderStorageManager.<init>(EnderStorageManager.java:349)

    at codechicken.enderstorage.EnderStorageManager.reloadManager(EnderStorageManager.java:484)

    at codechicken.enderstorage.EnderStorageManager$EnderStorageSaveHandler.onWorldLoad(EnderStorageManager.java:266)

    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_47_EnderStorageSaveHandler_onWorldLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic)

    at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:35)

    at net.minecraftforge.event.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:103)

    at ayp.<init>(WorldClient.java:67)

    at ayh.a(NetClientHandler.java:307)

    at dw.a(Packet1Login.java:119)

    at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:458)

    at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.disconnectIDMismatch(FMLClientHandler.java:527)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.disconnectIDMismatch(FMLCommonHandler.java:464)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.ModIdMapPacket.execute(ModIdMapPacket.java:89)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkHandler.handleFMLPacket(FMLNetworkHandler.java:102)

    at cpw.mods.fml.common.network.FMLNetworkHandler.handlePacket250Packet(FMLNetworkHandler.java:67)

    at ayh.a(NetClientHandler.java:1483)

    at di.a(SourceFile:59)

    at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:458)

    at ayh.d(NetClientHandler.java:240)

    at ayk.c(GuiConnecting.java:49)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.l(Minecraft.java:1539)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:848)

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:773)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Unless i'm mistaken ender storage is causing errors too...


I'm looking into it.

What have you done to try and fix it?

Update Edit: It works fine for me when I reset the pack. I'm guessing you have already tryed this so now delete the pack completely and then run it again.


  "APrivate said:
It says Im not whitelisted when i try to join the server.

So Sorry! I forgot while I was fixing the config. You are now!


  "lukeb28 said:
Denied. Wrong thing for what Number1Zombie loves to use. Read the rules.

Denied for copying the "[]" in the whitelist app. Please read everything carefully.

The issue was a missing config file. I have fixed that and everything should be running great.

Why did i get deneid D: I read it as do not remove what's in the [] so i thought i should keep it there. Sorry!


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