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Since Flower child made the better than wolves mod why is not in the Technic launcher if he also helped in the making of all of this? I would really enjoy the mod being implemented into the Technic Launcher thanks for listening.

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This is pretty hilarious. I'm going to do the OP a favor and explain why everyone is laughing.

FlowerChild hates Technic. He hates the makers of Technic. And frankly, the regulars here on this forum reciprocate that emotion. From what I've been able to glean he wants to control every little aspect of his mod including who uses it and what mods can be installed along side it. It's also coded in such a way as to be completely impossible to integrate into a modpack like this. I think part of that is his greedy use of the very limited block ids available.

When SirSengir, creator of Forestry, recently added code to his mod that would make it function poorly when used with the Technic pack, Flowerchild was practically ready to have Sengir's children out of his elation.

Perhaps now you see why everyone finds your posts so very hilarious.

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Anyway, what's the big hooha over BTW mod? It serves next to no place alongside technic, even in past versions.

Water wheels? Or pump out entire lakes.

Windmills? Tear up the landscape with quarries.

I say we let sleeping dogs lie (see what I did there?) and give up, chuckling every now and then as we reminisce of the futility of the whole thing.

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Oh. I understand now but may I add that I merely wanted the mod to be implemented in the launcher along with hack/mine, Tekkit, Technic, etc. Also if you say that he would have to approve of this I would not be sure about that. I say so since other sources have told me, indirectly of course, that there has been mods implemented into the Technic pack without the mod creators consent. This is technically legal to do since mods, minecraft mods in particular, can not be sold and the creators do not have any official rights to their mods so anyone can say that they made it or do whatever they want with it other than sell it.

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Oh. I understand now but may I add that I merely wanted the mod to be implemented in the launcher along with hack/mine, Tekkit, Technic, etc. Also if you say that he would have to approve of this I would not be sure about that. I say so since other sources have told me, indirectly of course, that there has been mods implemented into the Technic pack without the mod creators consent. This is technically legal to do since mods, minecraft mods in particular, can not be sold and the creators do not have any official rights to their mods so anyone can say that they made it or do whatever they want with it other than sell it.

BTW will never be part of technic in any way shape or form. The devs have been clear about this, and really, it's better this way.
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Hopefully this will be one of the last posts on this subject since it seems as if has reached a conclusion. It does not matter what Flower Child uses to distribute his mod the files are all that you need to "steal" his mod that is all.

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BTW isn't kept out of Technic out of respect for FC's wishes. The mod is terribly coded. It doesn't play well with other mods. There's no value in trying to make a modpack that contains one mod. Besides, the way we see it around here, having your mod included in the pack is a benefit to the mod and modmaker, and we're not really interested in doing FlowerChild any favors.

And it is true that permission was not obtained from mod authors when these packs were initially put together, but this wasn't really out of a desire to steal. Technic was originally a private pack shared among friends that accidently became public and popular, due mostly in part to the Yogscast showcasing it.

There's a lot of back and forth in some sectors of the modding community about the "evil" technic pack and the way it "steals" people's mods. Some people have a virulent hate for the pack and rage about it on the drop of a hat. It's mostly irrational, but the creators of the pack aren't eager to make a bunch of excuses for using mods without permission. They're not exactly going super legit and dropping every mod until permission is given either but they're doing what they can to become more "legit" as it were by trying to get the mod authors on board and give their blessing. This pack is about providing a service to the Minecraft community, to help more players gain access to some great mods. We're not out to start a war to separate the community.

If you like BTW, then you can probably install it on your own. And good luck getting many other mods to work along side it.

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I truly don not care too much for BTW it is merely that I wanted to give it a go. Installing it from what I have hear is a major pain in the arse so that is why I hoped for it to be implemented into the launcher since I am quite lazy when it comes to certain things especially when it does not work every time I try to do it.

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