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Everything posted by TokiWartooth

  1. alternatively, make a round about that pumps the excess back, or even just upgrade to logistics pipe. ME isn't the only option, it may be the best one, but it isn't the only.
  2. ehh even the wiki lacks some helpful things that you can only learn by doing. learn to fail forward, experience the world as something new, minecraft can't kill you, try shit.
  3. wooden pipes need redstone or other engines attached to pump items out.
  4. Funk, also with a really simple LP system added to an ME network you can request from anywhere that items in the ME network be sent to an enderchest, carry a corresponding ender pouch and poof accses your me network from anywhere, only thing is you cannot auto craft from the interface only access what you have but still very handy.
  5. no, dimensional doors are different ID's from iron doors, one doesn't magically turn into the other. D-doors use a different upper half which should be readily available from the front but it doesn't change ID's, you place an iron door it will always be an iron door, same with a D-Door it will always be a d-door.
  6. not really, it's possible to bridge it with logistics pipes but they won't true be linked but logistics pipes are they way to do that.
  7. ME crafting terminals work like a project bench attached to your ME network, you can build a pattern and the build as many as your network has resources for and it will keep the pattern up. Also to note don't rely on fusion yet, there are still some issues to iron out I will try and make a post in the next couple days that shows the results of my research and designs for others to use. EDIT: if tekkit ever gets big reactors those would be 1000x more efficent than atomic science is now, if only because it is designed to be power positive and automated. Fusion takes a ton of balancing to get working.
  8. sorry biofuel is small time now, cascades of fusion reactors bleeding craploads of cheap energy wins now.
  9. green gives you emeralds, rest are up to you to figure out. lol I assume since it is MFR white might be quartz dark blue is prolly lapis red is prolly redstone, it should be intuitive, but also remember it biases the laser towards those ores doesn't just give you only that ore.
  10. Liquiducts once full will not merge with other liquiducts so they can be placed directly adjacent one another.
  11. magma crucibles can be run by magmatics for a net power gain, producing magma from a limitless resource cobblestone, though netherrack is more cost efficient.
  12. I do a 12x12 of cactus an it more than keeps up with 2 reactors, the trick is, fill the reactors full and keep them that way, it uses much less unit cost when they are kept full.
  13. Wear a radiation suit? if you absolutely want to you can turn of radiation in the configs but, that's pretty lame.
  14. optifine is not compatible with mmmps latest version last i checked.
  15. damn magic that looks nice, also what texturepack is that it looks really nice?
  16. they do I'll post my design shortly. It may have to wait imgur doesn't want to upload atm.
  17. Builder has been broken for a looooonnng time, unless you see in the patch notes that the builder works and belive me when it works there will be much rejoicing, assume that it will continue to not work.
  18. Ok waaaay too detailed, I already know most of that, however 2 things 1st how did you test the water on top of the reactor causing odd things and be precise here it matters 2nd you are wasting a ton of potential energy by using glass at all on the top and not harvesting steam from the top rows, tomorrow Ill post pics of my current design. The problem I am having is the reactors ask for 200 mj a tick, if you are only putting one REC below each reactor you are only giving them 100 each, that's easy to skim energy of the top, however if you give them what they ask for which is 200 a tick, you can't actually they don't produce enough, that's what I am saying, if they produce the same amount of power at 100mj/t as 200mj/t that would work fine, the real problem I have is why are they asking for more than they need then and where does the problem lay is it the reactors fault or the conduit because if that is the case it is clearly unintended.
  19. So i guess this is a minor thing and feel free to ignore me infavor of these people who have crashing issues, but after doing some poking around in configs and other things, I have a couple of questions relevant for atomic science, and UE stuff. what is the base unit of UE, watts or kilowatts or megawatts? the conversion in the UE config is x100 for buildcraft I assume this means 100mj/t for every 1xx/t but without knowing what that base unit is I have no basis for this. Still having issues with a power positive system, limited tools and documentation, coupled with the code for AS being in an asian language, i think.
  20. Welp fuck me, I decided this was enough fucking around with in game testing thought I would mine some hard data, turns out the programming is done in an asian language and not Japanese, so I have no fucking clue where to look for information about this, pretty much everything on the AS forums is out of date or is measured in UE units which is useless to me without proper conversions this modpack uses. So no hard data on anything about anything involving this mod seems to exist guess ill put off building for a little while longer.
  21. mob grinder + sunlight sensor during the day it turns off at night it grinds anything that spawns, only issue with that is you can grind friendlys if you aren't careful about placement.
  22. It comes down to plasma surface area, the more surface area the more steam thus more power output, I'm not gonna build to max efficiency, mostly because it losses aesthetic appeal at some point usually but that is the simplest way to think about it. would love to see some pics of your design if you have time, overhead and cross sectional are most useful. EDIT: when you say 3x3 do you mean the plasma is directly around the reactor? meaning plasma touching it? I didn't know that was possible if so, I was doing 5x5 rings 3x3 ring of magnets 5x5 open 7x7 magnets, planning on linking the 5x5's between 4 reactors. Doesn't work just tested. EDIT 2: Jak a couple of questions for ya, when you say power positive what is your setup for that? are you testing with a multimeter to make sure the reactors are getting all the energy they are requesting? how is your redstone energy cell array set up, because I just fininshed my test reactor and im still not power positive, and since the multimeter does not show energy active in the pipe I can only see how much is being comsumed I have to assume that my reactor is only outputting about 440 mj/t while the reactors each consume 200 mj/t meaning they consume 800 and produce 440. this is the same problem I ran into before.
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