Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Tekkiet Tekkion Tekkion of Tekkiet Tekkialist Tekkublics Теккюз Теккетских Теккиалистических Теккублик IP:tekkit.scandic.us [ 24/7 | PvP/PvE | Legit Survival ] ==================== == Server Rules == ==================== [1] NO HACKS OR CHEATS fly, xray, third-party clients, etc. [2] NO EXPLOITING GLITCHES duping items, bypassing player claims, hacking the monitors at spawn, etc. general guideline for what classifies as a dupe: if it allows infinite exponential duplication of a single item and it involves items from more than one mod, it's a dupe. [3] NO TROLLING WITH THE LAND CLAIMER building right next to someone else's place, claiming part of someone's base that they forgot to claim, etc. [4] NO DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT preserve the beautiful environment of the Motherland by placing your quarries underground and far from spawn, preferably inside Mystcraft ages replant your trees; Treecapitator takes away any possible excuse not to [5] NO CAMPING OUTSIDE SPAWN OR HOMES killing someone outside their door once or twice every now and then is fine, but don't make it a habit [6] NO SPAMMING saying it once is enough [7] NO ADVERTISING don't talk about other servers, either by name or IP, either in public or in private [8] NO BYPASSING THE IDLING KICK you can sit on a looping minecart to keep your quarry going past the 10 minute kick limit, only as long as you keep paying attention to the game [9] NO EXCESS RAGING embrace the unstable nature of Minecraft modpacks and don't rage when you lose items [10] NO ASKING FOR STUFF gimme OP, gimme staff, day plz, rain off plz, I died refund plz, etc. [11] NO SECOND-GUESSING THE OWNER feel free to make suggestions and requests, but my word is final, so don't insist ==================== == Rule Caveats == ==================== Rule #4 only applies in the Overworld at layers 64+. PvP is unrestricted underground, as well as in all other dimensions. There isn't a "no griefing" rule because the antigrief plugin is quite effective, assuming people stick to Rule #2. Keep in mind that GriefPrevention only works within the two vanilla dimensions (Overworld and Nether), so don't expect to be able to claim land inside Mystcraft ages or pocket dimensions. Not that you'd need to; simply hide the entry point inside your base. ==================== == Banned Items == ==================== None. If everyone follows Rule #2, we can keep it that way. I want everybody to enjoy the full Tekkit experience. ==================== == Server Features == ==================== Whitelist keeps trolls and griefers to a minimum. Ten player cap keeps the server as lag-less as possible. Dead-simple anti-grief system so you can go straight to building PvP and stealing is disabled inside player claims No economy (planned for the future) ==================== == Plugins == ==================== Essentials (/sethome, /tpa, etc.) Grief Prevention (to claim land; the more you play the more you can claim) Player Heads (get pretty heads from mobs, and players if you're lucky) Ranker (automatically rank up the prestige ladder of 5 time-based ranks) ==================== == What We Want == ==================== I couldn't find a Tekkit server that quite fits all of my needs and wants as a player, so I decided to launch my own. I hope other people find my tastes pleasing. I own a 2-year-old vanilla server, and I've hosted Tekkit servers in the past (Tekkit Classic) that ran for several months each, so you can check bad administration off your list of potential concerns. I uphold legitimacy more than anything, so, no spawned items for myself or anybody else for any reason. I'm looking for peaceful players who want to build and learn about the new Tekkit. I am an avid fan of hardcore anarchy PvP servers myself, however there's a lot of drama involved in administering a Tekkit server of that nature. *cough*Balkons*cough*. So, this time, I want a headache-free learning experience for myself as well as my players. It should be clarified that even though there are various Russian/Soviet themes in this server (obvious play on the SSSR in the server name, Russian translation under the server title, poorly drawn Soviet flag at spawn), it is hosted in central U.S. and the primary language is English. Feel free to speak your native tongue if you happen to meet a compatriot while playing, though. ==================== == Whitelist Application == ==================== Minecraft IGN: (name) Age: Gender: Location: Why do you want to play on T4?: Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: HOW TO GET WHITELISTED: Answer the last two questions in ONE PARAGRAPH with proper spelling and grammar. That's all I want. Age, gender, and location are only used for statistics and nobody will be judged or restricted access based on these factors. You could be six for all I care, as long as you can show decent writing skills. FREQUENCY: A small group of friends and people from my vanilla server (http://scandic.us) will be whitelisted initially. Then I will accept up to ten whitelist applications per day until the server starts regularly reaching the 10-player limit during peak hours. STAFF: There are no staff applications at the moment, so please don't ask. I will give Moderator status to people I think are worthy of it. If this server garners enough attention, there will be a website with an official moderator application and guidelines. DONATIONS: I am currently not asking for donations for this server, because I am hosting it from my home. If the server gets more popular, I will move it to a VPS and increase the number of slots. If you wish to reward my time and effort anyways, PM me for my PayPal address. GRIEFERS AND TROLLS: I've been actively trolling video games, Minecraft, and Tekkit for longer than you have been alive. So don't think you can get away with shitting all over my server. I know all of your tricks, and then some more.
JoopZ Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Minecraft IGN: DannyPubstar Age: 17 Gender: Male Location: Scotland (United Kingdom) Why do you want to play on T4?: I love the new tekkit, feel it is a great improvement from both Classic & Lite. I like that EE is gone, well EE2 i'm sure it is which makes the experience greater as people can't use condensers to progress easily through the game. All round great experience (T4). Also, the server has protected land which most servers don't have. Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I used to play 'Tekkit' before technic went and classic and lite were introduced.. Now that the new Tekkit is here, i'm raring to go!
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 18, 2013 Author Posted May 18, 2013 "JoopZ said: Minecraft IGN: DannyPubstar Age: 17 Gender: Male Location: Scotland (United Kingdom) Why do you want to play on T4?: I love the new tekkit, feel it is a great improvement from both Classic & Lite. I like that EE is gone, well EE2 i'm sure it is which makes the experience greater as people can't use condensers to progress easily through the game. All round great experience (T4). Also, the server has protected land which most servers don't have. Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I used to play 'Tekkit' before technic went and classic and lite were introduced.. Now that the new Tekkit is here, i'm raring to go! Accepted.
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 18, 2013 Author Posted May 18, 2013 Warning - turns out Dimensional Doors isn't compatible with BukkitForge. So don't waste materials building inside pocket dimensions because it will be deleted on server restart. Until I find a fix to this, at least.
minstorm340 Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Ign: minstorm340 age:11 but plz dont kick me out because of that gender:male location: in the milky way galaxy why do i want to play on this server: you have the only server without strict rules or banned items which i hate past experience: pretty much general mc play, i dont greif or troll ever, and i build a lot of redstone. Also, your whitelist is borken i got on and your admin kicked me out
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 18, 2013 Author Posted May 18, 2013 "minstorm340 said: Ign: minstorm340 age:11 but plz dont kick me out because of that gender:male location: in the milky way galaxy why do i want to play on this server: you have the only server without strict rules or banned items which i hate past experience: pretty much general mc play, i dont greif or troll ever, and i build a lot of redstone. Also, your whitelist is borken i got on and your admin kicked me out Yes, Leo told me. Sorry about that. The whitelist has been fixed and you've been approved.
Mooseman9 Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Minecraft IGN: Major_Creepist Age: 16 Gender: Male Location: North American West Coast Why do you want to play on T4?: I've been looking for a decent server that hosts the newest Tekkit modpack, which I've been itching to try out for quite a while. I've been searching for a while, and this server seems to deliver what I've been looking for- a small server with all the mods enabled. I'm fond of the protection plugin, especially since there's PvP involved. Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I've been playing Minecraft for about two years now. I've played Tekkit Classic and Lite for several months as well, so I'm skilled with most mods found in either pack. I'd like to learn the new mods in Tekkit, such as Dim. Doors and Galacticraft.
ben Solomon Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Minecraft IGN: benissbored Age: 18 Gender: Male Location: Washington State, USA UTC-8 Why do you want to play on T4?: Been looking for a good whitelisted server with no banned items and a good community! Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I have had some recent bad experiences with whitelisted servers, So I am hoping that this one works our well! Ive been playing modded minecraft since Alpha of IC2, so a long time!
TheLastBlacGuy Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Minecraft IGN: TheLastBlacGuy Age: 17 Gender: Male Location: US Why do you want to play on T4?: Your what we want section pretty much sums up what I have been looking in a server! Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: Umm just came from FTB Ultimate on a small server. So I do know my way around the mods that are in the new Tekkit.
Napauca Posted May 18, 2013 Posted May 18, 2013 Minecraft IGN: svalkur Age: 28 Gender:Male Location:New York Why do you want to play on T4?: Ive been looking for a server with no banned items and a smaller community which according to the opening post it seems this server has. Sounds perfect Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I've been playing minecraft since late alpha. Starting around beta i got into mods which lead me to tekkit awhile ago. Since then i have been learning and have a decent amount of experience with most mods in the pack.
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 18, 2013 Author Posted May 18, 2013 Major_Creepist, benissbored, TheLastBlacGuy, and Svalkur have been approved.
Mystic_Armor Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 Minecraft IGN: (name) Mystic_Armor Age: 23 Gender: Male Location: Norway Why do you want to play on T4?: I played with a friend of mine on a non disabled tekkit server, the portals and everything being so insanely cool that I dropped the old minecraft for this basically instantly. Tekkit and the game in general feeling better. However there was a lot of drama / rage and most importantly glitching past "claimed" lands that I wanted to find a new one. This one being in the server list and after a read looking like my place since I build in a visually appealing style Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: Very limited, mostly played single player and on shared lan / hamachi with friends. With the recent experience of Tekkit it would be one of my first introductions to modded. I do however have roughly a few months on vanilla experience.
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 19, 2013 Author Posted May 19, 2013 "Mystic_Armor said: Minecraft IGN: (name) Mystic_Armor Age: 23 Gender: Male Location: Norway Why do you want to play on T4?: I played with a friend of mine on a non disabled tekkit server, the portals and everything being so insanely cool that I dropped the old minecraft for this basically instantly. Tekkit and the game in general feeling better. However there was a lot of drama / rage and most importantly glitching past "claimed" lands that I wanted to find a new one. This one being in the server list and after a read looking like my place since I build in a visually appealing style Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: Very limited, mostly played single player and on shared lan / hamachi with friends. With the recent experience of Tekkit it would be one of my first introductions to modded. I do however have roughly a few months on vanilla experience. Approved.
Mooseman9 Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 I attempted to join the server, but it says I'm not whitelisted.
JoopZ Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 Was using the server last night fine as i was the first accepted on this forum, i tried to access the server today and it says i'm not whitelisted? -DannyPubstar
xSt3althK1lLx Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 Minecraft IGN:xSt3althK1lLx Age:17 Gender:M Location:Portugal Why do you want to play on T4?:Looks like a good server, been looking for one like this for a long time Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers:I play minecraft since alpha and i played in some modded servers with classic tekkit. First new tekkit server
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 19, 2013 Author Posted May 19, 2013 "Mooseman9 said: I attempted to join the server, but it says I'm not whitelisted. "JoopZ said: Was using the server last night fine as i was the first accepted on this forum, i tried to access the server today and it says i'm not whitelisted? -DannyPubstar I'm having problems with the whitelist. Apparently it only accepts names in lowercase. I re-added you both - try again and let me know if it works. "xSt3althK1lLx said: Minecraft IGN:xSt3althK1lLx Age:17 Gender:M Location:Portugal Why do you want to play on T4?:Looks like a good server, been looking for one like this for a long time Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers:I play minecraft since alpha and i played in some modded servers with classic tekkit. First new tekkit server Approved.
Mooseman9 Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 "Kommunističeskiĭ said: I'm having problems with the whitelist. Apparently it only accepts names in lowercase. I re-added you both - try again and let me know if it works. Tried again. Still can't join, it says "Failed to recognize username!" Edit: Nevermind, it works.
JoopZ Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 The moderator on your server is immature and doesn't know how to do his job clearly. Let down to the server, making good progression and the moderator bans me for not sharing my method of power.. Yes i wouldn't tell him my power source because i was fed up helping him with everything else, introducing him to the minium stone, other parts of the modpack and giving him tips all round. I wanted to keep at-least 1 thing to myself and i get banned for 'Not Co-Operating' i hope you can sort this out as it is a great disappointment to a good server. IGN - DannyPubstar
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 20, 2013 Author Posted May 20, 2013 "JoopZ said: The moderator on your server is immature and doesn't know how to do his job clearly. Let down to the server, making good progression and the moderator bans me for not sharing my method of power.. Yes i wouldn't tell him my power source because i was fed up helping him with everything else, introducing him to the minium stone, other parts of the modpack and giving him tips all round. I wanted to keep at-least 1 thing to myself and i get banned for 'Not Co-Operating' i hope you can sort this out as it is a great disappointment to a good server. IGN - DannyPubstar He's been informing me of the situation all along. He can seem a little immature at times, however I can assure you he's an exceptional at upholding the server morale and rules. I've been practically co-hosting servers with him for little over two years. You have to understand that we have very little control over what players do on the server due to lack of compatible administration plugins as well as the complexity of the modpack, so we have to rely on pretty much trusting players blindly. That's why we expect truthful, complete, and quick answers when we inquire about such things. Either way, feel free to message me on here instead.
JoopZ Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 "Kommunističeskiĭ said: He's been informing me of the situation all along. He can seem a little immature at times, however I can assure you he's an exceptional at upholding the server morale and rules. I've been practically co-hosting servers with him for little over two years. You have to understand that we have very little control over what players do on the server due to lack of compatible administration plugins as well as the complexity of the modpack, so we have to rely on pretty much trusting players blindly. That's why we expect truthful, complete, and quick answers when we inquire about such things. Either way, feel free to message me on here instead. I have messaged you.
yellownarwhalrus Posted May 21, 2013 Posted May 21, 2013 Minecraft IGN: (name) yellownarwhalrus Age: 14 Gender: male Location: U.S.A. Why do you want to play on T4?: (please read past experiences first, as it includes an explanation) Well, I have been playing on several tekkit servers, classic and new tekkit, and really enjoyed them, between the banned items, such a high player count that no one would pay attention to each other, people spamming and using all caps, i had ended up being one of the only players that actually wanted to help people, without killing them upon teleportation. as with these instances i had wanted servers like this, with small amounts of players, and minimal banned items, along with protections, so everyone could get along. this seems to be a minecraft environment i will do well in. this server seems great the way it is, but if i had one suggestion, it would be MCmmo, my favorite plugin. Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: Many of the servers i have played on, banned many of the items that i found to be very useful. Quarries and chunk loaders were understandable as they had created lag with the many players on. others, they had banned ONLY to give a perk to donators. many of the people were not nice as well, along with many of the staff. there was few servers i had truly enjoyed, although i loved the mod-pack.
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 21, 2013 Author Posted May 21, 2013 "yellownarwhalrus said: Minecraft IGN: (name) yellownarwhalrus Age: 14 Gender: male Location: U.S.A. Why do you want to play on T4?: (please read past experiences first, as it includes an explanation) Well, I have been playing on several tekkit servers, classic and new tekkit, and really enjoyed them, between the banned items, such a high player count that no one would pay attention to each other, people spamming and using all caps, i had ended up being one of the only players that actually wanted to help people, without killing them upon teleportation. as with these instances i had wanted servers like this, with small amounts of players, and minimal banned items, along with protections, so everyone could get along. this seems to be a minecraft environment i will do well in. this server seems great the way it is, but if i had one suggestion, it would be MCmmo, my favorite plugin. Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: Many of the servers i have played on, banned many of the items that i found to be very useful. Quarries and chunk loaders were understandable as they had created lag with the many players on. others, they had banned ONLY to give a perk to donators. many of the people were not nice as well, along with many of the staff. there was few servers i had truly enjoyed, although i loved the mod-pack. Approved.
Kommunističeskiĭ Posted May 21, 2013 Author Posted May 21, 2013 There's still plenty of room, people. Come apply!
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