Zilacon Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 I run APOC Gaming and have 4 servers running. Of course like the tekkitmain release it was filled with problems. Server crashes, errors, client crashes, tps issues, enough lag to choke a camel. All of these issues are from mods that are not coded correctly or are conflicting with other mods. And yet, here we are again... Technic releases another mod pack filled with problems. Does almost no testing, no bug fixes, or even tell the mod authors about issues and have them fix them. So far the mods i have had to remove are: Better Dungeons: The second a chunk is generated with a dungeon spawned by this mod it instantly crashes the client and server. It is not every time it crashes the server but 100% chance to crash the client. Twilight Forest: This mod adds tons of things to chunk generation and causes a huge lagstorm on highly populated servers with people exploring. I have 72 people online right now and with this plugin my TPS was hitting 5 tps. Battle Towers: This mod is cool ill give it that, but kill the boss and the entire thing goes poof. This causes tons of lag and has even corrupted a few chunks already. Dimensional Doors: Seriously guys? After this mod being so horrible on EVERY TEKKIT BUILD why throw it on this one too? This adds more things generated in every chunk and causes extreme lag to the surroundings of those doors. Not to mention it causes players to rage quit servers because they get stuck in limbo for 3 hours. Falling Meteors: A mod that griefs people & spawn 24/7/365... Genius... Soul Shards: Who needs to explore to find food? Not me! I will just infinitely spawn cows & pigs using copies of their souls! Don't get me wrong i love technic, but please guys i beg of you! Make a pack that is bug free! Test it, fix it up, perfect it. So we are not ripping it apart just to fix things that should have been fixed when we downloaded it. TimothyOi 1
Princeoatmeal Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 Here, Here... I hate having to remove mods and enjoy playing original but even with 3 ppl on the server running this pack full i have to reboot the server ever 10 minutes to kill the lag it generates. I have a host of folks wanted to get on to the server but whats the point if i have to remove a metric ton or the parts. I wanted to start doing video for this mod pack with a small group but it seems this is best as a solo map almost.
Zilacon Posted June 22, 2013 Author Posted June 22, 2013 "Princeoatmeal said: Here, Here... I hate having to remove mods and enjoy playing original but even with 3 ppl on the server running this pack full i have to reboot the server ever 10 minutes to kill the lag it generates. I have a host of folks wanted to get on to the server but whats the point if i have to remove a metric ton or the parts. I wanted to start doing video for this mod pack with a small group but it seems this is best as a solo map almost. I am glad to see others agree with me.
CanVox Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 Well, other. Singular. The mod works great on our server. Due to a hilarious accident (we have the same IP as an old anarchy server it turns out), our private tests server became searchable on a mod list, and we've had about 10-20 logged in since the release yesterday morning. We haven't had any real problems to speak of, a couple rare crash bugs in BD that I'm gathering up to report to chocolatin, and that's pretty much it. Certainly no serious lag issues aside from worldgen. A few tips: - MCPC+ sounds like it's causing people problems, I'd switch to Forge Essentials until we can get with blood to work out what the issue is. Or heck, turn off PVP and let people go completely nuts, that's what we did on the test server and people are having a pretty good time. Here's a pro tip: we don't support MCPC+, so don't come here to bitch if it doesn't work all that well. - Worldgen is always slow going and we've now added a crapton of worldgen mods. PREGEN YOUR WORLDS if you're looking to invite a lot of people on your server, or deal with the worldgen lag. It's not hard to do.
Gio² Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 Just saying. Just ban the items that make people spawn Meteors. And you never have to explore to find food :L You'll need to explore however to find enough cows for your soul shard. Then you've basically got a spawner of cows what doesn't need wheat... And Dim doors are kewl :3
Mooseman9 Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 You should try allocating more than 1MB of RAM to your server if you want it to run well.
Nighttimegaming Posted June 22, 2013 Posted June 22, 2013 I hear ya lol im trying to get tick threading to work but even that might not help i got up to 100 players on and it was running on 3 tps :\ XD now that more land has been explored im getting random freezes and stuff iv tried many different things but no avail. i have yet to remove better dungeons but i might have to ;\
Zilacon Posted June 23, 2013 Author Posted June 23, 2013 "Gio² said: Just saying. Just ban the items that make people spawn Meteors. And you never have to explore to find food :L You'll need to explore however to find enough cows for your soul shard. Then you've basically got a spawner of cows what doesn't need wheat... And Dim doors are kewl :3 You always have to explore to find food, its called killing animals, finding apples in trees, making farms, etc. Infinitely spawning cows is a huge entity crisis for populated servers. Dimensional doors are not cool at all, when i ran it on my tekkitmain server i had so many people rage quit cause of that mod alone, its a server killer. "Mooseman9 said: You should try allocating more than 1MB of RAM to your server if you want it to run well. My server has 16GB allocated... A minecraft server wouldn't even START with 1MB you would get a java error...
Onikrex Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 I've got to say I agree slightly with the Dim Doors. I had to start a new world because I couldn't get out of Limbo.
miniboxer Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 All I see here are either matters of personal preference, or you bitching about things that are caused by your doing. "RALLY DIM DURS? I ALWAYS GET STUCK IN LIMBO BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT, SO IT'S A BAD MOD."
Zilacon Posted June 23, 2013 Author Posted June 23, 2013 "miniboxer said: All I see here are either matters of personal preference, or you bitching about things that are caused by your doing. "RALLY DIM DURS? I ALWAYS GET STUCK IN LIMBO BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT, SO IT'S A BAD MOD." I dont think you have noticed but many people who play minecraft are idiots... Like yourself for example!
Onikrex Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 Zing. OT: I fail to see how getting stuck somewhere when you're new to it makes you an idiot. Please, go do something you've NEVER done or seen before, and get it right, no, let's make that perfect, on the very first try. If someone has an issue with it, of course they are going to dislike it. Nobody fails and fails at something and says "Gee wiz, this is fun " And of course you see personal opinions. What do you want us to put? "Oh man, my friend says he dislikes this. Now I dislike this." No, we put personal opinions because it's a PERSONAL matter.
Mooseman9 Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 "Onikrex said: OT: I fail to see how getting stuck somewhere when you're new to it makes you an idiot. No, that doesn't necessarily make you an idiot. What makes you an idiot is getting stuck and instead of looking up how to get out of it along with reading the mod's page, you flat out disable it. "Onikrex said: Nobody fails and fails at something and says "Gee wiz, this is fun You should check out the Dwarf Fortress community. Losing is "fun"!
Stubbypickle205 Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 I agree. This release is very unsatisfying. I had it up and received a lot of the crashes from dungeon generation etc.. just as the thread author has described. I operate the OhGaming community and have decided to not leave the Hexxit server up due to its many issues. I'll wait for a better release or continue the custom mod pack I've been working on.
Stubbypickle205 Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 I agree. This release is very unsatisfying. I had it up and received a lot of the crashes from dungeon generation etc.. just as the thread author has described. I operate the OhGaming community and have decided to not leave the Hexxit server up due to its many issues. I'll wait for a better release or continue the custom mod pack I've been working on. ** Sorry for the double post internet lagged **
theprolo Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 If you don't want worldgen, don't use Hexxit basically. If you're going to try removing all the mods which include worldgen, then you're going to end up with a pretty near Vanilla server. Of course it'll lag with over 50 people generating world - there's not much anyone can do about that other than restrict the world (which is a bad idea on Hexxit). I'd say it's more geared towards small groups playing as a team than vast amounts of random people adventuring alone into every single direction possible, and there's very little you can do to change that with this much worldgen. And if so many people are raging at DimDoors because they get stuck in limbo, then why don't you just tell them how to get out? There are probably plenty of Bukkit plugins which could teleport anyone entering that dimension out, too. You should really be a bit more creative with your solutions than "Hey something isn't working perfectly in a heavily modded java program! DELETE". And you're complaining about people making infinite food from soul shards? Really? Did you ban planters and harvesters on your Tekkit server or something? It's basically the same thing, just with animals and no automated collection. Again - it's a smaller server based pack. If you're trying to run Hexxit with large amounts of people, removing it does make sense to reduce entities - but that's no reason that people playing on smaller servers should have to have their experience suffer just to please people who the pack isn't even aimed at. As for testing, chances are there'll always be at least one bug which doesn't get squashed, especially if you're modifying it even further (MCPC+). If you have so many people on your server, you're far more likely to find one of these bugs than a couple of people messing around with it just before release to check for any problems.
Mooseman9 Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 Also, you can only get soul shards now after you kill the enderdragon IIRC. Good luck with that.
Gio² Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 "Zilacon said: You always have to explore to find food, its called killing animals, finding apples in trees, making farms, etc. No you don't. When you have a farm of some kind of food, you won't ever have to explore for food again... :l
Teraku Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 If people keep dying in their own Pocket Dimensions and subsequently going to Limbo, then they're doing something wrong.
Zilacon Posted June 23, 2013 Author Posted June 23, 2013 My players are having issues eating vanilla food, potatos, bread, carrots, etc are consumed and their hunger gets reversed after they eat it. Any idea whats causing this?
Drudigger Posted June 23, 2013 Posted June 23, 2013 I have a server running hexxit and yes there are tons of conflicting mods in this pack but i haven't had to remove a single one of them but i did have to give the server 9 gigs of ram to keep it stable when people go exploring in the nether, main world, twilight and dimension door's. Tho it does lag a little when people do this i haven't had a single crash other than peoples clients crashing. But then again i only have 11 people on my server because its private.
Zilacon Posted June 23, 2013 Author Posted June 23, 2013 "Drudigger said: I have a server running hexxit and yes there are tons of conflicting mods in this pack but i haven't had to remove a single one of them but i did have to give the server 9 gigs of ram to keep it stable when people go exploring in the nether, main world, twilight and dimension door's. Tho it does lag a little when people do this i haven't had a single crash other than peoples clients crashing. But then again i only have 11 people on my server because its private. Add another 90 players to that count like me and you will need a lot more then 9 gigs. 16GB isnt even handling it.
Punisher Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 So from what I am seeing, you're playing Vanilla Minecraft? I like this modpack. Quite a lot. Better Dungeons is a fun mod, and I have had no problems with it, even on my 6 year old laptop. I have no qualms with any of the mods installed, and I enjoy the mixture, especially when I scale the large battle towers, finding some good loot in there. You should up the allocation, like it was stated before.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "Punisher said: So from what I am seeing, you're playing Vanilla Minecraft? I like this modpack. Quite a lot. Better Dungeons is a fun mod, and I have had no problems with it, even on my 6 year old laptop. I have no qualms with any of the mods installed, and I enjoy the mixture, especially when I scale the large battle towers, finding some good loot in there. You should up the allocation, like it was stated before. Your playing on single player genius we are talking about issues with SERVERS! Where it has over 50+ people online at the same time... For peoples reference so people would SHUT UP about my memory allocation: java -server -Xmx16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -jar Tekkit.jar gui --log-append=false --log-limit=0 --log-count=0
floflorocks Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 I know this is probably a noob question but how do I disable a mod? In my opinion here are the mods that defenetly new to be disabled. DementialDoors: my server is set to keep inven on death and DD interferes whith this... Also it's stupid BetterDungions: I'm getting errors whith kitchen structures spawning a corrupted chest/furnace thing but it could be other structures too. Also I recomend banning the Bane of Pigs because it crashes my server every time. And another noob question, how do you ban items? :P
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