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RUDE OP,out of line and not needed topic


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Re: Adding DNS tech pack into lancher

Im sorry Ragner this is kinda a sugestion tab look on page 2 and see what the kid put...

He put "can you all Better than Wolves?" go bag on him!

I'd wail on him if other mods hadn't already.

Also goddamn what kind of Unicode characters are you using to see the 2nd a in my name as an e?

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Re: Adding DNS tech pack into lancher

Sorry about that i know a kid named Ragner an that is how he spells that im sorry (not trying to be rude. Im acctually meaning it and whats up with the server anyway)

First bit I understand, but the last part mystifies me. Are you talk about M.O.Me?

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Re: Adding DNS tech pack into lancher

Yeah sorry im very tired and can u change my bio thats a little much and i may not agree with you on everything but im one of the better tekkit and technic players

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Re: Adding DNS tech pack into lancher

Yeah sorry im very tired and can u change my bio thats a little much and i may not agree with you on everything but im one of the better tekkit and technic players

No, keep it. It's hilarious. Just like claiming "im one of the better tekkit and technic players" in a sandbox game.

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From PM's.

Dude ragnar is out of control look at my post about the DNS tech pack i don't think that rudness is required...

Ragnar you're a loose cannon! A renegade! You're off the force! Hand in your badge! By god I know that wont keep you away from this case. All you care about is results and you don't care about following the rules to get the job done. You make your own rules. Also you don't follow them.

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