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Everything posted by disconsented

  1. Go retrieve your login data from mojangs website
  2. A combination of minetweaker and ftb/tekkit restrict plugin's should be able to do that
  3. http://www.sk89q.com/2011/10/economy-in-a-game-like-minecraft/
  4. You will probably want to create a gold sink of some kind, also making food harder to grow may force people to actually consider the specialization
  5. Is your OS and Java 64bit? At least on of them isnt which is the issue
  6. There is not flat amount of RAM require, it entirely depends on what you are doing. Contact your potential host and ASK them how you would go about using custom jar's
  7. IC2, RP2 and EE2 have been removed from the pack because they mainly haven't been updated
  8. Upload the adjusted config files with the pack
  9. So what happens when the servers actual memory usage gets to 9GB? I bet your system freezes unless Java crashes first.
  10. Either: You have not provided a DIRECT download link or You havn't packaged the .zip correctly Also the link says: {"error":"Pack does not exist"}
  11. The only free hosting is no hosting
  12. Check that Failed to load 64 bit library: Can't load library: /Users/owners/Library/Application Support/technic/modpacks/official-crafting-dead-mod/bin/natives/liblwjgl64.jnilib exists
  13. Computer Log The log should be stored in %appdata%/.technic/logs/
  14. uploading them to pastebin.com and giving us the link (specifically we want the latest technic launcher log)
  15. Have you tried giving us your logs so we can figure out the problem?
  16. There is a thread with recommendations, start there
  17. You delete them from the pack folder Also modpack user is a better term, if you were an actual modder you probably would have figured all of this out
  18. I wish all people with less than 5 posts couldn't do status updates and their first post required approval

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Torezu


      I have no idea tbh, but even the ones that get reported and the server posts that aren't to spec are enough for the mods to handle. This "job" is entirely voluntary, and adding moderation for new members would be an overload. Besides, we can just ban them if their first post is either spam or utter crap. :)

    3. freakachu


      I haven't counted, but we get tons of posts a day and many are from people who just signed up to post an issue or get technical support. it would be an eternal nightmare to review each and every one of those posts.

    4. disconsented


      What about:
      A capacha system (like Key Capacha) to help thin out the amount of first post spam or additional moderators to help filter out the bad posts?

  19. Energetic Infuser or somthing like that from TE
  20. 1) Size as in what? Are we talking tons, Inches, Amps? 2) Google is pretty safe bet 3) As long as it supports "custom jar" or modpacks you should be golden
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