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Everything posted by sct

  1. Wow a screenshot of a file. How can I possibly argue with that!
  2. This is an issue with minecrafts login servers. Nothing you can do until they stop being terrible.
  3. I am having a hard time understanding what the problem is? Can you not log in? Not place railcraft blocks? Did you convert a world?
  4. That error is normal and I don't know how you are possibly using bukkit 1.2.5-R3.0. In fact I am just going to assume you have no idea what you are talking about and move on.
  5. As far as I can tell this is completely unrelated to Tekkit. Go report this to the Jobs developer.
  6. Use Chunkloaders. Your chunk is unloading when you get a certain distance any from it.
  7. How are we supposed to help you when: 1) You didn't submit a proper bug report 2) You literally told us nothing about your computer and expect us to guess 3) You are posting this in the wrong section
  8. But why do all that when RP2 has a light sensor now? :iiam:
  9. sct

    please help

    Its your firewall. Disable it. K
  10. Congratulations on creating a completely incomprehensible and terrible post. You get my star of approval (a good ole' kellerin) edit: "This is a GREAT alternative to the technic pack and tekkit because you don't have to have there shitty spout installer." http://dnstechpack.weebly.com/
  11. You should give us your log so we could... you know... help.
  12. Re: cant use plugins like treeassist/Chop tree (mcMMO tree feller) You didn't submit a bug report. How am I supposed to know what version of Tekkit you are using?
  13. Adjust your optifine render distance. (Options -> Video Settings-> Render Distance) Tada :toot:
  14. You don't have Java 7. If you had Java 7 you wouldn't be getting that error. So get Java 7.
  15. You can try finding a bukkit plugin that hides... plugins. I think those exist somewhere.
  16. sct

    ChopTree problems

    The old ChopTree is not compatible with this version of Bukkit. Get ChopTree2 and rejoice.
  17. This topic has been moved to Tekkit BUG BOARD. [iurl]http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php?topic=11864.0[/iurl]
  18. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,11658.0.html Read this thread and learn to post in the bug section next time.
  19. We use a fork of the Spoutcraft Launcher. NOT the client. As far as I know the SRV record stuff is all in the client and not the launcher.
  20. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,11658.0.html Read this and next time put in some effort and submit a proper bug report.
  21. Well the reason I asked was because he may not know that NEI is locked to recipe mode for non-ops. :v:
  22. According to another smart dood it has something to do with OpenJDK (like I said earlier) Try switching to Oracles Java 7?
  23. No, you should read the rules.
  24. May I ask why you don't want NEI?
  25. There is a fix two posts above yours. Is yours any different?
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