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Everything posted by sct

  1. Why are you yelling at me? :cry:
  2. You know what would be super great? A proper bug report!~
  3. sct

    Server Spawn

    I assume you kept a backup of your map? Try doing this http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,11617.0.html
  4. It is related with the Item balls from EE and a fix is being worked on. Also please learn to submit a proper bug report. :v:
  5. Its not the server it's just optifine. Just increase the render distance?
  6. http://www.technicpack.net/a-note-on-forestry/ This should answer your question.
  7. And make terrible threads about them.
  8. I understand (perhaps) the sexual reference of a 69. What is the sexual reference of a 69999?
  9. Why is that in any way special. Wouldn't 70k be a much better number?
  10. No. it will only cause problems if you put something else in that uses the same ID.
  11. Um. What?
  12. sct

    loading error

    Why are you using the tekkit dev build?
  13. Logistic pipes are not in SMP. Don't know why that guy recommended it.
  14. What? This can't be accurate.
  15. Are you saying that there are GIRLS on the internet?
  16. This is really slick. Looking forward to trying it out!
  17. sct

    iPod app

    PHP is a programming language. Why(how) would it be a WYSIWYG style service?
  18. Oh no not my IP ADRESSS!
  19. Hey bud you should not sign your posts! Maybe also submit a proper bug report! And then, maybe you can make sure that the Nether is even enable like the guy above me said!
  20. Looks to me like you messed with files in your config folder man. That's a bad thing to do!
  21. In Tekkit? I dont think sooooo
  22. Uh, wow. Jeez.
  23. It's 1.1-R4.
  24. Are you doing it right? I see buildcraft pipes.... so... probably not?
  25. sct

    A Conversation.

    I know it sucks but they have decided to stay on 1.1 dude. It's stable and reliable. Could you really ask for anything else?
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