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[Closed][1.2.9c] Hesperia Tekkit Server [PvE - Lag Free - Teamspeak - Towny - No Grief - Ranks - Economy - Player Shops][100 Slots]

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Age: 14

IGN: smackerooni

Why do you want to play on this server?

Ive been looking for a server with a helpful and fun community for a while now and this server looks perfect. Im Fairly new to tekkit but have a pretty good understanding of everything and im keen to make

it to the moon legit for the first time.

What do you want to build?

As i said earlier i want to make it to the moon, but i also want to make a moon base there (fairly large) and live on the moon. On the moon i would like to make a factory and maybe a moon shop. I'd only take short trips to earth for food. I have a friend who would like to join me

he will most likely post a similar post later on.


cheers, mates Age: 28-ish :) IGN Batmanieczka Why Do you want to Play on this Server? looking for a place to build with other players :) and like guyy above me I wanna go to the moon :) What Do you want to Build? first of all wanna explore! cooperate! later I will want to start a big project like galleon :) cmon get me in :))



IGN: MooseWillRule

Why Do you want to Play on this Server? I want to play on a server that has a good community and that has a good system of shops and towns

and a good way of earning money

What Do you want to Build? I want to build a base,and a factory on the moon with my mate Smackerooni and after that make a ton of cool things on the moon. I might even think about making a town there if that is possible.

Thanks for your consideration




Why i want to play on this server: The pictures are awesome and im looking for a main server to play on all the time.

What i want to build: I want to build a nice little factory and make many things in this modpack

Hope I can get whitelisted the server seems amazing




Why i want to play on the server?

i want to learn more about tekkit and want to go to the moon for the first time.

What i want to build: i want to build a town and make a moonbase and build all sorts of interesting things.


Age: 12


Why I want to play on the server? I was looking for a hexxit server without greifing and I saw this one

What I want to build: a wooden mansion and a pet shop


Age: 24

IGN (In Game Name): Irondove

Why Do you want to Play on this Server? Friend Arimil85 AND TEKKIT madness

What Do you want to Build? Ummm tekkit stuff? i know how to make a generator and circuit and stuff but its been awhile...arimil85 is a friend of mine so just wanna play with him.


  "batmanieczka said:

IGN Batmanieczka

  "MooseWillRule said:

IGN: MooseWillRule

  "Sn0pY said:


  "Nutmeg112 said:


  "loopy444 said:


  "Irondove said:
Age: 24

IGN (In Game Name): Irondove

  "Smackerooni said:

IGN: smackerooni

  "Viper_796 said:

IGN: Viper_796

added and welcome

I am not a machine viper... stuff gets missed some times.


IGN: Alexiconis

Why Do you want to Play on this Server?

Never played on a MP Technic server before and would like to try it out. Few friends are already playing on your server and recommended it.

What Do you want to Build?

Mostly my own designs/base. Nothing too large-scale or server-lagging mass factories. Mostly going to be playing with the friends already on the server.

Irondove and Arimil85 are the previously mentioned friends.


Age: 19

IGN: theneko

Why Do you want to Play on this Server? : Searching for a new tekkit server to spend my free time.

What Do you want to Build? : My own lab / base and also a town, a big one.


Age: 28

IGN: Fairlyn

Why Do you want to Play on this Server? just looking for good server that won't close or reset the map a few days after I joined

What Do you want to Build? either a jungle temple, an underground facility, an underwater base or a fortress in the mountains. Depends on what location I find first.


AGE: 25

IGN: Th3_Purple_Smurf

Why Play: looking for a fun, NON-PVP server, I have 3 friends on this server already - would like to join them due to their recommendations

What Build: Helping friends at their farm, possibly some 8-bit sprites, or recreate rainbow-road



IGN: MrsBobbit18

Why do I want to play on this server: Im trying to play with some of my Favorite minecraft friends :D

What Do you want to build?: Im actually going to Harvard for Design and Arcitecture in 2 years! So i can build just about anything!


  "Theneko said:
Age: 19

IGN: theneko

  "Fairlyn said:
Age: 28

IGN: Fairlyn

  "Th3PurpleSmurf said:
AGE: 25

IGN: Th3_Purple_Smurf

  "MrsBobbit18 said:

IGN: MrsBobbit18

Added and Welcome


Age:13 IGN: shadowartix1107 Why do you want to play on this server: im looking for a large, lively, tekkit server and it seems to be perfect What do you want to build? anything from a factory on earth, to a giant space station on the moon



IGN solid_raiden223

Why Do you want to Play on this Server?: Just looking for a calm server where i can go and build things

What Do you want to Build? I never have a plan but i do always build something..this time with the goal of getting to space




Why do you want to play on this server:Looking for server with a friendly community, help people

What do you want to build:Late-game technology, factories


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