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[1.0.9c] Private whitelisted server! 15+ [Whitelist]

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I have recently opened up a private server for a few friends and am looking to expand to some players, if interested please fill out the application below.



Reason for wanting to join:

favorite mod:

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):



Remember the more thought in ur app the better chances of getting in :)


forgot to mention, we also have no plugins installed.



- no greifing

- dont prank too far

- dont steal other peoples stuff

- cant break into other peoples houses(find a legit way in)

- dont exploit bugs/glitches

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IGN: Josh_Lamb

Age: 16

Reason for wanting to join: Played on an Ultimate FTB Server a while back, and looking to get back into some fun modded Minecraft and a server experience.  The way you described your server is not too many people but still a good amount to have a fun time, and it would be nice to play on!

favorite mod: Galacticraft (Although Tinkerer's Construct is a close second)

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): Started playing Tekkit, then to Yogbox, then to Ultimate FTB, And Single player with Technic. Two years or so

Skype(Y/N): No skype but could download if needed.

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Reason for wanting to join:i love attack of the b-team but hate the greffing so i what to go on a whitelisted sever to have fun im lookin for a surver where we can have a fun time and help peaple when there stuck

favorite mod:advaned gen/thermal expantoin  they work well together

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):tekkit 2.7


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IGN: Melodramatic_One

Age: 18

Reason for wanting to join: Played with Josh_Lamb on the FTB Ultimate and enjoyed the modded exp. Now looking for a server to build on and have fun in free time with a good player base!

favorite mod: Microblocks (for building ofc)

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): Played FTB Ultimate with exp with all of them, Watched series of Attack of the B Team about a years worth

Skype(Y/N): I can message if needed, prefer not  to put it out for everyone :P

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IGN: shovel241

Age: 16

Reason for wanting to join: I've been on quite a few of these servers that are unreliable and laggy, with way too many people on. I want a community where I can feel safe, along with knowing that the server will be up more often than not. I want to make friends and explore these mods with others. 

Favorite Mod: It's a tie between MicroBlocks (due to me being a pro builder) and Tinker's Construct, but I'm relatively new so I'm sure I'll find new joys in other mods.

Modded Experience: Very limited, but I'm a fast learner and don't need much guidance to get to higher levels of knowledge.

Skype: Yes I do have it.

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IGN: Vionic94

Age: 19

Reason for wanting to join: I enjoy small servers and im tired of being griefed

favorite mod: Thermal expansion and Tinkers construct

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): for about 2-5 weeks


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IGN: Tripork2000

Age: 15

Reason for wanting to join: I have been looking for an Attack of the BTeam server with a limited community for a while now, and hope to make many friends. (Definately not gonna prank any of them ;) )

favorite mod: If I had to chose a favorite mod, its between Chisel and Carpenters Blocks.

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I have much experience with most mods in the pack. I have been experimenting with a lot of things lately.

Skype(Y/N): Yes, I have a Skype account.

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Reason for wanting to join:I love attack of the b team and i hate grifers so i hade be fun to play with guys/girls that dont grif

favorite mod:Flans mod and TC

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):2 years with my other user

Skype(Y/N):Yes i have skype

Plz Respond

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IGN: TheTrollMan18 (No, I'm not a troll and I am not going to grief your server)

Age: 16

Reason for wanting to join: I love playing in community and obviously the fact that i can make new friends while playing my favorite game is just exciting.

Favorite mods: Carpenter's blocks, morphing, statues and basically all the building mods because I love building.

Skype (Y/N): Yes, I do have Skype


I'll love to join the server so I'll more than appreciate if you choose me to be on the server

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IGN: Its_Dewz

Age: 16


Reason for wanting to join: I would love to join a small server to play on because single player is fairly bland


favorite mod: My favorite mod has to be Tinkers Construct. I really enjoy making all kinds of tools and weapons. Lots of fun.


mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I've been playing mods for about a year now using modpacks on the Technic Launcher and FTB along with making some of my own modpacks.


Skype(Y/N): Its Dewz

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IGN: VinylAltoids


Reason for wanting to join:Playing single player has been a drag. Also most mods are meant for multiplayer and would like to have some fun with others.

favorite mod: Minefactory Reloaded =P

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I have been playing with much mod packs such as Direwolf20, Horizon, and Monster pack. 

Skype(Y/N):I do have an account but I do not use it. Will use for team accounts and etc.

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IGN: Shiftykid34

Age: 15

Reason for wanting to join: I want to join a small community server because im sick of joining servers with 500 people (plus there will be less lag)

Favorite mod: Flans

Mod Experience: i have played tekkit, voltz, tachnic, takkit classic and other mods for 3 years

Skype: I have a account but dont use it.

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IGN: RedstoneCove

Age: 14

Reason for wanting to join: To be honest, single player doesn't even compare to how fun multi-player is. I want to be part of a community that's fun, and does n't instantly kill you and destroys any and every piece of work you done in a matter of minutes. Most of the mosts in the modpack are designed to be used with other people, not alone, and that's why I want to join this server. I want a server that will accept me into a small community and will help each other out, not randomly dying and getting wrecked. thus why I am choosing your server! :D

favorite mod: I have two, in general, the Morph mod by iChun, but not something that's too vague, hands down it's the Witchery mod! (I won't troll too much XD)

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I've been playing with mods about 4 years now, and it definitely makes Minecraft even more fun!

Skype(Y/N): Sadly, no Skype man, my Skype has been way too buggy lately, usually crashes my PC :/



Thanks for taking to the time to read this if you did man. (Also, I have a friend named TheCraftedSentry who wants to join too, I'll have to teach him about some of the mods if he gets accepted too, we just can't find a good server for us to be on lately, well... without abusive owners and spawn killing!)

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IGN: ghostxbox

Age: 16

Reason for wanting to join: I'v been looking for a small community to play in becuase larger ones aren't as fun.

favorite mod: Fossil and Archeology Mod

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I'v been playing with mods (In general) for a year, alternating between Voltz, FTB Unleashed, Tekkit, Horizon, and mods that I played for reg minecraft (No mod pack).

Skype(Y/N): Yes its ghostxbox

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IGN: Jbgoalie
Age: 16

Reason for wanting to join: Love Modded minecraft and attack of the B team, i watch Genny B and Bdubs i see how much fun they have on their server and think it would be alot more fun with other people to play with/against.

favorite mod:Flans/Morph

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): ever since i got minecraft

Skype(Y/N): nope

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IGN: Darchangel2

Age: 26

Reason for wanting to join: I have gotten bored with vanilla, and have been playing around in single player, and am really looking forward to the B-team mod with other people. I think a lot of the mods in this are really geared towards playing in a small community if people and that there is a ton of potential for the different things that can be done

favorite mod: I really like tinker's construct and morphmod. Minions looks pretty useful too

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I've been playing b-team for about 3 weeks, no other mods before this one

Skype(Y/N): yes

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IGN: Sckeetmore


Reason for wanting to join: been playing single player for way too long and it kinda gets boring after a while all by yourself and would love to find a whitelist serve to join i tried some but it was an open to everyone and i hated it thats why i would love to find a nice good whitelist server to join i love helping others and its nice to have someone else there to help me with something i don't know and plus i have a lot of free time one my hands lately i just got out of the army and i spend a lot of time playing Attack of the B-teamand i just think it would be great to play with a cool cummunity 

favorite mod: Open Blocks

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods):about 1 1/2 years played a lot of Feed The Beast plus i keep up to date with BdoubleO100 and generikb on youtube been watching them for almost two years now


thank you for taking the time to look over this hope to hear from you soon

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IGN: Meian
Age: 23
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a new server to join since the on I was playing on is down 50% of the time :L
favorite mod: Biomes O' Plenty
mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I've been playing for a bit. I'm fairly competent with Tinkers and a few others.
Skype(Y/N): N
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IGN: sawconrad

Age: 22

Reason for wanting to join: Big fan of the creativity that goes into mods and how well they work with each other. Would love to be able to join in on some fun experiences with others. I can record gameplay, dont know if I ever plan on it though.

favorite mod: Thermal expansion, MFR, and Project Red.

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): Ever since the old Tekkit and in between FTB.

Skype(Y/N): Yes.


Not sure if you're still wanting new people, but if so just let me know :)

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Reason for wanting to join: I enjoy friendly communities in which I can build and expand my knowledge

favorite mod:Attack on B-team/Pixelmon

mod experience(how long have u been playing with mods): I have been playing with mods off and on for about 2-3 years


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