Curunir Posted July 6, 2014 Author Posted July 6, 2014 (edited) The musket from Balkon's weapon mod is a great little boomstick to fend off the hordes in early game. While it often takes two shots to kill armoured zombies and skeletons, you can take out anything else, including creepers and ghasts (!) with a single bullet. It takes just iron, wood and flint to make, and you will need paper and gunpowder for the bullets, along with some more iron (and be glad Tekkit didn't make it so that you need to use those precious lead ingots). Then go creeper hunting, harvest some more gunpowder and turn Minecraft into a first person shooter. However, that musket is not a machine gun. After each shot you need to reload by keeping the attack button pressed until it clicks again. So find yourself a 3-4 block pole to stand on when there are actual hordes rushing you, or try to kite them. Improvement suggestion for Tekkit devs (or maybe for Balkon): Add recipes for different classes of bullets, based off different metals, with (depleted?) Uranium or maybe Cyanite as the basis for a nasty radiating slug of accelerated death. Edited August 11, 2014 by Curunir Quote
Curunir Posted July 9, 2014 Author Posted July 9, 2014 Did you know that the basic unit of time in Minecraft is the "tick"? By default, 20 of those occur every second, but the server can and will decrease that number if it's unable to process everything at that speed. In vanilla Minecraft, players need not pay special attention to the time system. But ticks are important in Tekkit, as they are the heartbeat for power generation and consumption. All values given with /t at the end are meant per tick. So a Dynamo running at 80 RF/t will produce 80 Redstone Flux every tick, or a default 1600 per second. A Laser Drill Precharger consumes up to 5000 RF/t, which is no less than 100000 RF each second, to power its massive laser. Likewise, liquid flow is measured in mB/t, which is Millibuckets per tick. 2000 of those, as is e.g. the Turbine maximum for steam, means that each and every second, forty buckets worth of that liquid are pumped through. Still wondering why your measly water source fails to power that Turbine? Quote
Curunir Posted July 11, 2014 Author Posted July 11, 2014 Did you know that zombies and zombie pigmen will turn into harmless snowmen upon contact with Gelid Cryotheum? No need to bring them near the source blocks. They will also immediately drop dead. No loot or XP to be gained that way, just a few snowballs. But you will be rid of them. Quote
badkruka Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Did you know that you can produce alot more mob essence then the cost to spawn a cloned version of a large slime in an auto-spawner, by letting diamond sword turtle/turtles first attacking them into small slimes and let a grinder kill the small ones and mfr sewers make mob essence of the exp balls comming from turtle killing large and medium slimes. Quote
Gobs Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Did you know that a MFR mob grinder can take all the frustration out of enchanting your best gear? By killing zombies and skeletons in a grinder, one of the (often ignored) drops is equipment, much of it enchanted. At a fraction of the cost of randomly enchanting your gear in an enchanter, you can strip the enchantments you want off of the mob drops to a book (combine them for higher level enchants) and then place them on your desired equipment; all powered by mob essence. Quote
Slayster Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 Did you know that you can pick the shape of a Carpenter's Block before placing it rather than using the Carpenter's Hammer? I discovered this accidently last night. With a Carpenter's Slope on your hotbar if you hold shift and use your scroll wheel it will rotate through all the shapes a block can be. M1r077 and Melfice 2 Quote
EvilOwl Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 (edited) Did you know that you can avoid the near bedrock fog and particles blinding you to see nothing under your base. Go ahead and build a skylight / roof window (or whatever you call them). Build a square of glass in your roof and some glass on the floor under the skylight for the sun to peek to your basement. No bedrock fog at low levels. Minimum one glass block in early game just above the vertical shaft with ladders will eliminate thick fog for several blocks underground. Level 2 above bedrock: Before: After: Edited July 18, 2014 by bochen415 The_Doctors_Life 1 Quote
Moderators AetherPirate Posted July 18, 2014 Moderators Posted July 18, 2014 You can edit forgechuckloading.cfg to allow MASSIVE quarry sizes far beyond 64x64? I just play my own single player game. No idea what havoc this would wreak on a server. Quote
Curunir Posted July 18, 2014 Author Posted July 18, 2014 Did you know that bathing in Mob Essence grants the Night Vision buff? This is extremely useful, because Mob Essence is accessible via XP Extractor (and buckets) very early in game, and you might opt to always carry the green bucket while spelunking. It will obsidianize lava just water, and if used well, Night Vision is invaluable to find ores, spot enemies and generally be successful. Another use for it is flooding your Quarry pit. In case you dive in there to manually silk-touch the Certus Quartz and Redstone Ores out, you will have found long ago that a water-filled Quarry is pitch dark as it gets lower and the water layer grows too thick. With permanent Night Vision while swimming down there, that problem is gone. Try to also get the Respiration and Aqua Affinity enchantments on your helmet to maximize efficiency down there. Quote
Curunir Posted July 19, 2014 Author Posted July 19, 2014 Did you know that Microblocks are a way to make Slabs and even smaller partial blocks out of most materials? Put (nearly) any block in a crafting grid and place a saw above it to cut it in half, and repeat for another split. Depending on how you cut, you will get Slabs, Planks, Covers, Stripes, Corners and so forth. You can use Microblocks to create stairs out of blocks that have no stair recipes, and generally for decoration. The most common use, however, is encasing Thermal Expansion Conduits and Itemducts/Fluiducts in Covers to hide them. Craft Slabs or Covers in a ring of 8 (like the Furnace recipe) to turn them into hollow ones, which will allow a cable to pass. Makes for nice "wall sockets" to place your machines against. There are actually two Microblocks mods in Tekkit right now. The core one is Forge Microblocks, which uses degrading saws to cut up the blocks (available in several tiers up to diamond, not all of which can cut all blocks). Those are compatible with aforementioned TE pipes. Then there is Immibis Microblocks, which uses the non-degrading Hacksaw. If you want to encase ME Cable or Rednet Cable, you have to use the Immibis blocks, because the Forge ones are incompatible with those due to an unresolved bug. Apart from that, Forge Microblocks is the recommended of the two mods. Quote
EvilOwl Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 (edited) Did you know that the Division Sigil activation ritual sacrifice must be made with an vanilla sword? No other modded tools should work in that case. Got info about Power Tool from MPS working here so that looks like only Redstone Asenal tools are no go. Keep in mind the resulting cursed earth properties. Edited July 21, 2014 by bochen415 Quote
Curunir Posted July 21, 2014 Author Posted July 21, 2014 (edited) Allow me to plug right into that. Did you know that Cursed Ground is the most potent mob spawner in the game? It can only be (regularly) obtained by performing the ritual to activate an Extra Utilities Division Sigil, so you may want to think about where to perform that. Ideally, set up a mob farm around the place before you create the Cursed Ground, and have a way to escape quickly. They really spawn a lot once the curse is cast. Edited July 28, 2014 by Curunir Quote
HeatHunter Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 (edited) did you know, that you can harvest cursed earth with the silk touch enchantment and use it somewhere else? It'll still spread on dark grass/dirt, even in other dimensions. you can use this behavior to produce it without risk on your space station (as no mobs spawn there) (I did not try to perform the ritual there) However, be careful where you use it, the spawnrate is quick, and it will hurt you when you step on it (it will be consumed in that case) also it burns in direct sunlight and converts to dirt if theres too much light around... Edited July 21, 2014 by HeatHunter Quote
Curunir Posted July 21, 2014 Author Posted July 21, 2014 Did you know that there is a way in Extra Utilities to silence annoying sounds? There is a placeable Sound Muffler block, cheap to craft and universally useful. Just put it down near the source of the annoying sound, be it a noisy animal farm or the moaning of the inmates in your mob prison. Sounds will not be completely silenced, but muffled a great deal, as the name suggests. Range is not too great, so you might need a few. If your home is in a rainy biome, you might get tired of the ceaseless sound of rain at some point. While you can't silence the skies, you can enjoy some quiet while near a Rain Muffler. Ain't that nice? Quote
EvilOwl Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 Did you know you can right click the Rain Muffler to silence rain everywhere? Right click again to remove the magical wool from your ears. The_Doctors_Life 1 Quote
Moderators AetherPirate Posted July 23, 2014 Moderators Posted July 23, 2014 If you are having MFFS trouble (holes and other odd behavior), and you are deploying it close to bedrock, you'll need to translate it upwards. Bugged me for days. Quote
Curunir Posted July 23, 2014 Author Posted July 23, 2014 (edited) Did you know that combining several mods' power will allow you to build a Golden Apple factory in Tekkit? You can transmute Obsidian into Iron, and that into Gold, using >Equivalent Exchange 3. With an Obsidian generator at your disposal, you can create a nearly limitless Gold supply. A Minefactory Reloaded autofarm, even a quite basic one, can plant and harvest oaks for you, which will yield some Apples (or a lot, depending on farm size and whether or not you use a Fertilizer). Now pipe these into a Cyclic Assembler with the Golden Apple recipe, and don't forget plenty of storage on the rear end for all those Golden Apples. Why ever eat anything else? Alright, Cooked Meat Ingots have their appeal, too. But making those is more fiddly, with all those dirty animals that tend to misbehave. Incidentally, building this is a good exercise to check if you are literate in Tekkit. It uses what I consider the three key mods in the pack, namely Thermal Expansion, Minefactory Reloaded and Equivalent Exchange. Once you can wield those three, there is little you cannot do. Edited July 23, 2014 by Curunir Quote
Curunir Posted July 26, 2014 Author Posted July 26, 2014 Did you know that when inside any Thermal Expansion machine interface, you can quickly set the sides to "no connections" by shift-clicking them? Especially nice in complex machines where you otherwise have to toggle through up to six settings. Doomzzday01 1 Quote
EvilOwl Posted July 28, 2014 Posted July 28, 2014 Did you know strongboxes have a really long or don't have a despawn time at all? You can be killed and return in-game weeks later to retrieve them even in a force loaded chunk. They are also lava and cryo-proof. I've found out from Curunir >here and had an unpleasant event with one of them recently. Dropped in the water 40 blocks down it was just sitting there for about an in-game week in a quarry-loaded chunk. Quote
Curunir Posted August 10, 2014 Author Posted August 10, 2014 (edited) Did you know that you can produce fifth-level enchantments (level V) in an Auto-Anvil? The mechanism is usable to turn any two identical enchantments into one with a +1 level, e.g. two Sharpness III will become one Sharpness IV. As the Auto-Enchanter does not produce level V enchantments, putting two level IV into the Auto-Anvil is the only way to obtain those. Only weapon enchantments even have a level V, but those are quite useful when fighting the Ender Dragon or the Wither. For instance, Smite V on your sword will make that Wither fight somewhat easier to finish. It is highly recommended to only auto-enchant and anvil-craft enchantment books, not the actual items. Only when you have produced the desired enchantments at their final levels, use the Auto-Anvil to apply them to the items you want them on. Edited August 10, 2014 by Curunir Quote
Digdug83 Posted August 10, 2014 Posted August 10, 2014 You can do this with a regular anvil as well. I wasn't sure if you meant in Tekkit or period so I thought I'd clarify Quote
Curunir Posted August 10, 2014 Author Posted August 10, 2014 Regular Anvils serve exactly one purpose in Tekkit: Being a crafting ingredient for the MFR Auto-Anvil. Ok, a second purpose would be to drop them on somebody's head. Quote
Kezr Posted August 10, 2014 Posted August 10, 2014 It is highly recommended to only auto-enchant and anvil-craft enchantment books, not the actual items. Only when you have produced the desired enchantments at their final levels, use the Auto-Anvil to apply them to the items you want them on. I have to disagree with you there. If you are looking for a weapon enchant you want to be enchanting a gold sword, and then use an auto-disenchanter to get the enchantment onto a book. This way you wont be getting 9000+ books with armor enchants. Regular Anvils serve exactly one purpose in Tekkit: Being a crafting ingredient for the MFR Auto-Anvil. Ok, a second purpose would be to drop them on somebody's head. What about renaming? Can the auto-anvil do that? Quote
Curunir Posted August 11, 2014 Author Posted August 11, 2014 (edited) Rename is the one feature that the Auto-Anvil cannot do. As for using items and the Auto-Disenchanter: Works of course, but you usually want the full course - weapon, armour and one or more Silk Touch books, so a few stacks of books are my recommendation. You can always use the surplus books to make Magical Wood later. Edited August 11, 2014 by Curunir Quote
Silmenume Posted August 11, 2014 Posted August 11, 2014 Did you know quarrying in the ICE PLAINS biomes can crawl to a virtual stand still because if you are using water to deal with lava? Any still water blocks are susceptible to becoming ice blocks which then causes the quarry to pull all the way back to the surface to break the block and head back down. As the quarry gets near level 20 or so the time travel of the gantries back and forth can all but stall out any additional quarrying. Quote
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