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  • 1 month later...

Hey Symantix, not sure if you and I had the same problem, but I got WorldEdit to work on my server today about an hour ago. I provided a link to the thread, but to sum up there are two .zips. WorldEditCUI -1.2.5.zip which is for client and worldedit-5.3.zip which is for server. The worldedit-5.3.zip comes with a README.html. Its super easy. Just put the WordEdit.jar into plugin folder found in your server folder, then run server. It will create a .yml file that you can edit as you see fit. Just use the README.html and you will be golden. Again not sure if we had same problem, but thought I would share anyway.



  "Andithesis said:
Hey Symantix, not sure if you and I had the same problem, but I got WorldEdit to work on my server today about an hour ago. I provided a link to the thread, but to sum up there are two .zips. WorldEditCUI -1.2.5.zip which is for client and worldedit-5.3.zip which is for server. The worldedit-5.3.zip comes with a README.html. Its super easy. Just put the WordEdit.jar into plugin folder found in your server folder, then run server. It will create a .yml file that you can edit as you see fit. Just use the README.html and you will be golden. Again not sure if we had same problem, but thought I would share anyway.


The OP is talking about the Client Gui for Worldedit " WorldEditCUI"


  "jorty said:
This is something that works, I have it set up on my personal server, follow instructions here: www.minecraftforum.net/topic/885099-125-worldeditcui-worldedit-client-user-interface-v125

P.S. This is also the first google hit when you search for "worldeditcui" maybe try that first next time...

that is exactly what I tried, with the latest worldedit release applied to the server, and got nothing. is there a setting that needs to be changed or an alternate installation sequence for tekkit that will get this working?


  "Symantix said:
that is exactly what I tried, with the latest worldedit release applied to the server, and got nothing. is there a setting that needs to be changed or an alternate installation sequence for tekkit that will get this working?

Did you really use the latest? That is: WorldEdit 5.4 Snapshot? It's this build: http://build.sk89q.com/job/WorldEdit/ and you place the worldedit.jar in your plugins folder and WorldCUI goes in your client. If you go to the %AppData%/roaming/.techniclauncer/tekkit/bin folder, you'll find a file called modpack.jar. You have to put WorldCui in there. DO NOT put it in minecraft.jar. It works almost perfectly for me. I say almost because sometimes the selection I want to do doesn't work properly. That's simple to solve: Do your selection again, but this time start selecting on the other side.


  "Iscamania said:
Did you really use the latest? That is: WorldEdit 5.4 Snapshot? It's this build: http://build.sk89q.com/job/WorldEdit/ and you place the worldedit.jar in your plugins folder and WorldCUI goes in your client. If you go to the %AppData%/roaming/.techniclauncer/tekkit/bin folder, you'll find a file called modpack.jar. You have to put WorldCui in there. DO NOT put it in minecraft.jar. It works almost perfectly for me. I say almost because sometimes the selection I want to do doesn't work properly. That's simple to solve: Do your selection again, but this time start selecting on the other side.

I was using latest, works after installing in the modpack jar, thanks.

  • 4 weeks later...

  "Iscamania said:
Did you really use the latest? That is: WorldEdit 5.4 Snapshot? It's this build: http://build.sk89q.com/job/WorldEdit/ and you place the worldedit.jar in your plugins folder and WorldCUI goes in your client. If you go to the %AppData%/roaming/.techniclauncer/tekkit/bin folder, you'll find a file called modpack.jar. You have to put WorldCui in there. DO NOT put it in minecraft.jar. It works almost perfectly for me. I say almost because sometimes the selection I want to do doesn't work properly. That's simple to solve: Do your selection again, but this time start selecting on the other side.

[Edit] When I do this. It spits out errors about modloader and such.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Sorry if this really is long overdue, but i found a solution to the problem.

1) Download this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26818073/WorldEditCUI/WorldEditCUI-1.2.5.zip

2) go to %appdata%\roaming\.technic\tekkit\bin and open modpack.jar with 7zip or your favorite program for that stuff

3) then, from the downloaded files, extract the items from the classes folder into the modpack.jar

4) Close all that, and run tekkit!

5) You should now see your selection appear, when you select something with worldedit

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