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Everything posted by iPwnKatkat

  1. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 From: USA East Coast Time Online: At least 3 Hours everyday IGN: BlazePlaw Age: 12 From: USA East Coast Time Online: At least 3 Hours everyday
  2. Age: 13 IGN: iPwnKatkat Skype: iPwnKatkat Youtube Channel (If you have one): N/A How often will you play on the server?: More than 3 hours on a regular days Are you willing to play fair?: Yes Will you respect other players and their stuff/ builds?: Yes Thank you for reading!
  3. Age: 13 Gender: Female Time Zone: EST (USA) Why would you like me to pick you rather than the rest of the people: Truly, it would be your choice. I will be happy if you accept me but it's fine if you don't What can you bring to this server... i.e... are you funny? Friendly??: If I play on the server I will try to help the members in the server in any way I can if they need help. What makes you special from everyone else: I am very helpful, and I would make a sad person happy again or join him/her so they won't feel lonely if I need to Minecraft Name: iPwnKatkat Additional (Skype): iPwnKatkat Thank you for reading
  4. Application: In-game name : iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Fave color for starter kit: Black or Red Timezone/Country: EST / USA
  5. Thank you for accepting our application but what is the IP?
  6. IGN's: iPwnKatkat & Endermanluv1 & HMRHD Skype: iPwnKatkat & limeee12 & davey.bowen Why you wan't to join: To play in a whitelisted server with people who enjoys playing AOTB with us What do you plan on doing: Building, exploring, basically just playing with the mods provided How often will you play: More than 3 hours a day on regular days Ages of you and your teammates: 13 & 11 & 12 (We're all mature) Extra comments (optional): N/A Genders: Female & Males
  7. IGN : iPwnKatkat Skype : iPwnKatkat Age : 13 Why you want to join : To play AOTB on a whitelisted server with people who likes to play AOTB as well Experience in the Attack of the B Team mod pack : From a scale of 1-10 I would say an 8.5 (I have not played around with some mods yet)
  8. Username: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Skype (If U have One): iPwnKatkat Do Your Record?? Yes Or No: No If Yes Whats your Channel and : N/A How Many Subs??: N/A How Much experience Do You Have With The ModPack?? 1-10: 9.5 Are You A Builder, redstoner, Explorer, or all of them: Builder and Explorer Are You A Good Builer?? 1-10: 7.5 Are You Going to be Active??? Tell Me How Long/When you can/will come on: Yes more than 4 hours a day on normal days Will You ever Donate (Wont Affect Chances Of Getting Picked): Unlikely but there's a possibility Will You Help The Community?: Yes, if you need my help I will try my best to help you out. Why Should i pick you out of everyone else??: To be honest, that doesn't matter for me. Pick me if you think I deserve to be chosen but if not then I at least thank you for acknowledging me.
  9. Basics: I love AOTB I would just like to see if I can play on a server host that is far from where I live, if it doesn't work out well, I will not play. In game name: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Timezone: EST (USA) About You: I am a female gamer who loves to play minecraft and AOTB is my favorite modpack. Describe your Minecraft experience: When I first started playing MC I spent the whole day playing to understand the whole game and it was a very fun experience Describe your experience with Minecraft servers: AOTB Whitelisted Servers always seem to have at least 1 problem but I'm hoping this server will have a small to no problem at all. Have you ever been banned? This is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but please explain what happened: No, I have never been banned. What skills do you bring to this server?: I like to help others when needed and I can join everyone in community events or games. Anything Else? Optional.Is there anything you'd like to ask us or you'd like to share? Is there anything important for the staff to know?: Just in case, this is my skype: iPwnKatkat
  10. Ign: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Location: United States Why Would You Like To Join: To play AOTB in a whitelisted multiplayer sever How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: From a range of 1-10 I would say 9 What Mod Are You Best At: Tinker's Construct Skype: iPwnKatkat
  11. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Location:(You Dont Have To Share If Don't Want To) United States Why Would You Like To Join: Seems like a nice community How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: I have been playing for over 2 months What Mod Are You Best At: Advanced Genetics Skype:(If You Have It) iPwnKatkat
  12. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Location:(You Dont Have To Share If Don't Want To) United States Why Would You Like To Join: Seems like a nice community How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT: I have been playing for over 2 months What Mod Are You Best At: Advanced Genetics Skype:(If You Have It) iPwnKatkat
  13. IGN: iPwnKakat Age: 13 What country are you from? United States Why TotalAttack? Seems like a cool community Would I find your name on MCBANS? If so why? No Do you agree to the rules above?​ Yes Skype (Just in case): iPwnKatkat
  14. Got it! I will edit it Question though, How will we know if we get accepted or not?
  15. 1. Ign(Minecraft Username): iPwnKatkat 2. Age: 13 3. Skype (Required): iPwnKatkat 4. Any builds your planning on doing? I'm really interested in Greek and Roman buildings so maybe like the Colosseum or the Parthenon! 5. What are your favorite mod(s) in AotBT? Tinker's Construct, Project Red, Advanced Gen. and many others 6. How long have you been playing AotBT? More than a month but I have a lot of experience with the mods 7. Anything else I need to know? Nope Thank you for reading this!
  16. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 but I am mature for my age if I mess up, ban me! I would just really love to join a whitelist server and it seems like a lot of fun Skype (If needed) : iPwnKatkat
  17. IGN: iPwnKatkat What is your favorite mod in the pack? Advanced Genetics, Tinker's Construct and Project Red Are you a builder, explorer, or tech genuis? Builder and Explorer How well do you know the mods? ( will not effect your chances on getting accepted) From 1-10 I would say like 8 Age: 13 Youtube: I don't make videos Additional Just in case: My Skype is iPwnKatkat
  18. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age (Don't have to say): 13 Skype (you may PM me if you wish): iPwnKatkat Why would you like to join the server?: To play AOTB with people so I won't be a loner Why would other people want you to be on the server?: Because I am very loyal and obedient (Follow all rules) and I can help people if needed
  19. Application:: Name: Katrina (Kat) IGN: iPwnKatkat Skype(MUST HAVE): iPwnKatkat Youtube: I don't make videos Age: 13 Why Do you want to join?: To play AOTB with people so I won't be a loner Anything Else: I thank you for reading my application
  20. Minecraft Username: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 A bit about yourself: I like Cheese! My favorite colors are Black, White and Red. I Hate Pie (Sorry if you like pie) on Minecraft I love to Mine for fancy ores or just cobble, LOVE To Build! Explore Too! and.... PVP!!!! I won't kill anyone randomly though, I would ask and make sure both parties are ready to fight Why should you be invited? Because I would just love to play AOTB with people so I wouldn't be a loner Just in case: My Skype is iPwnKatkat
  21. In-Game Name: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 Why do you want to play on this server: To play AOTB so I won't be a loner What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): Build, Mine, Explore and PvP FTW! What DON’T you like to do: Dying in lava Experience with modpack (1-10): 8 (I have played a lot in my single player world) What is love: Pain Squirtle or Pikachu: Squirtle is just, ehh.. BUT Pikachu! Is like, "Pika...Pika...CHUUUUU!!" Addtional: My skype is iPwnKatkat
  22. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age: 12 [almost 13] Skype: iPwnKatkat Why Me?: I want to join a small server where people enjoy the modpack with me
  23. IGN: iPwnKatkat Age: 13 [Mature for my age] Skype: iPwnKatkat Average time you'll spend on the server: Everyday 2+ Hours Why do you want to join?: To play AOTBT with others who like AOTBT like me Will you follow the rules?: Yes, just what are the rules though?
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