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Everything posted by Yuriy

  1. RE: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/can-only-allocate-1583-mb.23314/#post-180736

    Yeah, I try to be quick when I'm around. Either way, until the OP puts in some effort and some info, can't really do much for him/her.

    1. The_New_Pro


      Tis the way of life around here wanting help But unable to help us help them.

    2. Yuriy


      Funny that you say that because that's the number one thing that pissed me off in the forum ;p

  2. As a casual player, I normally don't stay on servers for long. Often, I'm "hired" to create some sort of creative structure or area with the help of my girlfriend and we do it because we want other people to be able to enjoy our work (when I'm taken on for creative work I don't actually play, I'm an op flying around building stuff). When I play, it's usually with a small group of people who I become friends with but only then will I come back and play with them but, even then, only in sporadic bursts. More often than not, I play MC when I just want a simple break from other games and/or when I want to build something creative with my girl. Although I'm probably not your 'target market/audience' for feedback on a casual user experience, in such a circumstance, the most important thing to convince me to play with a group of people more than once would be community and creativity. If there aren't any projects my new friends want to plan out or work on, I get bored and go find some (sometimes on the server, sometimes elsewhere). In short, if we all have a goal and we all enjoy each others' company, we'll play together again. I met a group of friends in a random FTB game and we still talk but I just haven't played with them in about 1-2 months (I feel kind of bad because I laid out a cool new HQ style for them but we never finished the roof and final touches).
  3. Post the specs and relevant info and we can try. I only get this to servers that are overloaded with tech (try turning it off, then loading into the world) and servers that are running near their bandwidth limits. I believe it's not only about the bandwidth available to the server but the bandwidth to your connection so a ping and route trace might reveal that with more hops you might be losing packets causing the world to not load. Either way, I hope some of the better computer techies can offer some input as to the direct cause because I don't know it all. Either way, they'll need info with which to draw a reasonable conclusion so provide everything you can and we can actually take a crack at it.
  4. I've seen this before on FTB servers with a lot of machinery going (for that server, the darkboxes were the worst culprits). Is there any machinery or tech in the area that may be overloading the server? It could also be a connection issue to your friend's server caused by his bandwidth (or yours). If you have his PC specs and RAM allocations for his server and client, that may help. Furthermore, do you have this problem if he is not running the client on his computer at the time?
  5. I self host so I only know a bit about hosts and such. If you have FTP access or something along those lines, you may be able to upload the jar zipped and then extract it if uploading a jar straight up doesn't work right. If I had that kind of trouble with a host, I'd hit them up and have them install the files for me. Glad to have helped and hope it all works out for you.
  6. You're welcome :D

    Happy mining.

  7. I don't know what will help them read more shy of improved educational standards in their respective countries. If you want, make a guide post on it. Feel free to copy my stuff over as a baseline if you'd like (just please give credit). I haven't been by a lot this week (GW2 release) so I may not be as active for a few.
  8. Yes. If you're talking about a server-side installation, Don't touch or delete META-INF!
  9. You do realize being new isn't license to behave as you wish and expect others who've been here longer to suck it up and coddle you, right? There's a board for posting servers and that's where a well-formatted post regarding your server should go...I believe it should include a picture or two as well but I can't recall the server-posting guidelines. Give those a read before you have at it again. Edit: Hi, J, how's things?
  10. For b, when you click the item, it takes time (and BC energy) to craft the item. You also have to make sure there's sufficient water inside the carpenter. Unless you describe your problems in greater detail, most people won't know what you're describing.
  11. What items? Some require a carpenter with a BC energy source and water.
  12. Delete EE2 from the server mods folder. Carry on.
  13. http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/ See where it says "Tekkit Server 3.1.2" on the right side? I got there by clicking the Tekkit tab on the main page...
  14. You guys that are still getting errors (for one reason or another), did you do this? http://caliblog.de/2012_08_07/sywt-add-forestry-to-tekkit-3-1/ Add zzz_ to the beginning of the filename for the forestry mod? Mill id in config for id conflicts? Delete forestry folder from EE2 zip/jar? I d/led this copy of Forestry for Tekkit and it works fine: https://d186ocprvpb7jc.cloudfront.net/mods/forestry- From: http://minecraft.maeyanie.com/ From: http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki/index.php?n=Main.Downloads
  15. Why do you insist on shouting in every thread you create? Your threads aren't that important. Would you be so kind as to stop doing that.
  16. The above work cannot be copyrighted but not for the reasons you mentioned. Read this: http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf If one's work was subject to copyright, publishing it here or on the internet doesn't require one to use the creative commons license or any other license, one is free to choose how one's copyrighted work is licensed.
  17. Matmos makes the birds sing and the crickets chirp. As for killing the timers' sound: Why not just place them farther away and use wireless redstone. I normally end up tossing mine at the bottom of the chunk they're signalling to and sending the redstone pulse wirelessly because I don't want my machinery irritating me while I'm in my house.
  18. Download the Tekkit server file. Unzip it. Run Launch.bat. Stop the server. Configure it. If they're not on the LAN, port forward. Run the server. Play.
  19. Only in newly generated chunks.
  20. I'm going to try to run one of these through my dense ores age but I want to mess with it a bit so I only have to make it 4 or 8 blocks wide and have it move forward, backward, and sideways so I can just go into a new world, set up, and plow the world before the corruption hits. It is a cool design so I guess you could say I like it. ;p I'm going to try this with the enderchests hooked into an automated sorting and smelting network we're building. My girlfriend and I decided to do away with milking machines and collector flowers and such this playthrough so having a new tech toy to play with should be a lot of fun. Thanks, mate. Also, your mic was very quiet in that video so I had a hard time understanding how you built the machine but I just watched other tutorials on frames to see how to make another version of the inchdrive.
  21. I'm happy for your success. However, the error you posted (outside of code tags or a pastbin) suggests you don't have Java7 installed which nether ores and IC2AdvancedMachine requires. You, in all likelihood, have Java6 installed. If you want to run Tekkit with the two aforementioned mods installed, install Java7. I can't recall the Ubuntu commands to check Java version but I'm sure you can Google it and find out that you're probably not running Java 1.7 (Java 7).
  22. Did you bother installing Java7? I don't have to ask if you bothered reading any of the stickies or posting a proper bug report because I know the answer to that is no. Go read: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/mod_ic2advancedmachines-unsupported-major-minor-version-51-0.2324/ Next time, look around a bit. Click the thing that says "Submit a Bug report" next time. If you post in the wrong place, at least put it in the proper bug reporting format.
  23. Unless your screen resolution, window size, and UI scaling are the same, it might show up like you can make more but you should be able to make the same amount and types of items. He probably just had more items per page if he has fewer pages. Also, before you run into issues, tell him how to turn off mob spawners from showing up. Sounds like he's just not using NEI properly (the search function, recipe, and utility mode). Tell him to stick to utility mode in NEI so he can just left and right click for recipe and utility mode, respectively.
  24. This happened to me yesterday after a hard lock. Check your world for corruption because I had at least 3-4 massive chunk errors which made me abandon the map and start over.
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