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Everything posted by plowmanplow

  1. Don't put large logs into the thread. Use a pastebin service. Upgrade your Forestry.
  2. Change the suffix of the link from ?dl=0 to ?dl=1 Your modpack has a .zip extension, but is in RAR format. All archive files intended for use in the platform must be in ZIP format only. Your /bin/modpack.jar is not correct. The modpack.jar file is simply the correct version of the Forge universal binary JAR file renamed to modpack.jar. I would normally go through the rest of the pack and provide an analysis... but it's just too big and I don't have the stomach for that. Please address the bulleted issues and come back here if you still have difficulties.
  3. You found a correct solution. The other would be to use the updated Forge build (1345) on the server which includes that fix. However, for the sake of future folks finding this thread it does not fix many problems, it simply addresses this one specific issue of certain Forge versions not liking Java 8. That's all.
  4. Just search for it in the Launcher
  5. The contents of your modpack are in a subfolder. All of the required folders (bin, config, mods) must be at the top level of the folder structure inside the modpack archive. Your /bin/ folder should only contain the modpack.jar file. You should remove the string "(1)" (or any other number enclosed by parenthesis) from the mod filenames. This sometimes causes issues. Your Tinker's Construct is ancient.
  6. Don't post multiple threads for the same issue. Don't put long log data into the thread. Use a pastebin service.
  7. Your Big Reactors mod is outdated and not compatible with your version of Forge. Your BuildCraft mod is outdated and not compatible with your version of Forge. Your CodeChickenCore is fatally out of date. Also, I see no NEI (another ChickenBones mod). I assume you intended to add that? Mekanism should be updated. Galacticraft should be updated. Address these issues and come back if you still have problems.
  8. Always provide the API URL or a link to the pack details page when requesting custom modpack assistance. I assume your modpack is: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/redacted-minecraft-server-mods.649484 Why are you making a pack for 1.7.2? Nobody is really targeting that version, there have been no updates/fixes to critical Forge issues, and it's very old. Your /bin/modpack.jar file is named "modpack.jar.jar". Google "windows explorer always show file extensions" to learn how to prevent this issue. Address these issues and come back here if you have troubles.
  9. Try turning off (making an exception for) your antivirus on the modpack folder.
  10. Your /bin/Spinix.jar file should be named modpack.jar. You are using an absolutely ancient version of Tinkers' Construct. You probably want to update Forge as well.
  11. This belongs in Platform Pagoda. Hopefully a nice mod will move it. [13:27:34] [main/INFO] [STDERR/]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: codechicken.core.launch.CodeChickenCorePlugin You are missing the CodeChickenCore mod required by all of ChickenBones mods. (Ender Storage, NEI, WR-CBE, etc.).
  12. I have the updated qCraft if you can't find it. https://github.com/OpenCraft/qCraft/releases
  13. @Enderdragonchan: You are welcome to make your own pack and promote it as you wish. However, harassing folks in their own threads doesn't help anyone. Add to that the fact that your graphics are blatantly ripping off the Technic AotBT graphics, many of your mods are outdated (some fatally so), and that you are lacking some fundamental transport and storage mechanics provides no compelling reason to use your pack when there are much better (IMHO) 1.7.10 re-imaginings of AotBT available.
  14. DimensionGuard may get you at least part of the way there: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226264-dimensionguard
  15. When the game crashes back to the Launcher it should create a crash report in the crash-reports folder. Use a pastebin service to post the contents of the most recent crash and provide the link here. It sounds like your world got corrupted.
  16. @ruarc88: You are missing the Mecha Parts pack which is required by the Titan Content Pack. Trying to do anything from Titans will crash without it. You might want to add Natura's Sulfur to the dustSulfur ore dictionary. ProjectRed released a major bugfix update in the last day or two. Without it you get no Frame Wires or chip upgrades. The version of qCraft you have is not compatible with 1.7.10 and will hard crash the server and/or client if any of the tile entities are interacted with. There is an unofficial update available. Be warned that the DNA Breeder from Advanced Genetics sometimes corrupts or gets into an unknown state requiring the use of MCEdit to fix.
  17. Please only start one thread for the same issue. You will need to provide the API URL or a link to the pack details page in order for us to provide you assistance.
  18. Looks like one of the mods you have installed is not compatible with Forge 1355+ yet.
  19. Your download URL from copy.com needs to have "?download=1" (without quotes) appended to it in order to function properly in the platform. You should not be including the IndustrialCraft API. That is intended for use only by mod developers. You have two different versions of Railcraft in your /mods/ folder. Your Biomes O' Plenty mod is critically out of date. Address these issues and come back if you still have troubles.
  20. @Dwoops: The correct folder structure inside the archive will look like this: --- bin | --- modpack.jar --- config | --- (all your config files) --- mods | --- (all your mods) Being in a subfolder means that the folders: bin, config, mods , are inside another top level folder. That would be bad.
  21. Mediafire is not a valid host for modpacks in the Platform/Launcher. Use copy.com or DropBox. You have NotEnoughItems mod but not the dependency mod CodeChickenCore. You have Hats and Morph mod, but not the dependency mod iChuUtil. You have Thermal Smeltery mod but not the required base mod Tinker's Construct.
  22. Your modpack location URL is invalid. Copy.com links must have "?download=1" (without quotes) appended to them in order to properly function in the platform. You need to be using the "latest" versions of ChickenBones mods. Your OptiFine is out of date and incompatible with the version of Forge you have.
  23. @GunnerBones The second server link you have doesn't work. The first one is missing the /libraries/ folder and its contents.
  24. The proper way to deal with this is usually to configure ore generation for a single type of ore to only be enabled in one mod when/if multiple mods provide that type of ore. There are a few mods which provide a way to unify different mod versions of a single ore/material type (MineFactoryReloaded, Jabba, etc.), but mostly it comes down to modpack configuration. This is not an issue of a mod creator not "caring". A mod creator can't know what other mods a person will include so if a mod needs Copper it has to provide that itself.
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