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[1.6.x/1.5.x] Redstone In Motion (Redpower Frames) (October 8)

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Well, there's no way within the current paradigm to avoid block-by-block motion, and it re-searches for entities each time it begins to move one block, so it would grab new entities without too much delay, but remember that the placeholder blocks are not a 100% representation of where the carriage was or will be: The placeholder blocks exist to prevent things like sand, gravel, and liquids from falling through the top of the carriage during transit when the carriage actually has a solid roof.

Trying to jump onto a flying carpet that's going on its merry way could result in things like being suspended in mid-air during motion if it grabs you at just the wrong time, or jumping through what looks like a solid spot which really has no placeholder blocks. That's really one of the biggest downsides to not being locked in place on all three axes: You're quite likely to fall right through what otherwise looks like whole blocks.


My mod has been confirmed incompatible with Bukkit, and I have no idea what MCPC is, but planetguy seems to imply it uses bukkit, so that's why he said that. This crash was different, though, and I can fix it. We're just saying that if you have bukkit, you'll still crash eventually.

MCPC or MCPC+ is a forge-bukkit-spigot server. That allows the use of Forge mods along with Bukkit plugins with the optimization of Spigot.

Github - https://github.com/MinecraftPortCentral/MCPC-Plus/

Jenkins - http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus/

Edit- Just tested this with most recent build of mcpc+ and your mod it seems to load fine and everything is place-able. Will have to play with it a bit but looks good. Great work on this btw.

Edit2- Yeah this does crash once you try to use them. http://pastebin.com/38tE9JZ2


Seems everyone's picking an aspect of Redpower and making their own version of it these days. This is the fourth I've seen. It would seem someone else is trying to frames as well, in a rather unusual way. So far there's Microblocks and RedLogic by immibis, Truss Mod by RainWarrior, and now this by you. Know of any others that I don't? ;o

Anyways, good job and keep up the great work. I'm going to add it to this mod list if that's fine by you. If not, I will remove it immediately. :)


RedNet and white/blackstone by PowerCrystals, as well as glowstone illuminators by King Lemming.

So pretty much everything except blutricity (which wasn't that good, let's be honest) has been replicated in other mods.

As for modpack permissions:

The following are ENCOURAGED (that means just do it and tell me afterward; don't bother asking first):

  • Usage of this mod both publicly and privately.
  • Distribution of this mod in both public and private modpacks.
  • Usage of this mod on servers both public and private.
  • Alteration and modification of this mod.
  • Linking to and discussing this mod elsewhere on the Internet.
  • The production of videos (such as Let's Plays and Spotlights) including this mod.
  • Everything else.

The following are DISCOURAGED:

  • [This space intentionally left blank.]

The following are PROHIBITED:

  • Claiming this work as your own without first changing its name to make it clear your changes are your own and not mine.


Found e bug with AFAIK UE wires:

      Minecraft has crashed!     



Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Exception while updating neighbours


A full error report has been saved to C:UsersBIUROAppDataRoaming.technicbusinesselitecrash-reportscrash-2013-06-26_07.50.13-server.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash 




--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 69abb60b --------

Full report at:


Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!


Generated 26.06.13 07:50


-- Head --


    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.Block.func_71863_a(Block.java:228)


-- Block being updated --


    Source block type: ID #3010 (tile.Generator // mekanism.generators.common.BlockGenerator)

    Block type: ID #1125 (tile.JAKJ_RedstoneInMotion_MotiveSpectre // JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.MotiveSpectre)

    Block data value: 3 / 0x3 / 0b0011

    Block location: World: (-255,56,-145), Chunk: (at 1,3,15 in -16,-10; contains blocks -256,0,-160 to -241,255,-145), Region: (-1,-1; contains chunks -32,-32 to -1,-1, blocks -512,0,-512 to -1,255,-1)


    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72821_m(World.java:844)

    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72898_h(World.java:785)

    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72851_f(World.java:740)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.WorldUtil.NotifyBlocks(WorldUtil.java:30)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.CarriageDriveEntity.BeginMotion(CarriageDriveEntity.java:237)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.CarriageDriveEntity.HandleUpdateTick(CarriageDriveEntity.java:204)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.Block.func_71847_b(Block.java:248)


-- Block being ticked --


    Block type: ID #1124 (tile.JAKJ_RedstoneInMotion_CarriageDrive // JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.CarriageDrive)

    Block data value: 1 / 0x1 / 0b0001

    Block location: World: (-252,56,-145), Chunk: (at 4,3,15 in -16,-10; contains blocks -256,0,-160 to -241,255,-145), Region: (-1,-1; contains chunks -32,-32 to -1,-1, blocks -512,0,-512 to -1,255,-1)


    at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72955_a(WorldServer.java:613)

    at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(WorldServer.java:195)


-- Affected level --


    Level name: SCIENCE

    All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerMP['Garloth'/13, l='SCIENCE', x=-249,34, y=56,00, z=-145,95]]

    Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 523 Drop: 0

    Level seed: -5218948286090017571

    Level generator: ID 01 - flat, ver 0. Features enabled: false

    Level generator options: 2;7,3x1,52x24;2;

    Level spawn location: World: (-248,4,-166), Chunk: (at 8,0,10 in -16,-11; contains blocks -256,0,-176 to -241,255,-161), Region: (-1,-1; contains chunks -32,-32 to -1,-1, blocks -512,0,-512 to -1,255,-1)

    Level time: 44025 game time, 152025 day time

    Level dimension: 0

    Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil

    Level weather: Rain time: 125840 (now: false), thunder time: 49909 (now: false)

    Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: true


    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:643)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:573)

    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:127)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:470)

    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)


-- System Details --


    Minecraft Version: 1.5.2

    Operating System: Windows Vista (x86) version 6.0

    Java Version: 1.7.0_25, Oracle Corporation

    Java VM Version: Java HotSpot Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation

    Memory: 72483104 bytes (69 MB) / 608731136 bytes (580 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB)

    JVM Flags: 1 total; -Xmx1024m

    AABB Pool Size: 644 (36064 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 2 (112 bytes; 0 MB) used

    Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed

    IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0

    FML: MCP v7.51 FML v5.2.23.737 Minecraft Forge 63 mods loaded, 63 mods active

    mcp{7.51} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    CodeChickenCore{0.8.7} [CodeChicken Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    PowerCrystalsCore{1.1.6} [PowerCrystals Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    mod_bspkrsCore{v2.08(1.5.2)} [bspkrsCore] ([1.5.2]bspkrscorev2.08.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    TreeCapitator{Forge 1.5.2.r01} [TreeCapitator] ([1.5.2]treecapitator.forge.1.5.2.r01.uni.coremod.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    DamageIndicatorsMod{} [Damage Indicators] (1.5.2 damageindicators v2.7.0.1.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    mod_ReiMinimap{v3.3_06 [1.5.2]} [mod_ReiMinimap] ([1.5.2]reiminimap_v3.3_06.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    FriendsOverlay{3.2} [FriendsOverlay] ([MC1.5.2]friendsoverlay_3.2-1306171314-6-b6ed4c8.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    mod_FriendsOverlay{Not available} [mod_FriendsOverlay] ([MC1.5.2]friendsoverlay_3.2-1306171314-6-b6ed4c8.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    BuildCraft|Core{3.6.0} [buildCraft] (buildcraft-a-3.6.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    BuildCraft|Transport{3.6.0} [bC Transport] (buildcraft-a-3.6.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    BuildCraft|Silicon{3.6.0} [bC Silicon] (buildcraft-a-3.6.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    BuildCraft|Builders{3.6.0} [bC Builders] (buildcraft-a-3.6.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    BuildCraft|Energy{3.6.0} [bC Energy] (buildcraft-a-3.6.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    BuildCraft|Factory{3.6.0} [bC Factory] (buildcraft-a-3.6.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MineFactory Reloaded] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    CoFHCore{} [CoFHCore] (cofhcore- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    ThermalExpansion{} [Thermal Expansion] (thermalexpansion- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    AppliedEnergistics{rv.11.a} [Applied Energistics] (appeng-rv11-a.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    AtomicScience{0.5.3} [Atomic Science] (atomic_science_v0.5.3.51.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    Additional-Buildcraft-Objects{} [Additional Buildcraft Objects] (buildcraft-z-additional-buildcraft-objects- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    CoFHWorld{} [CoFHWorld] (cofhcore- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    ComputerCraft{1.53} [ComputerCraft] (computercraft1.53.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    CCTurtle{1.53} [ComputerCraft Turtles] (computercraft1.53.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    DimDoors{1.5.2R1.4.0RC1} [Dimensional Doors] (dimensionaldoors-1.5.2r1.4.0rc1-145.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    ElectricExpansion{2.0.0} [Electric Expansion] (electricexpansion_v2.0.0.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    ExtrabiomesXL{3.13.4} [ExtrabiomesXL] (extrabiomesxl-universal-1.5.2-3.13.4.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Forestry (2)] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry-a- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    inventorytweaks{1.54b} [inventory Tweaks] (inventorytweaks-1.54b.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    IronChest{} [iron Chest] (ironchest-universal-1.5.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    Mekanism{5.5.6} [Mekanism] (mekanism-v5.5.6.82.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MekanismGenerators{5.5.6} [MekanismGenerators] (mekanismgenerators-v5.5.6.82.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MekanismTools{5.5.6} [MekanismTools] (mekanismtools-v5.5.6.82.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    minechem{@VERSION@} [MineChem] (minechem_v3.0.0.228.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Applied Energistics] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Atum] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: BackTools] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBiomesOPlenty{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Biomes O' Plenty] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Chococraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: ExtraBiomes] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Forestry] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: IC2] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Magical Crops] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Mystcraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Pam's Mods] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: RP2] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSoulShards{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: SoulShards] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Sufficient Biomes] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MFReloaded|CompatThaumcraft{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Thaumcraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: TwilightForest] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: Vanilla] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft{1.5.1R2.6.4} [MFR Compat: XyCraft] (minefactoryreloaded-2.6.4-975.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    NEIPlugins{} [NEI Plugins] (neiplugins- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    NetherOres{1.5.1R2.1.5} [Nether Ores] (netherores-2.1.5-75.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (railcraft_1.5.2- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    PowerConverters{1.5.1R2.3.0} [Power Converters] (powerconverters-2.3.0-54.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    JAKJ_RedstoneInMotion{} [Redstone In Motion] (RedstoneInMotion_1.0.1.0_mc1.5.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    StevesCarts{2.0.0.a120} [steve's Carts] (stevescarts2.0.0.a120.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available

    Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)

    Vec3 Pool Size: 745 (41720 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used

    Player Count: 1 / 8; [EntityPlayerMP['Garloth'/13, l='SCIENCE', x=-249,34, y=56,00, z=-145,95]]

    Type: Integrated Server (map_client.txt)

    Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'


java.lang.ClassCastException: electricexpansion.common.cables.TileEntityInsulatedWire cannot be cast to JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.TileEntity

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.Block.func_71863_a(Block.java:228)

    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72821_m(World.java:844)

    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72898_h(World.java:785)

    at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72851_f(World.java:740)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.WorldUtil.NotifyBlocks(WorldUtil.java:30)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.CarriageDriveEntity.BeginMotion(CarriageDriveEntity.java:237)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.CarriageDriveEntity.HandleUpdateTick(CarriageDriveEntity.java:204)

    at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.Block.func_71847_b(Block.java:248)

    at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72955_a(WorldServer.java:613)

    at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(WorldServer.java:195)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:643)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:573)

    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:127)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:470)

    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)

--- END ERROR REPORT 6525bb27 ----------


Seems everyone's picking an aspect of Redpower and making their own version of it these days. This is the fourth I've seen. It would seem someone else is trying to frames as well, in a rather unusual way. So far there's Microblocks and RedLogic by immibis, Truss Mod by RainWarrior, and now this by you. Know of any others that I don't? ;o

Anyways, good job and keep up the great work. I'm going to add it to this mod list if that's fine by you. If not, I will remove it immediately. :)

I don't want to speak in his place, but just so you don't have to wait, Jakj has mentioned quite a few times that his work is as open source as it gets, and that you can do whatever you wish to do with it without asking for permission (Except releasing a different version under his name, yadda yadda). It's nice of you to ask though!


I don't want to speak in his place, but just so you don't have to wait, Jakj has mentioned quite a few times that his work is as open source as it gets, and that you can do whatever you wish to do with it without asking for permission (Except releasing a different version under his name, yadda yadda). It's nice of you to ask though!

I just like to make a post about it before I do anything. :)

I'm just adding it to a mod list, not really a modpack. :p


Edit2- Yeah this does crash once you try to use them. http://pastebin.com/38tE9JZ2

Yep, that's the Bukkit crash that happened before that I can't do anything about. Although, if there's any way you could send me your deobfuscation/reobfuscation log, I could try adding a few fallback values to the reflection. I wanted to avoid having this be a coremod, but maybe that would work better......we'll see. But if I can figure out how Bukkit is changing the obfuscation, maybe I could adjust for it. (Or maybe bukkit could fix itself to stop fucking with the obfuscation. :P)

I just like to make a post about it before I do anything. :)

I'm just adding it to a mod list, not really a modpack. :P

Asking permission before adding to a mod list!? Damn...Either you are polite well past the point of absurdity, or the Minecraft modding community is so toxic that they have bruised your psyche like a solid-black banana.

Found e bug with AFAIK UE wires:

What in the fuck? Minecraft called my block with the tile entity of another mod? Is it possible the tile entities got switched somehow? Hmm, I'm going to have to look into that one.


What in the fuck? Minecraft called my block with the tile entity of another mod? Is it possible the tile entities got switched somehow? Hmm, I'm going to have to look into that one.

Nevermind, I found my derp. :P Will be fixed in the next release.


Just to check, is Buildcraft pipes working correctly? Built a little mining rig (with remote controls) to check out a few things as well as retexturing the RiM blocks to 16bit. For some reason, the pipes seem to forget they're attached to something and the MFR block breakers spit out a block before they reconnect. (I checked when it's not moving, it works fine. Hindsight: Iron Pipes might be a better choice to funnel blocks into the chest.) End result is block spew.


Post or send me some screenshots or video and tell me what versions of what mods you're using, and I'll try to reproduce it for debugging. Do they reconnect with a delay or do they never reconnect?


Hm, I mucking around in creative, and found that the connecting to a player is done from a decent distance, enough to make it odd while flying. It also seems odd how every mod block is packaged. Perhaps it would be best to check for anything that isn't a tile entity and leave it rendering normally.


I can try rendering normally when there's no tile entity, but some stuff might break visually, like if it uses the old modloader methods, or if they're placeholder blocks actually rendered by a nearby tile entity.

Your comment about flying is so vague and non-specific that it's useless to me.


Your comment about flying is so vague and non-specific that it's useless to me.

I think what he meant was that the player is locked in place even from quite a distance from the carriage. I agree that the linking should only be done when the player feet are a block above a carriage piece.

I had another though about locking the players movement when in transport. Firstly why not have a keypress that dictates whether the player links to the craft or not? Secondly why not have a 'Sticky carriage' or sticky mat/block that locks the players movement? Then a player could have areas of the craft that will lock a player and other areas that wont.


I wasn't aware the grabbing height was too high. I'll test.

I'm including options to configure what is grabbed when in a future release, but like the rest, will be server-side. No component of this mod except rendering is client-side.

Sticky blocks are a neat idea and would solve the problem neatly, letting the server turn grabbing off but letting players still have it if they want. I'll add it to the list.


I recommend borrowing the carpet for sticky floors. Just use the carriage panel as the foundation for the texture.


I agree with Lethosos. It would actually give carpets a use that makes them more then aesthetic. Anyway i recently learned of this mod and intend to play with it shortly. I am going to have so much fun abusing it. hehehhe (Abusing it in a good way fyi)


Not only has it been mentioned, I've already explained in detail multiple different ways to do it. I implemented FOUR entirely new carriage types in addition to the old RP frames, specifically to make shit like this easier/possible. This specific example was even what reminded me I need to put in the template carriages.

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